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Christian Evolutionist:


Miss Independent
I just want to point out how strangely captivating it is to see Christians insist that they are the "only true Christians" (tm) and the other isn't. Dogma is a blast.


I did not evolve. Maybe you did I didnt. If that makes me exclusive then all i can say is thank you.



Well-Known Member
You can be a Christian and believe in evolution. In fact, most pure creationists are dimwitted when I debate them and show how it is impossible to have no evolution. Even the smallest form. God created creatures, and they evolved over time.

Correct!:) Sadly, some Christians take the story of creation as literal. Actually, the Creation story was written to show how powerful God is to the Israelites and not to explain the origin of living things. It's symbolical.;)


Miss Independent
Correct!:) Sadly, some Christians take the story of creation as literal. Actually, the Creation story was written to show how powerful God is to the Israelites and not to explain the origin of living things. It's symbolical.;)

Lawrence, sadly people have bought into the evolution theory. Evolution can not predict what we will evolve into..and therefore is not a proper scientific fact.

For instance, when Einstein proposed relativity he also proposed three different tests that could be run to see if he was right or not. These were subsequently done (for example, gravitational lenses, etc).

Scientists should have done the same thing with evolution?

No..mostly they will take anything they can get and misconstrew it into evidence that evolution is a scientific fact, when in fact it has never been properly determined to be a fact.

God aside...the whole evolution theory is an example of bad science in action.

Also the morality of the mastermind behind evolution...darwin...is questionable.

There are many scienitist who believe that evolution is pushed by scientists who dont feel any moral obligation to the truth and therefore would come up with 'scientific' facts to please their fancies.

Scientists just like politicians want to get ahead in life. They dont care what they say...as long as it makes a splash.

And Hitler certainly caught onto the evolution theory fast. And used it to destroy and kill many people.

I really believe that people who want to believe in evolution cannot do so while keeping a straight face. You really think we came from an ape?

Besides the fact that evolution cannot explain why we have only been advancing as we have in the last 6000 (give or take) years after evolving for millions of years...is not something you are likely to get an answer to.



Well-Known Member
Lawrence, sadly people have bought into the evolution theory. Evolution can not predict what we will evolve into..and therefore is not a proper scientific fact.

For instance, when Einstein proposed relativity he also proposed three different tests that could be run to see if he was right or not. These were subsequently done (for example, gravitational lenses, etc).

Scientists should have done the same thing with evolution?

No..mostly they will take anything they can get and misconstrew it into evidence that evolution is a scientific fact, when in fact it has never been properly determined to be a fact.

God aside...the whole evolution theory is an example of bad science in action.

Also the morality of the mastermind behind evolution...darwin...is questionable.

There are many scienitist who believe that evolution is pushed by scientists who dont feel any moral obligation to the truth and therefore would come up with 'scientific' facts to please their fancies.

Scientists just like politicians want to get ahead in life. They dont care what they say...as long as it makes a splash.

And Hitler certainly caught onto the evolution theory fast. And used it to destroy and kill many people.

I really believe that people who want to believe in evolution cannot do so while keeping a straight face. You really think we came from an ape?

Besides the fact that evolution cannot explain why we have only been advancing as we have in the last 6000 (give or take) years after evolving for millions of years...is not something you are likely to get an answer to.


Well I don't believe in the Darwinian theory. Hah! Take it from a man who teached that we are from apes and towards the end of his life, he had repented and said "Tell them about Jesus Christ!" All I'm trying to say is that if science discovered something new, we should not be afraid of it. Instead, it should be studied carefully. I did not say that if science discovered this or that, we need to believe it immediately.;)
Are you actually going to EVER post your radiometric stuff?

And the evolutionists say billions of years. :slap:.

That deserves two slaps actually..:slap:

Not about humans!!!!!!!! I am very sorry to say but it has been displayed to me that you do not know that much about evolution(on any level) and like to put words in other people's mouths(by usiong fallacies), because of your lack of understanding and I might be wrong , but I am assuming that you have heard much from others like that of yourself, and that causes the foolishness.
And, yes I will diplay the radiometric dating facts, but I am more conserned about my other topic entitled; "is the bible inerrant debate".
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Intentionally Blank
It is quite possible that the rest of you evolved from a lower form of 'some kind'. It took some of you millions of years to develop a brain, and even longer to start using it.

But...me..my anscesters were created. Hence...my family tree has been thinking from day one.

[SIZE=+1]I rather have a miserable ape for a grandfather or a man highly endowed by nature and possessed of great means of influence & yet who employs these faculties & that influence for the mere purpose of introducing ridicule into a grave scientific discussion, I unhesitatingly affirm my preference for the ape.
T.H. Huxley
Lawrence, sadly people have bought into the evolution theory. Evolution can not predict what we will evolve into..and therefore is not a proper scientific fact.

For instance, when Einstein proposed relativity he also proposed three different tests that could be run to see if he was right or not. These were subsequently done (for example, gravitational lenses, etc).

Scientists should have done the same thing with evolution?

No..mostly they will take anything they can get and misconstrew it into evidence that evolution is a scientific fact, when in fact it has never been properly determined to be a fact.

