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Cardinal Pell and Evolution


Well-Known Member
For a long time I've been struggling with Genesis. I cannot accept the view that Adam and Eve are historical people and our first parents. Repeatedly I hear references to them in that way in sermons and discussions. I keep going back to a programme I saw from Australia where Cardinal Pell was asked for the view of the Catholic Church on Genesis. He quite plainly, described the book as allegorical. He went on to say that the Church now viewed evolution as the explanation for human origins. That also seems to be backed up by writings of Pope Benedict. So why, especially among Americans, is the literal interpretation put forward as doctrine?
I know that commentators argue that to ignore a literal Adam would mean that the death and resurrection of Jesus would be pointless and thus Christianity is rendered pointless too. But, is that really the case? Can we not accept that there are spiritual meanings to the Genesis stories and they were written long before Jesus. The sacrifice of Jesus doesn't have to have a direct link with the fall of the figurative Adam does it?
Apologies for the clumsiness of my points, you can tell that I'm not a theologian. I am however, someone who lost faith for over 50 years and for the last 10 keeps finding it again but then having doubts as described.
Any comments would be welcomed.
Humans have two centers of consciousness, the inner self and the ego. The inner self is older and is the center of consciousness within all animals. Your dog or cat has an inner self. The inner self is connected to the DNA and the conscious propensities of each species. The ego center is much newer in terms of evolution and only appears within humans.

The theory of evolution, as applied to humans, begins with the first humans out of Africa, who has an inner self, like the rest of the animals on earth.The Bible and Genesis focuses more on the appearance of the newer human secondary center or ego; Adam. The ego consolidates; sustainable, at about the start of sustained civilization, 6000 or so years ago. The inner self appears to be able to support this secondary.

Evolution is about natural selection. While civilization altered natural selection, because of the ego. The ego started, what we could call, manmade selection, due to will power and choices that the ego had to offer.

Darwin had to travel to the remote island of Galapagos to formulate his theory of natural selection. He could not do this and offer proof in his native country of England. The reason was, the entire island of England had been altered, in some way, by the presence of man; civilized ego. Natural selection was no longer in full affect in England. There was too much man made selection, such as the Royal Forests, stocked for game. It wasn't until Darwin reached that remote island of Galapagos, where humans had barely stepped, could he see pure natural selection. English gardens had plants from all over the world, which wad not natural to England, but based on human selection at market places.

Genesis is about a unique change in the evolution of human consciousness, symbolized by Adam and Eve. Adam would have had human DNA, but he had the new secondary center of consciousness, that today we call the ego.

Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain was a tiller of the soil and Abel was a herder of animals. When Cain kills Abel, this symbolize a choice and willful action where farming supersedes migratory herding, and civilization is off to the races. Abel was the natural human of evolution, led by the inner self; migratory herder. Cain was more led by his ego and was detached from natural instinct; killed his brother.

The DNA platform behind the modern theory of evolution, does not tell their whole story behind the rise of civilization and the change, to man made selection, driven by a new secondary or ego center. The Bible documents those early days. Humans become unnatural which leads to the story of Noah and a great flood. The flood appears to symbolize a swallowing of ego consciousness, by the inner self and unconscious mind, leading to an update in the ego's operating system. After that, the ancient advanced kingdoms of the West, like Egypt appear. They has a better balance between the ego and the inner self, with the inner self; gods, helping the ego process advance construction techniques, with bareboat tools, that even today baffle science.

This is easy to see from the water side of biological evolution, which biology leaves out; half baked.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Scriptures have been shown to be a rock ... They are stable, eternal, true, solid, indestructible. No one can destroy them, no matter how hard they try.
That's a flaw, not an endorsement. They're fossilized now that they have been written down and widely disseminated as unchanging truth, which is why they just aren't relevant today.

Consider the sexual proscriptions Let's see - every young maiden needs to get married at the age of fertility, she must not withhold sex, they must not use the rhythm method, masturbate, or have gay sex, nobody gets a divorce, and when technology made it feasible, they were never to have elective sterilization, use birth control, or get abortions.

Those are the values of people whose continued existence depended on every fertile womb is generating another baby at all times. Their men died in endless war, their women in childbirth, their babies often died before two years of age, and everybody was dying of infection and accidental poisonings at a significant rate.

