LOL... No, I am Christian that realizes that God loves the world. In my signature perspective, "For God so loved the world (that includes you and me), that He gave His only begotten son that whosever believes in him will no perish but have everlasting life. (At least in my world-view)
Yeah, this is pretty much a meaningless slogan though. This is what I remember being told when I was a child, along with Santa bringing gifts and the Toothfairy leaving money for my teeth. I did get gifts from Santa, and I got money for my teeth.
As I grew up I learned this was just adults.
I also learned that life isn't fair, that not everyone in the world is nice, and the universe is hostile to life.
Your slogan above is uplifting to the naive, but to the realists it is a deceptive ploy. You might believe your slogan above, but how is it consistent with famines? How is it consistent with natural disasters? How is it consistent with genetic faults that leave some babies deformed, or deat at birth, or with the lottery of genes that cause cancers and other fatal diseases in children?
Your slogan above might be a comforting fantasyland distraction from harsh realities, but it takes work to maintain that illusion, and the belief that a God exists and cares for humanity. That must be exhausting.