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Christian Evolutionist:


Intentionally Blank
So thuggishslicer...where is the evidence for this evolution of yours?

You are trying to dodge the issue.. if you have evidence showing that god made a few species and let them evolve into other species...then post your evidence.

There is so much evidence for the Theory of Evolution (ToE) that it will take me literally pages to lay it all out for you. It will take me a long time. However, I am willing to do it, if you will actually stick around, read, try to understand, and respond to it. Deal?


Intentionally Blank
Well god could have poofed everything into existance......how do you know he didnt?

How many animals were on that ark? Many

How many different types of vegetation, plant types, would have been needed to feed these animals. Many...im sure they did not all eat grass.

Did these plants all manage to evolve in a few hundred years?

Is that your "theory?" God magically poofed each separate species into existence, and they're not related to each other in any way?


Intentionally Blank
Chill bro...;) Go on..how does the church ignore radiometrics? Please dont tell me its similar to carbon dating. Carbon dating is about as reliable as my 1972 VW beetle.
It's obvious to the rest of us that you are speaking out of pure ignorance. Carbon dating is a type of radiometric dating. You are saying it's not reliable. On what do you base that? Did you know that it has been calibrated against other simple measurements such as tree rings, and validated? Do you even understand how it works, and why?


Intentionally Blank
Are you settling down a bit....phew....

Lets see....

1. Ok god poofed everything into existance...
2. You already insinuated that i was stupid...so tell me about the dinasours and the flood. I know that an inprint of a human foot and a dinasour foot was found together in a rock.
No you don't, it's a fraud, as has been proved. You've been lied to. You must have been listening to creationists.

Go on...what do you think happened to the dinasours during the flood?
What flood?


Intentionally Blank
When you say OBSERVED...what do you mean? How was the observations done? Who did the observations? Were the observations made by an evolutionist? Was their real time observations, or were conclusions drawn from fossils?

New species have been observed emerging in real time. The fact that you don't know this is indicative of your ignorance. That's O.K., ignorance is nothing to be ashamed of; I'm ignorant about lots of things. As long as you acknowledge that you're ignorant, and don't try to impose your ignorance on people who know about this, such as scientists who study it. Studies are cited in the link I gave you, if you want to read the original articles.


Intentionally Blank
When you say OBSERVED...what do you mean? How was the observations done? Who did the observations? Were the observations made by an evolutionist? Was their real time observations, or were conclusions drawn from fossils?


btw, Heneni, you might want to catch up even with creationism. Most creationists now accept that new species emerge (they have to, it's been seen). They call this "micro-evolution" and only deny that something else, which they call "macro-evolution" happens. Little tip for you, if you want to sound like a slightly informed creationist, at least.


Intentionally Blank
I dont know...i think you will have to post a few links..like you alwasy do. And i would have to be sure that the research was verified and hopefully compiled by a creationist. Evolutionists like to 'find' evidence where there is none. The entire evolution theory is based on evidence in hind site.

Its so easy to say...i dont know why we are here...lets come up with a theory. Even if there are plants and animals evolving...not that i say there is...but if there were ..i would never ever concede that humand evolved.


Even if the evidence shows that we did?


Intentionally Blank
And they thought the earth was flat too.
Right, the people who wrote the Bible thought the earth was flat. Through science, we have learned that it isn't. Same with evolution.
There is absolutely no that something as complex as the DNA strand can be fully understood. The code is so complex that it will fill many volumes of books. There is still much study to be done on DNA.
Of course there is! Thousands of scientists are studying our genes all the time. In that work, they have now sequenced all of our genes. Scientists actually know what genes we have. Isn't that amazing!


Intentionally Blank
Any scientific theory that is worth its gold, is able to predict what will happen in the future, based on current data and scientific evidence.

For example if something is thrown off a building we dont have to wonder if its going to come down, we know it is.

So if evolution is REALLY a scientific FACT...then they should be able to predict what we will evolve into next?

Any ideas?

ToE has made many predictons that were fulfilled. For example, recently paleontologists predicted that if they dug in a certain type of rock, in a certain location, they would find fossils of early sea creatures with legs. They were right; they found it, and named it Tiktaalik. Darwin predicted that there would be found an insect in Madagascar with a foot long proboscis. 142 years later, the moth was discovered. The Theory of Evolution (ToE) predicts that every organism ever found on earth will reproduce using DNA. So far this prediction has been born out thousands of times; no other means of reproduction has ever been found. ToE predicts that every flying invertebrate will have 6 legs. (I can explain exactly why this is so.) This prediction has been shown true again and again. ToE predicts that bat skeletons will look more like your skeleton than like a bird. (because bats are mammals, like you.) They do. ToE predicts that if a creature is warm-blooded, it will produce milk. This has been proven true over and over. I could go on and on. The thing is, Heneni, you don't know anything about Biology. You're completely ignorant about its most basic ideas. Yet you presume to tell the millions of people who spend their lives studying it that they're wrong. Arrogance compounded by ignorance--we need a word for that.
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Intentionally Blank
Civilization has advanced from utter primitiveness to incredible mind-boggling achievements in just a little over 100 years. So why didn't mankind discover any of this stuff 100,000,000 years ago, or 100,000 years ago for that matter?

I think biologists are trying to trick god out of his god-given title of creator.


Because they hadn't learned the scientific method.


Intentionally Blank
Civilization has advanced from utter primitiveness to incredible mind-boggling achievements in just a little over 100 years. So why didn't mankind discover any of this stuff 100,000,000 years ago, or 100,000 years ago for that matter?

I think biologists are trying to trick god out of his god-given title of creator.


So is it all science that you hate, or just Biology?


Intentionally Blank
Explain to me, why if we have been evolving for millions of years, have we only recently discovered to wash our hands to not get infections?

And why if we have been evolving for millions of years, have we only recently discovered that a lack of vitamin C is bad for us.

And all of this happened in the last few hundred years. Were we brain dead all those millions of years then?

Even a chimpanzee can think.:shrug:
It's called science. We learn new things by using it.


Intentionally Blank
:redcard: No...there is NO conclusive evidence that humans existed prior to 4000BC. And none of the carbon dating 'evidence' is good enough. Its flawed at best!

What's wrong with it? Please explain in detail. Provide cites from scientific literature.


Intentionally Blank
So we have a christian evolutionist, who doesnt think the bible is worth much, and we have a biologist who uses the word 'we' like she is talking for the entire scientific community.

Is there anybody REAL out there??? ECO ECOO......

Its a strange world after all:D

Painted wolf...you are confusing adaptation with evolution, because evolutionists were DESPERATE for SOME current evidence of evolution.

So...lets say your mosquito's are really an example of evolution painted wolf, and not adapatation.....how come they are evolving so quickly and the rest of the creatures are evolving over billions/millions of years? Could it be that this is a scam to prove evolution? Desperate times calls for desperate measures.


Because they reproduce quickly. For example bacteria evolve new species constantly, because they reproduce so quickly.


Intentionally Blank
Prove that carbon dating is flawed? You've just asked me to prove that cars cant fly. We all know they cant fly. We would love if they could fly. We can pretend that they can fly. And we would love it if carbon dating was accurate and 100% infallable...but its not.
Of course not, nothing is. My scale is somewhat inaccurate. That doesn't mean weighing doesn't work. Radiometric dating works, which is why science uses it. You reject that (and most other) scientific knowledge. Why?