This fossilized scripture is still informing believers today, who are still trying to force unwanted birth for reasons they don't understand and when that is a counterproductive value.
In close to 2 millennia those who tried have not been able to
We have no need to eliminate any scriptures. Please enjoy them even as others ignore them.
Nor can anyone eliminate the people who fully trust them: the Nazis, the communists, the atheists, and an endless number of brave ones (???) tried it... Why do you think they couldn't?
Likewise, there is no need to exterminate believers. It's enough to keep them out of government and to insure freedom from religion as an option.
scientists are not infallible, they do not always agree with each other, they cannot know everything, they rectify many times, etc.
And that's a feature, not a bug, for the same reason that fossilized scripture is a flaw. We need to be flexible and adapt to new evidence.
Believing that science is God is like believing that a house can be built on sand.
I guess you assume that we need a god, and if it isn't yours, it's something else. The house of sand is belief by faith. What could be a less firm foundation for belief than the will to believe? Unexamined belief is guessing.
even without the originals, it is the most published and widespread book in all of human history
I bet you think that that means that people can't wait to get a copy and read it. Christianity is the most marketed religion in history, and those Bibles are mostly unread and often given at no charge by those promoting the religion to sustain it.

"To most Christians, the bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it. They just scroll down to the bottom and click "I agree." - anon
The important truth is what God is like. God is love, God forgives those who forgive others etc.
That's not truth as I use the word. For starters, if gods exist, nobody know that or anything about them, because knowledge is acquired empirically, not by believing unfalsifiable claims like the above.
I use subjective criteria of course.
Then what value are your conclusions to those using objective criteria?
we were talking about how science and academic history deal with claims of the supernatural and not about science in general. Supernatural claims in history are supposed to be dealt with in a neutral way but are not and international academic bodies don't seem to be able to see that.
Science makes no comment about anybody's claims except those of other scientists in peer review. Their job is to investigate nature, which is all there is as far as we know, and though they're not looking for gods like the ID people were, if they find one, they'll let us know right away. That has to be good enough for the religions. If they want more, they'll have to do it themselves. Complaining about the scientific method is pointless.
When it comes to prophecies, ignoring the prophecies means presuming that they have been written after the fact. This is not neutral. You would think that academic societies could see that.
They do understand that, and they ARE unbiased in their rejections. When prophecy is called fraud (after the fact), it's because of evidence. Most prophecy is rejected for other reasons, usually vagueness or lack of specificity.
I am a Geologist with over fifty years of field experience. One of my specialties is geomorphology the study of how landforms and rocks form. We can actually see the natural processes that formed the ancient rocks of the world happening today all over the world. What is your academic background in geology?
He's a creationist. He's spent years studying his Bible and hearing sermons. Academics is just the worship of science. Truth is acquired by faith.
That some idea is based on reality, doesn't make it necessary true.
The critical thinkers criteria for belief require that it accurately map some aspect of reality sufficient to allow one to make accurate predictions. That makes it based in reality and can be considered correct unless falsified by failing in prediction. That is the sine qua non of a correct belief. You can't falsify (successfully refute) a correct idea.
If there was Noah's flood, we should find:
1. Vast sediment formations
2. Orogenic mountains
3. Oil, gas and coal fields
4. Marine fossils on high mountain areas.
5. modern continents and signs of breaking of original single continent.

Those are objectively verifiable evidence for the flood.
Others have already told you why none of that makes a global flood likely. We have evidenced, naturalistic explanations for them all. Number 4 is my guess why we have this unflattering (to the deity) myth, who is depicted as an intellectual and moral failure for failing as a creator, blaming his creation, torturing most of it with drowning deaths, and then using the same breeding stock to repopulate the earth. One needs a very good reason to tell such a tale, and what else could it be but finding marine fossils on mountaintops?

Remember, many of these myths (expulsion from paradise, Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah) exists to explain reality as the ancients found it under the belief that their world was ruled by a tri-omni god. How did those shells get up there? Global flood, obviously. Why would a good god do that? Man must have deserved it. It was punishments for sin - the same reason he doesn't live in paradise, can understand foreign speakers, and likely found two cities obliterated by a meteoric impact. The answer is always the same under the imagined reign of a good, all-powerful god. Bad human!
fossils are evidence for that at some point there was such a living thing that for some reason died and was fossilized. Fossil is not evidence for anything more.
You are offering yourself as a competent evaluator of evidence as if your conclusions ought to be meaningful to those who see themselves as competent at that.
Sorry, I don't believe that. And I think it goes against everything that can actually be observed in nature. I say there is no intelligent reason to believe in 3.7 billion years. I think nature looks exactly what it would be after the flood.
And again. What you believe is only relevant to critical thinkers if you show your work and it convinces. Those beliefs are for you and others willing to believe by faith.
To explain why it is there and why it died and was fossilized, we would require more information/observations. I believe it is there because of what happened during the great flood.
We have that evidence. You don't, and that's by choice. If you'd like to see it yourself, you'll need to do a little open-minded investigating.
explanation is not the same as evidence.
Explanation is the narrative unifying all relevant evidence, and we prefer the most parsimonious narrative that can do that.
Explanation can be wrong and rejecting it is not the same as rejecting the evidence.
The difference between the two camps is the reason for rejecting a narrative. If your reason is that it conflicts with your religious beliefs, that's of no value to those who only reject narratives when they fail to account for all relevant observation as parsimoniously as possible, as when a new relevant observation not predicted by the narrative surfaces. At that point, the narrative is modified to account for the new observation.
Biblical flood would have caused many different layers
Why do you believe that? Have you never seen the aftermath of a flood? The layers of sediment deposited can be shoveled away as we are seeing in the aftermath of a violent flood following a hurricane storm surge. Contrast that with the Grand Canyon, which represents orders of magnitude more sedimentation than a flood produces.


