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Christians what do you think about Trump's convictions


Well-Known Member
He was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records. The extenuating circumstance that it was done to fraudulently protect his federal election campaign made each document a felony act.
Yes, in that case Biden committed also a felony act by lying that the Hunter laptop story was not true.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Has Trump told he had sex with Stormy? If no, then it is possible that he had not sex with her.

Why don't you accept the findings of the court made up of his peers who listened to many hours of testimony? Of course, Trump has the right of appeal, but the law is the law and you're basically saying that you're above the law as you know more than they do. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
It's sorta hilarious in a very unfunny way that you so much support a man whom even his sister and niece have labeled a self-centered pathological liar. And how is his behavior justifiable under Jesus' "law of love"?
I think everyone should have fair trial, even those who I don't like. I personally don't know Trump well enough to say is he a bad guy, but nevertheless I think he should not be lynched by hearsay rumors.
Why don't you accept the findings of the court made up of his peers who listened to many hours of testimony? Of course, Trump has the right of appeal, but the law is the law and you're basically saying that you're above the law as you know more than they do. :shrug:
What findings? There is no way to prove what happened, only thing they have is the accusation that can be false.
Even if true, that is not a felony.
In Trump's case it is, so it should be also the same in Biden's case. But, obviously at this point we all know he is above the law.


Admiral Obvious
I think everyone should have fair trial, even those who I don't like. I personally don't know Trump well enough to say is he a bad guy, but nevertheless I think he should not be lynched by hearsay rumors.
I agree.
So it is a good then that he was convicted of evidence that clearly showed he was guilty of that which he was convicted of.

What findings? There is no way to prove what happened, only thing they have is the accusation that can be false.
the findings that were presented in court that convinced the jury of his peers he is guilty.
Which means you are just flat out wrong when you claim "only thing they have is the accusation..."

In Trump's case it is, so it should be also the same in Biden's case. But, obviously at this point we all know he is above the law.
You really should get familiar with the facts of both cases before making a fool of yourself...


Why it is in Trump's case, but not in Biden's case?
I'm afraid you're still confused. Biden has not been found to have falsified business records. Trump has been -- 34 times. Now if you're just feigning confusion to cause disagreement and havoc, please leave me out of it.


Not of this world
I'm afraid you're still confused. Biden has not been found to have falsified business records. Trump has been -- 34 times. Now if you're just feigning confusion to cause disagreement and havoc, please leave me out of it.
Only because he's been found to be an incompetent old man with a poor memory.
At least Trump was found competent to stand trial. Biden--not so much.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid you're still confused. Biden has not been found to have falsified business records.
Yes, but he has lied and so interfered elections, the same way as Trump did, which was the reason for Trumps conviction. I have understood Trump's conviction doesn't come from falsifying the records, but from interfering the elections in 34 ways.


Admiral Obvious
Yes, but he has lied and so interfered elections, the same way as Trump did, which was the reason for Trumps conviction. I have understood Trump's conviction doesn't come from falsifying the records, but from interfering the elections in 34 ways.
Trumps convictions are for 34 counts of falsifying records.
That his doing so interfered with the election is why they are felonies.


Veteran Member
I think everyone should have fair trial, even those who I don't like. I personally don't know Trump well enough to say is he a bad guy, but nevertheless I think he should not be lynched by hearsay rumors.
He wasn't. Rather, he was convicted in a court of law by a jury of his peers.
What findings? There is no way to prove what happened, only thing they have is the accusation that can be false.
The 34 convictions. Those findings. It was proven. In a COURT OF LAW.
In Trump's case it is, so it should be also the same in Biden's case. But, obviously at this point we all know he is above the law.
They're completely different cases with completely different details. The differences have been pointed out to you by several posters already on this thread.