People tend to omit things from the Bible they don't like.
There are a lot of conflicting verses. So they just go with the ones they believe in.
OP, you remind me of an older me. Who before I professed the Paganism I always wanted to be and gave into the religion of my parents, used to be some extreme lefty always on the attack of studies on evolutionary psychology on race and sex as being "social darwinism", to most Atheists and ect., I was just some paranoid black metal hating looney Christian who used Nazi associations as an attack stance on anti-Christianity and was an extremely Unorthodox Socialist Communist that would make people turn heads because they didn't associate Christianity with those extreme left things or the extreme right with non-Christian things. Due to AMERCA cultural washing, of course.
Now I've finally given into Pagan I always wanted to be again. And sometimes the Atheists even, timidly and wroughtfully. And even the NSBM fans I so fought again.
I used to listen to a bunch of Christian music and antifa stuff. Now I listen to a bunch of Pagan music and Nazi stuff.:/
It's easy to feel like Christianity is Communism and Anti-Christianity is Far-Right when the only Anti-Christians you've had contact with think that people from Norway and Scandinavia are the best people on Earth, attack Jesus for being a Jew, throw around Nazi imagery ambiguously and talk about A Will To Power and listen to nothing but Neofolk, Martial Industrial, NSBM, Nazi Punk, and all white artists who are not of those genres. And not to mention frequently say back things about non-white groups in general.
This was my experience with Christianity:
This was my first experience with anti-Christianity:
To this day, I honestly don't know if I've become more open minded or just more racist since dropping my Christianity.
My parents would say the latter and that racism is a sin and that I'm becoming a sinful racist because I no longer have Jesus in my heart.
Of course, this is the same religion that won't accept my Bisexuality. So no thank you.