Premium Member

You asked for an example and I gave it.
Daniel 11 prophecy is dated with the idea in mind that the writer did not know about the death of Antiochus IV and so the prophecy must have been written before it happened.

I believe this prophecy naming Antiochus IV is more a prediction?, the context of the whole is an interpretation that fits your agenda. Everyone dies. I will follow up.
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Jesus in me
There is overwhelming evidence for evolution. There was no "first couple" of humans. Modern humans evolved very slowly from earlier hominids. There was no single moment when "Wow, look the first homo sapiens sapiens!"
I believe it is so great you were there to observe all of that and God must have been on vacation so He wouldn't have known, lol.


Jesus in me
What is this "word of god" and how do you know it is not mythology? Now we are talking about the Bible and it is demonstrably mythology.
The Word of God contains many things: the words God spoke, history wisdom and stories. It is that because God inspired it to be written.

I believe mythology consists of stories that can't be verified. The word of God is verified by God.


Premium Member

Daniel 11 prophecy is dated with the idea in mind that the writer did not know about the death of Antiochus IV and so the prophecy must have been written before it happened.
If it was written early as you claim. Aslo you bypass the problems with Daniel and the prophecies.

Daniel's final vision is set in "the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia": this marks 70 years since Daniel's own captivity began (606 BCE), and thus the fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecy that the exile would last 70 years.[20] Chapter 11, the centre-piece of the revelation, gives a broad sweep of history from the 6th century BCE to the 2nd, but the coverage is uneven: two centuries of Persian history plus Alexander the Great's conquests and the breakup of his empire, over two and a half centuries of history, are covered in three verses (2–4), but the century and a half of wars between the Ptolemies of Egypt and the Seleucids of Syria receive 16 verses (5–20), and the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, which lasted less than ten years, gets 25 (21–45).[14]

Verses 20–39, the bulk of the historically accurate verses, deal with Antiochus, who reigned 175–164 BCE. Verse 21 describes him as "the contemptible person to whom royal majesty has not been given", meaning that he came to the throne by questionable means. Verse 22 notes his removal of the High Priest Onias III, (Antiochus sold the priesthood twice over, first to a relative of Onias named Jason, and then to a rival of Jason's named Menelaus), and verses 23–24 apparently refer to his liberality in scattering the spoils among his supporters. Verses 25–28 describe his first war with Egypt, in 170 BCE, in which he was largely but not entirely successful. In 169, on his way back to Syria, he stopped in Jerusalem to plunder the Temple (verse 28).[21]

In 168 Antiochus invaded Egypt again, but this time he was stopped by the Romans (the "ships of Kittim") and forced to retreat (verses 29–30).[Notes 3] Verses 30–31 describe the events that followed: passing once more through Jerusalem, Antiochus instituted a persecution of Jewish customs and religion, desecrated the Temple, and established a garrison there. Verses 32–39 describe the response of "the wise" (the group associated with the Book of Daniel) and "the many" (the population at large): the wise suffer and die so that the many will understand.[22][23] In time the faithful receive "a little help" (possibly, but not certainly, a reference to Judas Maccabeus, who led an armed revolt against the Greeks).[24] Verses 36–39 carry Antiochus's history to the cosmic plane, detailing the blasphemy of the tyrant who considered himself a demi-god. He "spoke astonishing things against the God of gods" and gave "no heed to the god of his fathers".[25]

Verses 40–45 finish the chapter with the prophecy that Antiochus would make war once again against Egypt, and would die in Judea.[22] In reality this did not happen; there was no third war and Antiochus died in Persia or in Babylon.
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Premium Member
I thought violence because of different doctrinal positions in Christian Churches was a thing of the past, but I suppose it might still happen. Do you have any details or examples of that?

