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Capitalists may have the same mentality as Nazis: that people must be enslaved

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Of course it did.
Every system has.
But slavery isn't fundamental to capitalism
These days, it's merely one of the crimes
that can afflict society.
To say more would offend the OP's desiire
to avoid discussion of other systems.
It's the reality there are no inherent checks in capitalism to prevent slavery amd capitalists economies were forced, by government legislation, to cease the practice of slavery.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's the reality there are no inherent checks in capitalism to prevent slavery amd capitalists economies were forced, by government legislation, to cease the practice of slavery.
There is no inherent check against slavery in
any economic system, even the one you favor.
Also serfdom, hunter gatherer, plunderer,
socialism, communism, Marxism, & Star Trek.
This is why we have governments to prevent
practices we oppose.

You should ask yourself....
Of all economic systems that have been &
are being practiced, which ones yield or
have yielded the best results per your values?
This is more useful than applying a criticism
to a single one.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Sooooo in your view, they would be better off starving? I respectfully disagree!
What a dumbass straw man. Are you trying to justify the exploitation of those who are desperate or vulnerable? What about the problem with child prostitution in many 3rd world nations? "They would starve otherwise. That makes it okay!"


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That's what transpires from Hannah Arendt's books : that the IG Farben demanded from the Nazis slave labor, and Jews were exploited so that the Capitalists that owned the IG Farben could obtain the profit maximization, and produce chemicals with basically zero costs of productions.
That's false. There'd still be production costs,
eg, indirect labor, facilities, utilities, raw materials.
But most of the direct labor cost would be free.


Veteran Member
It didn't do that to me, nor most other capitalists that I know, which is just about everybody I know.

You seem to be calling robber baron or unregulated capitalism unqualified capitalism. I'm the kind of capitalist who supports a degree of socialism and a lot of regulation to keep the greedy people of whom you write in check.

Here's what the profit incentive motivates people to do:
  • Work harder
  • Be efficient.
  • Be innovative.
  • Rob and cheat others while despoiling the environment.
Three of those help everybody, and the last can be mitigated.

In the States, that's the war the Republicans are waging. They want the protections instituted by liberals removed. That's who you're talking about, and those are enemies and parasites.

But somebody like me is entirely different. I support having those regulations. And I wasn't interested in cheating or otherwise harming anybody. I successfully competed for a seat in medical school because of the many things it would bring me (which was more than money), worked long hours studying, in residency, and then in practice, traded my skills for a good living, and made a difference in people's lives for the things capitalism could provide me. That's what the profit incentive drives people to do. I sure wouldn't do all of that for the same wages and other perks I could earn doing much less.

Most capitalists fit that description. They're selling their time or labor or product or expertise, not losing their humanity.
How many workers did you employ? What were their wages compared to your profit?


Well-Known Member
What a dumbass straw man. Are you trying to justify the exploitation of those who are desperate or vulnerable? What about the problem with child prostitution in many 3rd world nations? "They would starve otherwise. That makes it okay!"
You think getting rid of capitalism will end child prostitution in 3rd world nations?
Look; I never said Capitalism will solve all of the world problems, I’m saying it is the best economic system we have to date. But with all economic systems, there needs to be limits and laws in place to prevent abuse. But to look at an atrocity that is happening under Capitalism, and to ignore the same atrocity is happening under all the other economic systems in place; and to then pretend as if these atrocities would just magically disappear if we got rid of capitalism; this is foolish.
You mentioned sweat shops and child labor before; that stuff happened in the USA. Why? Because the USA was unable to afford the safeguards we have in place today. But the minute we were able to afford to do better, we did better. But to pretend as if getting rid of capitalism back then and replacing it with socialism, communism, or some other economic system would have magically made things better? Of course not! Especially when you look at how things were for the communist country's of that day compared to the USA.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
You think getting rid of capitalism will end child prostitution in 3rd world nations?
Look; I never said Capitalism will solve all of the world problems, I’m saying it is the best economic system we have to date. But with all economic systems, there needs to be limits and laws in place to prevent abuse. But to look at an atrocity that is happening under Capitalism, and to ignore the same atrocity is happening under all the other economic systems in place; and to then pretend as if these atrocities would just magically disappear if we got rid of capitalism; this is foolish.
You mentioned sweat shops and child labor before; that stuff happened in the USA. Why? Because the USA was unable to afford the safeguards we have in place today. But the minute we were able to afford to do better, we did better. But to pretend as if getting rid of capitalism back then and replacing it with socialism, communism, or some other economic system would have magically made things better? Of course not! Especially when you look at how things were for the communist country's of that day compared to the USA.
I can demonstrate you that most African countries are underdevelopped because of Capitalism.
Especially Western Africa, and also Nigeria. If socialism broke out in those countries, they would immensely improve their own lives, and people wouldn't have to migrate to other countries.
The evils of Capitalism destroyed the African society since the 19th century when evil European Capitalists (from any country, including mine) colonized Africa and exploited their materials and natural resources.


Well-Known Member
I can demonstrate you that most African countries are underdevelopped because of Capitalism.
Okay; I invite you to demonstrate this.
Especially Western Africa, and also Nigeria. If socialism broke out in those countries, they would immensely improve their own lives, and people wouldn't have to migrate to other countries.
Please explain how these countries would improve under Socialism
The evils of Capitalism destroyed the African society since the 19th century when evil European Capitalists (from any country, including mine) colonized Africa and exploited their materials and natural resources.
Are you under the impression that only the countries with Capitalist economic systems are capable of Colonizing? That Socialist countries won’t do this?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Okay; I invite you to demonstrate this.
Economist Bifarini: Title of the Book: Africa, neo-liberism and mass migration.
Please explain how these countries would improve under Socialism
With a Marshall Plan that would nationalize all the resources and raw materials, especially metals and rainforests.
I have some news for you: in Africa there are thieves and robbers who steal these resources from these nations.
Are you under the impression that only the countries with Capitalist economic systems are capable of Colonizing? That Socialist countries won’t do this?
Is colonizing a bad thing or a good thing?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
With a Marshall Plan that would nationalize all the resources and raw materials, especially metals and rainforests.
I have some news for you: in Africa there are thieves and robbers who steal these resources from these nations.
Yeah. Capitalists have crippled so many economies that many countries can't even establish their own bourgeois class independent of colonial powers. Of course we live comfortably but poverty is rampant in places of economic repression.
Without doubt global powers and relations would be very different if each nation got to keep their own resources.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
You think getting rid of capitalism will end child prostitution in 3rd world nations?
Nope. Never said or implied anything of the sort. I was merely saying that in some places/situations, people don't have the option of quitting even if the work conditions and pay are terrible. Taking advantage of such people who have no other choice by overworking and underpaying them is unethical. For example, children working long hours in sweatshops or in extremely dangerous conditions for pennies. It's not capitalism that bothers me (when practiced ethically). It's exploitation.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I idolize Robert Kennedy Jr.
That weird piece of ****? Why?


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
That weird piece of ****? Why?

Honestly I read titles of media that have been telling lots of inaccurate news for decades...
so...pardon me...but I rest my case.
He is a great politician who loves the United States, he loves justice and equality, and his father and uncle have sacrificed their lives to defend these values.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Honestly I read titles of media that have been telling lots of inaccurate news for decades...
so...pardon me...but I rest my case.
He is a great politician who loves the United States, he loves justice and equality, and his father and uncle have sacrificed their lives to defend these values.

Dismissing something as "inaccurate" solely because it doesn't favor your narrative is a bit childish, don't you think?