Consciousness is NOT the performance of skills, or the learning of skills, such as art or tool making, even burying the dead. Consciousness is not instinctual reaction or the repetition of said, Consciousness is not necessary for learning. Its not a copy for experience, many, many misunderstand this. Consciousness is the governor of behavior! It didnot evolve biologically by simple natural selection, and it is not continuous with the idiot hierarchies of speechless apes. The orgin of learning and the orgin of Consciousness are two utterly seperate problems.
The emotional lives of men and of animals are indeed marvelously simular, but to focus on the simularity unduly is to forget that a great chasm exist. The intelluctual life of man, his culture and history, religion and science, is different from anythingelse we know of in the universe. That is fact! I do not adhere to the theory of evolution, but even if I did, its as if primordal man evolved to a certain point, and then in ourselves turned at a dramatic right angle and simply exploded into a different direction!
I could never appreciate this discontinuity between speechless apes and speaking civilized intellectual men.
No, language was given by God, no doubt about it, and he didnot give it to primordal humans.
And I want to go into that.