I was talking about the opinions of people on the academic standards for supernatural claims.
I suppose you could call a faith based view "a personal preference with a religious agenda", but it has also to do with what is actually a neutral position to hold and what is not.
With other supernatural claims, ignoring them might work and be neutral, but with prophecies, ignoring them includes saying that they were written after the fact it seems, and that is a presumption about the date of writing of the prophecies and has an impact on what is said about the authenticity of the scriptures.
Historians most definitely do not ignore supernatural claims in all religions. They include them as religious beliefs of the different religions in the history of humanity. You are misusing the concepts of 'neutrality and ignore' and how academic history views religions in history

The problem with prophecies is that many interpret them differently over the millennia and no they do not have an 'impact on what is said about the authenticity of the scriptures.' The predictions of what prophecies mean often fail and are reinterpreted.

Prophecies of all sorts are as common as fleas on a feral dog.
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Premium Member
Humans have two centers of consciousness, the inner self and the ego. The inner self is older and is the center of consciousness within all animals. Your dog or cat has an inner self. The inner self is connected to the DNA and the conscious propensities of each species. The ego center is much newer in terms of evolution and only appears within humans.

The theory of evolution, as applied to humans, begins with the first humans out of Africa, who has an inner self, like the rest of the animals on earth.The Bible and Genesis focuses more on the appearance of the newer human secondary center or ego; Adam. The ego consolidates; sustainable, at about the start of sustained civilization, 6000 or so years ago. The inner self appears to be able to support this secondary.

Evolution is about natural selection. While civilization altered natural selection, because of the ego. The ego started, what we could call, manmade selection, due to will power and choices that the ego had to offer.

Darwin had to travel to the remote island of Galapagos to formulate his theory of natural selection. He could not do this and offer proof in his native country of England. The reason was, the entire island of England had been altered, in some way, by the presence of man; civilized ego. Natural selection was no longer in full affect in England. There was too much man made selection, such as the Royal Forests, stocked for game. It wasn't until Darwin reached that remote island of Galapagos, where humans had barely stepped, could he see pure natural selection. English gardens had plants from all over the world, which wad not natural to England, but based on human selection at market places.

Genesis is about a unique change in the evolution of human consciousness, symbolized by Adam and Eve. Adam would have had human DNA, but he had the new secondary center of consciousness, that today we call the ego.

Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain was a tiller of the soil and Abel was a herder of animals. When Cain kills Abel, this symbolize a choice and willful action where farming supersedes migratory herding, and civilization is off to the races. Abel was the natural human of evolution, led by the inner self; migratory herder. Cain was more led by his ego and was detached from natural instinct; killed his brother.

The DNA platform behind the modern theory of evolution, does not tell their whole story behind the rise of civilization and the change, to man made selection, driven by a new secondary or ego center. The Bible documents those early days. Humans become unnatural which leads to the story of Noah and a great flood. The flood appears to symbolize a swallowing of ego consciousness, by the inner self and unconscious mind, leading to an update in the ego's operating system. After that, the ancient advanced kingdoms of the West, like Egypt appear. They has a better balance between the ego and the inner self, with the inner self; gods, helping the ego process advance construction techniques, with bareboat tools, that even today baffle science.

This is easy to see from the water side of biological evolution, which biology leaves out; half baked.
I believe it is a 'half-baked' manipulation of scripture and science to force the mythology of Genesis to fit our modern knowledge of science and history. The account in the Bible describes a perfect world without sin, death, and suffering brought to an end by the sin of two fallible humans, and the basis of the fulfillment of prophecy and the purpose of Jesus Christ. The author or authors of both Genesis and the New Testament considered the accounts literal.


Veteran Member
I believe I have reasons for what I believe and those reasons do not come from fiction.
All the claims you made are fiction.
What you manage to believe, and the
mysterious "reasons" don't transmute
fiction into fact.


Veteran Member
I believe it is a 'half-baked' manipulation of scripture and science to force the mythology of Genesis to fit our modern knowledge of science and history. The account in the Bible describes a perfect world without sin, death, and suffering brought to an end by the sin of two fallible humans, and the basis of the fulfillment of prophecy and the purpose of Jesus Christ. The author or authors of both Genesis and the New Testament considered the accounts literal.
Half imagination, half uninformed and
half baked.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The Word of God contains many things: the words God spoke, history wisdom and stories. It is that because God inspired it to be written.

