What basic human rights are being denied them by christians?
According to Beverly Eileen Mitchell, in her 2009 book,
Plantations and Death Camps: religion, Ideology, and Human Dignity, (Fortress Press), there were several strategies used by "the system" in the dehumanization of American slaves in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the German Jews during the Holocaust. Some of these are also being used in dehumanizing homosexuals. They are:
Set apart as pariahs: Today, homosexuals are being identified as the "destroyers of family" and as "subverting biblical marriage." Forget the heterosexual affairs that are rampant, the advocacy and overuse of divorce, drug abuse, physical violence, and emotional abuse that are all destroying marriages. Homosexual marriage is somehow the grandaddy of them all, and homosexuals are being unfairly lumped in with these miscreants as the ones
most responsible for the downfall of marriage.
Wrenching familial separation: In some cases, homosexuals are barred from church affiliation, are forbidden to enter ministry, ousted from homes, and separated from families who see them as dirty, sinful, and not "good enough" to associate with. In some cases, a narrow theological stance condemns them to hell, just for being who they are. In most cases, homosexuals are kept from being fully with the ones they love by being denied marriage.
Deprivations: This is related to familial separation, but it goes further than that. Homosexuals are deprived in their relationships of the same cultural "stamp of approval" that others enjoy. They are also deprived of sharing fully in the ministry of the church, in which Christ is evoked in the midst of the relationship. Animals do not marry. Neither do homosexuals. The dehumanization becomes apparent.
Brutality: In some cases, known or suspected homosexuals are subjected to physical harm. In addition to that, they are more frequently subjected to emotional abuse in the insinuation that there is something inherently "wrong" with them -- that they are, somehow, "broken."
Transportation: Blacks and Jews were subject to nightmarish transportations. While homosexuals are not so treated, a vestige of that system is continued, in that, in most cases, homosexuals who wish to marry are forced to relocate to gay-friendly states or countries, and cannot return home, if they wish their marriage to be honored.
In illustration of "how Christians deny basic human rights," here's a link to a short speech, made by a clergy friend of mine, speaking at a city council meeting. There's a bill before the council to include homosexuals specifically in a local anti-discrimination law:
OFFICIAL Preacher Phil Snider gives interesting gay rights speech - YouTube