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Christ is not some "hippy"

I think the view of Christianity as to be "loving and non-judgmental" misses the point.

Christ said he came not to bring peace on earth but a sword. Matt. 10

The reason is because Christianity would be the vehicle to convert the world to God; before the final Judgment.

So - that conversion would pit people against each other, families, friends everyone. Christ knew this.

He didn't come to bring peace, he came to judge those who were wrong; and to convert those who were right and to therefore fulfill the next to last chapter of God's plan.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
What about all those other quotes about love and forgiveness?

And a sword may not necessarily be a symbol opposing peace. It's in the Riddle of Steel. ;)
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Veteran Member
I say he was a socialist who taught peace and love. Suppose we'll have to agree to differ. I think your guy sounds kind of scary.....


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I think the view of Christianity as to be "loving and non-judgmental" misses the point.

Christ said he came not to bring peace on earth but a sword. Matt. 10

The reason is because Christianity would be the vehicle to convert the world to God; before the final Judgment.

So - that conversion would pit people against each other, families, friends everyone. Christ knew this.

He didn't come to bring peace, he came to judge those who were wrong; and to convert those who were right and to therefore fulfill the next to last chapter of God's plan.

Why would he need to convert those who were right?

Matt.:9:11And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?

12But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. 13But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
I don't know how this is even contestable it just shows most people don't read their Bibles.

Christ says to judge someone, but not to do so as a hypocrite, he still tells you to judge however.

How is that "loving and forgiving"? Well maybe you should understand how those two phrases are being used as well.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't know how this is even contestable it just shows most people don't read their Bibles.

Christ says to judge someone, but not to do so as a hypocrite,

Where exactly?

he still tells you to judge however.

Oh! So that's what he meant when he said, "Judge not lest ye be judged".

How is that "loving and forgiving"? Well maybe you should understand how those two phrases are being used as well.

Matt 22:

36Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38This is the first and great commandment.
39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
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I don't know how this is even contestable it just shows most people don't read their Bibles.

Christ says to judge someone, but not to do so as a hypocrite, he still tells you to judge however.

How is that "loving and forgiving"? Well maybe you should understand how those two phrases are being used as well.

Reading the Bible is just one way to find out who your daddy is.

There are many other ways....


Miss Independent
I think i understand where you are coming from. Jesus did say, that he did not come to condemn the world but rather to save it. And he also said...he brought a sword. That was 2000 years ago.

A sword does leave you with the idea of war, but a sword is also a cutting instrument, and can be used to seperate and/or divide that which is good from that which is not. Like a cutting instrument that seperates the meet from the bones. And so...that is what the sword does, it makes obvious who is on the right and who is on the left. And well...that means that people even in the same family might very well be on opposite sides.

Thomas Merton said....if you found god easily maybe you havent found him at all.


I think i understand where you are coming from. Jesus did say, that he did not come to condemn the world but rather to save it. And he also said...he brought a sword. That was 2000 years ago.

A sword does leave you with the idea of war, but a sword is also a cutting instrument, and can be used to seperate and/or divide that which is good from that which is not. Like a cutting instrument that seperates the meet from the bones. And so...that is what the sword does, it makes obvious who is on the right and who is on the left. And well...that means that people even in the same family might very well be on opposite sides.

Thomas Merton said....if you found god easily maybe you havent found him at all.
Well, the same Jesus might not have said those two statements.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
I don't know how this is even contestable it just shows most people don't read their Bibles.
I read my Bible every single day and it doesn't mention any of what you talk about . . . of course it's not the Judeo-Christian Bible!:run:


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I read my Bible every single day and it doesn't mention any of what you talk about . . . of course it's not the Judeo-Christian Bible!:run:

Mine is and I still don't know what he's talking about. :shrug:


I think the view of Christianity as to be "loving and non-judgmental" misses the point.

Yes, there is a long tradition of Christians just like who who use the Bible to steal, kill, and destroy. Your version of Christianity is precisely what Nietzsche calls "the will to nothingness proclaimed holy." This is a particularly deadly heresy that has sucked the life out of generations of people.

He didn't come to bring peace, he came to judge those who were wrong; and to convert those who were right and to therefore fulfill the next to last chapter of God's plan.

Maybe someday you'll stand before this Christ.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think the view of Christianity as to be "loving and non-judgmental" misses the point.

Christ said he came not to bring peace on earth but a sword. Matt. 10

The reason is because Christianity would be the vehicle to convert the world to God; before the final Judgment.

So - that conversion would pit people against each other, families, friends everyone. Christ knew this.

He didn't come to bring peace, he came to judge those who were wrong; and to convert those who were right and to therefore fulfill the next to last chapter of God's plan.

You're right. Hippies would be superior to that sort of thing.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
It's just further evidence of how we project the gods we get. The text clearly sends conflicting messages, and what you pick up on will depend a great deal on your own temperament. This is why angry, judgmental people worship angry, judgmental gods, and peaceful, tolerant people worship peaceful, tolerant gods. As Dopp and others like to remind us, it's all about the shape of your mirror.


It's just further evidence of how we project the gods we get. The text clearly sends conflicting messages, and what you pick up on will depend a great deal on your own temperament. This is why angry, judgmental people worship angry, judgmental gods, and peaceful, tolerant people worship peaceful, tolerant gods. As Dopp and others like to remind us, it's all about the shape of your mirror.

But a fool sees a wise-man when they look into their mirror, and wise men see fools.


Well-Known Member
I have read the Bible more than once and from what I understood Jesus would not have wrath until the kindom (earth) was handed over to him from God. Christ says when he returns his words will be as a two edged sword. He also states that not until this time, God will be the judge of man, not Jesus. I was not aware "hippies" were around more than 2000 years ago. If you listen to someone who jumps around in the Bible to get their own interpretations, you can make what you want from it. Try reading it the way it was meant to be, there will be much less confusion.


Veteran Member
I think the view of Christianity as to be "loving and non-judgmental" misses the point.

Christ said he came not to bring peace on earth but a sword. Matt. 10

The reason is because Christianity would be the vehicle to convert the world to God; before the final Judgment.

So - that conversion would pit people against each other, families, friends everyone. Christ knew this.

He didn't come to bring peace, he came to judge those who were wrong; and to convert those who were right and to therefore fulfill the next to last chapter of God's plan.
Jesus said a lot of things. I think it's a big mistake to base your concept of him on just a few sentences.

Also, keep in mind that Jesus was the man who spoke, and "the Christ" was the perspective from which he was speaking. That perspective was that of God's love and forgiveness made flesh: made human, in the form of Jesus the Christ. Jesus did not come to judge, but to forgive us. And that's exactly what he did, even as we tortured and murdered him. This was true love, and true forgiveness.

If you want to use Jesus as a weapon to attack your fellow humans, and to condemn them on account of their sins, I think you will be completely missing the whole point of Jesus' life and death. And certainly of his resurrection.

A man asked Jesus what he would have us do, here on Earth, and Jesus said he would give us only one command: to love God and to love our brothers and sisters as ourself. And he called this one command because knew that to do the one, is to do the other. So put your weapons away, if you want to be a Christian, and take up that cross of love and forgiveness. Believe me, it will be far more of a challenge than ANY holy war you could ever envision.