I believe mythology consists of stories that can't be verified. The word of God is verified by God.
You have to be kidding. You cannot verify that it was by God. You mentioned "prophecies". If you can be honest you will have to admit that there are only failed prophecies in the Bible and quote mining.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So the stopping of the prophecy or exclusions from the prophecy show when the prophecy was written? I suppose with the presumption that prophecy is rubbish and for people who think that, that might be the case.
Book of Daniel - Wikipedia

The language that it was written in tells you when it was written to. The closing of the book of prophecies and its noninclusion tells you that Jews, the ones that knew the Old Testament books best, did not consider it prophecy. It was not written at that time to be part of it. So the language used to write it, what prophecies they got right, what they missed that was obvious, that tells us when it was written. What do you have that shows that it was written when you think that it was written? Why didn't the Jews think that it was prophecy if it was written then? You need to make better arguments. You are the one with a heavy burden of proof and you have nothing.

So Daniel not having been quoted is evidence it did not exist. But Sirach did not quote others also, eg Ezra. He seems to be nationalistic and did not quote from those outside of Israel.
Daniel was not seen as a prophet of Israel but a seer I am told and also that many Jews don't count prophecy outside of Israel also.
So I guess those reasons for Daniel being written after the fact are not valid unless you want to believe that Daniel's prophecies were rubbish. Then you have dates to slot Daniel into and ignore the evidence to the contrary.
Wow, stop the foolish attempted strawman arguments if you want a conversation. They are dishonest and indicate that you know that you are wrong. An honest debater that really believes what he says that he believes does not use them.
Not seen as prophet but as seer.
Uh huh. Grasping at straws. Face it all of the reliable evidence tells us that it was written after the third century BCE. You need it much earlier than that and have no evidence for it.


Veteran Member
Daniel 11 prophecy is dated with the idea in mind that the writer did not know about the death of Antiochus IV and so the prophecy must have been written before it happened.

I don't know what "daniel 11 prophecy" is, but such are exactly the kind of claims i have been asking you to support with evidence.

Show me a scientific publication discussing the dating of said passage / book where what you said there is indeed given as the motivation for why it is dated like it is.

I'm calling BS.


Veteran Member
I bet you think that that means that people can't wait to get a copy and read it. Christianity is the most marketed religion in history, and those Bibles are mostly unread and often given at no charge by those promoting the religion to sustain it.

"To most Christians, the bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it. They just scroll down to the bottom and click "I agree." - anon

My drink almost came out through my nose from laughing with that software license analogy. :joycat:


Veteran Member
I believe it is so great you were there to observe all of that and God must have been on vacation so He wouldn't have known, lol.
I think that's a very juvenile response.

Anyhow. It sounds like you don't really understand how the proces of biological evolution works. Or rather, you understand the basic proces, but perhaps it's the "scale" of it that you have issues with. Geological time (100s of thousands, millions, 100s miliions years...) is dificult to comprehend for our human brains that deal more with timeframes of days, weeks, months or a few years.

A good analogy to envision the specific thing of a "first human couple", there being no "first" human.. is the evolution of language.
It follows the same principles. Accents emerge over time, not over night. These accents accumulate ever more changes to the language. Eventually it becomes a "different" language.

Consider the roman languages: italian, spanish, portugese, french
All these are derived from latin.
Think about it... A good 2 millenia ago, the people in those regions all spoke latin.
Over time, regonal accents develop throughout the roman empire. One region evolved into french. Another into Italian. Another into spanish.

Here are a few facts about that:

- The ancestors of spanish and italian speaking folks, spoke latin.
- Spanish and italian did not exist.
- Spanish and italian speaking folks can't have a conversation. They are different languages. They will share some similarities though.
- Every person ever born into a community, grew up to speak the same language / accent of that community.

And yet......... latin turned into spanish, italian,...

Tell me.
Was there a "first" spanish speaking person?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It's very difficult to have an intelligent discussion with those who don't study and yet think they know the answers. Just an overview of some of the "discussions" I've seen on this thread alone.

Sorry to be snarky. :(


Active Member
This leads people away from the truth and down another path, a path where certainly the truth of the gospel is not found and is even denied.

There are many denominations that disagree about what the Bible says or means and deny that any but they have the truth. Oneness denominations have specific verses and interpretations they cite, Jehovah's Witnesses have theirs, Catholic have theirs, Evangelicals have theirs, all claiming the truth. And sadly, in some cases, denying that others are Christians. Paul said we all see through a glass darkly. It seems unwise to be overly concerned about who's right.