God aside...the whole evolution theory is an example of bad science in action.

Also the morality of the mastermind behind evolution...darwin...is questionable.

There are many scienitist who believe that evolution is pushed by scientists who dont feel any moral obligation to the truth and therefore would come up with 'scientific' facts to please their fancies.

Scientists just like politicians want to get ahead in life. They dont care what they say...as long as it makes a splash.

And Hitler certainly caught onto the evolution theory fast. And used it to destroy and kill many people.

I really believe that people who want to believe in evolution cannot do so while keeping a straight face. You really think we came from an ape?

Besides the fact that evolution cannot explain why we have only been advancing as we have in the last 6000 (give or take) years after evolving for millions of years...is not something you are likely to get an answer to.

Heneni: You assume that , your "facts" are correct. And when you brought up Hitler, you are frightfully incorrect! HItler was not about evolution, it was about eugenics, which has nothing to do with evolution.

And when you say evolution as a whole , you are gravely mistaken! It is quite obvious that you do not realise all of the forms of evolution!
Here , I will spell everything out for you so that your confused mind can untwist itself. This should help your lack of understanding:
1. embryonic-evolution
2. cosmic-evolution
3. vestigial-evolution
4. macro-evolution
5. micro-evolution
There are many different forms of evolution. I do not accept cosmic-evolution, and some parts of vestigial-evolution.
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Intentionally Blank
World population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 10to the power of 89. The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies.
To understand why the creationists are wrong, consider this example. Suppose that a creationist were studying snowshoe hares, somewhere in Canada in the early 1930's. At that time, the bunnies were multiplying at a per capita rate of about r = 0.57 (57% per year). If that was all that our biologist knew about the rabbits' history and biology, the Morris calculation would enable him to determine that the first two snowshoe hares of all time appeared on Earth in late 1885, during the Cleveland Administration.8 Not only that, but the Morris calculation applied to minks, muskrats, foxes, and lynxes (which were also multiplying at that time) would also place the date of the creation of the Earth and life in the late 1800's. If one accepts that the Cleveland Administration was not the perpetrator of it all, then where are the errors? Here, two major mistakes are involved. First, the creationist in this instance did not use all of the known facts in arriving at his conclusion. Second, he assumed that the entire rabbit history was similar to that of those last few years that he was able to observe. In fact, the hares (and their predators) are known to cycle in abundance. In 1933 their numbers were increasing, but only as the latest in a series of roller coaster ups and downs that can be traced clear back into the 1700's. Over the long haul, r = 0 for the bunnies, a fact that would not be evident to an observer who watched them only during the early 30's.
The Morris calculation using human population statistics contains both elements of the "bunny blunder." Facts are ignored, and the assumption is made that all of human history prior to 1650 was characterized by growth like that seen from 1650 to 1800.
Unlike the bunny situation, we have no real knowledge of the true global human population size in medieval and earlier times. Almost all estimates are based on measures of carrying capacities of agricultural land and hunter/gatherer ranges, estimates of labor forces needed to construct various public works, and other indirect measures of population sizes.9 These estimates, many of which give world populations of about 1/4 billion at the time of Christ, are among the facts ignored by Morris.1 Others include the fact that humans must be a glaring exception to the usual situation in nature, if humans have experienced a high positive value of r throughout Earth history while all other species have had growth rates of approximately zero. Plagues and famines, also ignored by creationists, have decimated human populations with dreadful regularity over the ages. Where they have exerted their effects, population growth could not possibly have been rapid or even positive. When bubonic plague entered Europe during the mid-1300's, for example, nearly a quarter of the entire population died within one year, and European population actually declined for a century or two thereafter.10 Such episodes have been so common throughout human history that they can be considered to be the rule, rather than exceptional occurrences.11
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Finally, even the limited numerical data, which are not favorable to the creationists' argument, are ignored. In St. Botolph, a parish of London from which unusually complete burial and christening records have survived to the present day, the death rate slightly overshadowed the birth rate between 1558 and 1625 AD, and drastically overshadowed it during the plague years 1563, 1593, 1603 and 1625.12 Thus, r was always slightly negative during this period, and was drastically negative during the epidemic years.
Thus, although the "facts" in the human case are not as firm as in that of the snowshoe hares, nevertheless all of them point toward the same conclusion. That is, human population growth was probably negative, zero or near zero over much of times past. Only by ignoring these contrary indications and by assuming that the growth rate of the pre-Industrial Revolution years was somehow typical of all of human history can creationists arrive at the conclusion that two human individuals living in 4300 BC could in actual reality have produced the entire world population of today.
D.H. Milne
Heneni: You should cite your idiotic sources; otherwise you're plagiarizing.


Intentionally Blank
Correct me if im wrong...but im not the one who came up with the idea that we evolved from monkeys....if that is derogatory then stop believing it..

No one did; we evolved from a now extinct species, from which monkeys also evolved.


Intentionally Blank
Let's start at the beginning, Heneni. Do you know what the Theory of Evolution (ToE) is? What the theory actually says?