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contradictions in the bible???


A fool
*** MOD POST ***
I've just had to delete a number of posts that were off topic and getting far too personal. Please focus on each others arguments and don't make derogatory comments about other members.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Here's a contradiction in the bible:

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Yet the gospels accounts of the death and resurrection have Jesus in the ground on Friday afternoon, and an empty tomb Sunday before dawn...
Count with me--
Friday night - 1 night
Saturday day - 1 day and 1 night
Saturday night 1 day and 2 nights
And the tomb is empty somewhere between Saturday night and Sunday day.

What happened?

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Here's a contradiction in the bible:

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Yet the gospels accounts of the death and resurrection have Jesus in the ground on Friday afternoon, and an empty tomb Sunday before dawn...
Count with me--
Friday night - 1 night
Saturday day - 1 day and 1 night
Saturday night 1 day and 2 nights
And the tomb is empty somewhere between Saturday night and Sunday day.

What happened?

Where does the Bible say he resurrected Saturday night?
Died Friday=1
Still dead Saturday=1
And on third day, Sunday, he came back to life.


Well-Known Member
Where does the Bible say he resurrected Saturday night?
Died Friday=1
Still dead Saturday=1
And on third day, Sunday, he came back to life.

John 20:1 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!"

Jews start the day at sundown... which means Sunday, the first day of the week, would have begun on Saturday night. The first day of the week, while it was still dark, means sometime between 10 PM on Saturday and 5 AM on Sunday.

Remember, he said "three days, three nights".
Friday is only good for one night... Saturday one day and one night.... and that's it. If he was gone early Sunday morning, he certainly wasn't "in the heart of the earth" on Sunday morning.


Well-Known Member
Can you show where this quote is from?

I already did. In fact, it was the first thing I ever posted here at RF, aside from my introductory post. Of the four posts I have in this thread ,it's in the first... which is about 6 posts ago. You quoted it in your first reply to me.

But, if you have to ask, I'll do it again.

Matthew 12:40
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
I already did. In fact, it was the first thing I ever posted here at RF, aside from my introductory post. Of the four posts I have in this thread ,it's in the first... which is about 6 posts ago. You quoted it in your first reply to me.

But, if you have to ask, I'll do it again.

Matthew 12:40
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Sorry, my bad. Thanks for reposting.
Well you certainly make a good point. I still see the plausibility of a three day scenario.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Thank you.

How's that?
Was Jesus lying when he gave the sign of Jonah?
Was it just a typo made by Matthew?
Were all the gospels wrong in saying he died just before the Sabbath (Friday before sunset)?

I'm just saying that on the third day after he died, Friday, Saturday and on Sunday he rose. To the average person and to many Christian scholars, Sunday qualifies. I'm not saying it meets all your criteria.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying that on the third day after he died, Friday, Saturday and on Sunday he rose. To the average person and to many Christian scholars, Sunday qualifies. I'm not saying it meets all your criteria.

It's not MY criteria. But I get what you mean.

I've discussed this on another forum... and the very person who brought up the whole "sign of Jonah" issue kept ignoring it, pointing only to the various verses which said "third day."

I'm rather curious what the good people here at religiousforums.com have to say.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
It's not MY criteria. But I get what you mean.

I've discussed this on another forum... and the very person who brought up the whole "sign of Jonah" issue kept ignoring it, pointing only to the various verses which said "third day."

I'm rather curious what the good people here at religiousforums.com have to say.

Another thing that crossed my mind, maybe Jesus was crucified on Thursday. I'll have to do some studying.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Another thing that crossed my mind, maybe Jesus was crucified on Thursday. I'll have to do some studying.

I answered my own question.
Matthew 26:1-2 (NIV)
1When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples, 2"As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified."


Well-Known Member
I answered my own question.
Matthew 26:1-2 (NIV)
1When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples, 2"As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified."

For the tomb to be empty on Saturday night/Sunday morning... let's count backwards.

Saturday- day
Friday- night
Friday- day
Thursday- night
Thursday- day
Wednesday- night

This means Jesus needed to have died and been buried on Wednesday before sundown.

But there is another problem. John calls the time before which Jesus must be killed the "Great Sabbath". There is only one day of the year which can be called Great Sabbath, and that begins the friday night before Passover. (Google the words "Shabbat haGadol)


Well-Known Member
I answered my own question.
Matthew 26:1-2 (NIV)
1When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples, 2"As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified."

This cannot mean that Jesus said he will be crucified on Passover... this looks like two different events being listed in chronological order.

To paraphrase, As you know, the Passover is two days away, and after that the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified"

How can I say this?
Matthew 26:

17 On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?"
18 He replied, "Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, 'The Teacher says: My appointed time is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.' "
19 So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover.
20 When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve.
21 And while they were eating, he said, "I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me."

This means that the crucifixion could not have happened just before Passover.


The Lost One
When was Passover, back then?

Did Jesus have his "Last Supper" on the night of Passover?

If so why is Good Friday and Easter are never in the week of Passover?

And isn't Sabbath on Saturday? :confused:

It's all rather screwy, trying to follow what the gospels say and what the people are saying here.

I'm so confused..... :shrug: :sad4:


Well-Known Member
When was Passover, back then?
Hard to tell when you don't really know what year it was. 33 is just an approximation. Though regardless of what year it is, it is always the 15th of the Hebrew month of Nisan.

Did Jesus have his "Last Supper" on the night of Passover?
Matthew seems to think so. John, not so much.

If so why is Good Friday and Easter are never in the week of Passover?
Christians don't operate according to the Hebrew calendar. Easter has to be the first Sunday after the first fourteenth day of the moon (the Paschal Full Moon) that is on or after the ecclesiastical vernal equinox.

Passover is always on the 15th of Nisan of the Hebrew calendar. The Hebrew calendar is lunar based, therefore it's shorter than a solar year by about 11 days. This means the time of Passover on the Gregorian calendar will always change, getting earlier and earlier, until there is a Hebrew leap year, which adds a 13th month, pushing the day forward approx 30 days.

And isn't Sabbath on Saturday? :confused:
In Judaism, each day starts at sundown... so the Sabbath is from sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday.

It's all rather screwy, trying to follow what the gospels say and what the people are saying here.

I'm so confused..... :shrug: :sad4:
When the gospels themselves say a great many things regarding the same subject or event, it is easy indeed to become confused.