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Convergence Of Signs


Every Christian who is out of step with you
is finessed via your excommunication?

If he'd been a bit better artist and stayed in Vuenna
he'd be OK as a christian.
No, I am aware that Christians are at different places in their life and journey with the Lord Jesus Christ. Hitler, though, was mass murdering Jews and many others, including Christians who opposed him. I’d never think he’s an okay Christian or a Christian at all.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
I like your responses. If the Apostles thought it was imminent, then how much closer it must be now! Especially with Israel re-established as a nation

Israel has been "re-established" for 75 years. That's not exactly breaking news. ;) Aside from which, modern Israel is a secular state.

(besides Christ, Israel is the main focus of the Bible) and the technology now in place to unite the world on a global scale.

The Bible doesn't say anything about "technology to unite the world." Again, this is an attempt to shoehorn the latest headlines into some cherry-picked prophecy when Jesus already told you: you're not gonna know when it happens.

That'll be all I say for now. Have the last word.


A striving disciple of Jesus Christ
There is a scripture that states, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). Well, I genuinely believed in God and sought him with all my heart for forty years, but I never found him. I did, however, find disappointment, sadness, and a constant feeling of hopelessness because I was left all alone to deal with the abuse, bullying, and harassment on my own while I was growing up. After forty years of looking for God, I finally realized that either he doesn't actually exist, or if he does, he obviously doesn't give a damn about me. I realized that if he exists, then he obviously doesn't give a damn that I suffered abuse while I was growing up or that I've dealt with PTSD because of the severe abuse, trauma, and constant bullying I suffered while growing up. I eventually learned how to deal with the PTSD on my own, and fortunately for me, my beloved husband has been supportive of me every step of the way for the past 30 and 1/2 years. It took me thirty years to realize that believing in God was an emotional crutch for me and a waste of my time. Sadly, I wasted the majority of my life believing in him, only to end up empty-handed, angry, and depressed. I finally found the courage to remove the rose-colored glasses and face my reality, which was that I had been ignorant and gullible to trust in God for so long and had mistakenly assumed he would be my heavenly father. I eventually learned how to care for myself and my family without feeling the need to rely on my faith in God.

I realized that I don't need or want God in my life and that I'm far better off emotionally without believing in and having faith in God. If God exists, then I don't believe that he is worthy of my respect and reverence, let alone my love and worship. I certainly don't believe he is merciful and just, or a heavenly father who loves us or his followers unconditionally. I've said this before, and I'd like to say it again: as a former Christian and survivor of childhood abuse, I see God as a narcissistic and abusive father who only "loves" his children when they do or say precisely what he wants. And his children hope that if they don't make him angry, he won't hurt them, but they're unsure because he has a violent temper and is known to viciously lash out when he is angry. So if they disobey him and upset him, then there will be hell for them to pay. That isn't a healthy relationship founded on unconditional love and respect, but rather on consistent fear and mistrust. It's an abusive relationship. According to the Bible, God is capable of hatred in addition to wrath and jealousy and has committed global genocide. Quite frankly, I don't believe that anyone should derive their understanding of morality, love, or justice from the Bible.

Finally, I decided to share what I wrote in another thread on a related topic.

In my case, I have reason to reject belief in the biblical God because I was a very devout Christian for 30 years and genuinely believed in God for years before that, but I never experienced anything that other Christians claimed happened to them, even though we believed in the same God. For example, they claimed to experience peace and joy in their lives because they believed in God, while I, on the other hand, felt nothing but sadness and despair during the years I was a devout Christian. To be honest, I only began to feel peace and joy in my life after I renounced my belief in God and abandoned Christianity. Have you ever heard of the expression "playing church?" That's exactly what I did. I went through the motions and pretended to experience God, as other Christians claimed they had, but I never did. I tried really hard to experience God, but I felt such hopelessness whenever I tried and failed.

It took me a long time to admit that I had been pretending to experience God's presence in my life when I never genuinely did. I understood I had to be honest with myself and quit pretending. I realized that I was wasting my life by pretending to feel the presence of God in my life when he either doesn't really exist or, if he does, obviously doesn't give a damn about me. A couple of years ago, I did a lot of soul-searching and had to ask myself why I was so committed to clinging to the false hope that I had in believing in God. I realized that believing in God was an emotional crutch for me. I also recognized that if I was ever going to recover emotionally and change my life for the better, I needed to let go of that crutch. My mental health and emotional well-being have significantly improved since I disavowed my belief in God and Christianity. In retrospect, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself. While I don't regret my decision, I wish that I had made it years earlier so that I could have avoided decades of depression and emotional turmoil.
I am sorry for your suffering and glad that you found peace.

