Thats because Communism has never worked....anywhere.
Why would you WANT somebody ruling over you, telling you everything that you should do? The government owns your house, and your car. With technology that America has, they could shut down your car. They can essentially do whatever they want. Try Communism with Americas congress, etc. So you say that you dont like the patriot act? Multiply that by a billion
You seem to think communism is necessarily totalitarian. Why can't a "Communist" society be Democratic? Why can't national affairs be decided by general vote, representatives or a parliament? Why can't local affairs in a communist society be decided by a local council or citizen's committee? -- and why does it need to own your house?
Not writ in stone:
How much is owned by the government? Is it just the commons -- those public services like police and fire departments, the military, electrical grids, currency, courts, food and water inspection, &c? Does it extend to factories producing consumer goods? Does it extend to real estate or even personal use items?
The only "communist" societies I can think of offhand that actually own your house and car are Hutterites -- and they're very happy with their communities.