I've seen and heard of all kinds of marriages put back together after alcoholism or some other form of abusiveness hurt a family. It can be done but it's important not to confuse lack of trust with unforgiveness.
Even if 'it' can be done, who the hell would want to?
Living with someone you can never really trust...
What is the up side?
Living with someone who once abused you?
It's a done deal.
and for forgiveness?
you can only forgive a person who is sorry.
This is no reason to hold onto resentment and anger though.
This will only hurt you.
Even in a case where there has been remorse and forgiveness,
this is still no reason to think that attempts at an intimately loving relationship
should be embarked upon again.
It IS OK to move on.
It's healthy.
As well, It is not healthy or necessary to give up a lifetime of intimate love
because a previous partnership failed.
These are obvious Self evident truths,
that do not reqire any divine revelation.
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