God bless.
(don't mind the expression, though I do mean it :) )


Veteran Member
No, I am aware that Christians are at different places in their life and journey with the Lord Jesus Christ. Hitler, though, was mass murdering Jews and many others, including Christians who opposed him. I’d never think he’s an okay Christian or a Christian at all.
And ifn he'd not made it into office
but painted cityscapes in Vienna?


Well-Known Member
Oh well, this thread isn’t about a flood, so I’m not going off on that. Anyway, I’m a skeptic myself, that’s how I got out of Catholicism, Mormonism, and various new age beliefs into biblical truth. God used my skeptical tendencies to cause me to question things and led me to Himself.

Topic is on convergence-of-signs. The list of signs on the opening, are opinions and perhaps misinterpretations but nothing solid. Nostradamus has many quatrains that can be interpreted to be hister -oracle.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
All very well but why, in your view,
does a person have to be a " skeptic"
to comprehend that there was no
Ark or world wide flood ?

I differentiate skeptic, someone who challenges a belief, from a believer who accepts belief. I don't understand why you are challenging that.

As far as an Ark and flood goes, I find articles like this one interesting but of course not everyone does:

Why are flood myths so common in stories from ancient cultures around the world?
Could the prevalence of flood myths around the world tell us something about early human migration or even the way our brains work?
Why is there such astounding similarity between the oral traditions of geographically separated peoples? Anthropologists, psychologists, and archaeologists have spent years looking for an answer. To this day, however, there still isn’t a theory that everyone agrees with.

Some argue that these similarities are evidence of cultural transmission in the distant past before human migration really got underway. Others maintain that they developed independently as the result of comparable experiences. Others still believe that it has something to do with the way our brains work. Which of these, if any, is correct?


Israel has been "re-established" for 75 years. That's not exactly breaking news. ;) Aside from which, modern Israel is a secular state.

The Bible doesn't say anything about "technology to unite the world." Again, this is an attempt to shoehorn the latest headlines into some cherry-picked prophecy when Jesus already told you: you're not gonna know when it happens.

That'll be all I say for now. Have the last word.
I have some thoughts on these points, but I don’t have to have the last word.


Topic is on convergence-of-signs. The list of signs on the opening, are opinions and perhaps misinterpretations but nothing solid. Nostradamus has many quatrains that can be interpreted to be hister -oracle.
You may find the linked article useful concerning the vagueness of Nostradamus’ predictions compared to the accuracy and detail of biblical prophecy.



And ifn he'd not made it into office
but painted cityscapes in Vienna?
I don’t know. Maybe his life would have taken a different direction. Who knows the answer to such a hypothetical question? All I know is that Hitler mass-murdered millions of Jewish people and many others.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Obviously, I cannot, nor could not know these things were it not for God’s revelation through the written word, in language, given so humanity could have some knowledge and understanding.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
Which means that faith is just wishful thinking. It is not "evidence". Here is one thing that you should realize, just because a word is in a verse that does not necessarily mean that it the word is being used correctly.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You may find the linked article useful concerning the vagueness of Nostradamus’ predictions compared to the accuracy and detail of biblical prophecy.

The only "accurate" biblical prophecies that I know of are failed ones. Do you have an example of a prophecy that is accurate from the Bible?

EDIT: And I checked out your article. You cannot be debating seriously and use such a poor poor source. It claimed eight significant prophecies, but did not name one of them. Are you aware that part of the Bible was written after the fact for certain "prophecies". It is well enough known that there is a term for it, but I keep forgetting it. For example the book of Daniel was written long after Daniel's time. It was written abut 165 BCE and many of the "prophecies" in it are merely history. That those are correct is not surprising at all:

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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
The only "accurate" biblical prophecies that I know of are failed ones. Do you have an example of a prophecy that is accurate from the Bible?

Not to mention the fact that the source cited in the other post is Christian. So I think it's reasonable to assume that the author of the article attempted to downplay Nostradamus’ predictions and purposely discredit him in an effort to make the Bible prophecies appear to be more accurate. I've found that to be a common tactic of Christian apologetic websites towards topics that would cause people to doubt the Bible's accuracy. Not a trustworthy source, IMO.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Not to mention the fact that the source cited is Christian, so I think it's reasonable to assume that the author of the article attempted to downplay Nostradamus’ predictions and purposely discredit him in an effort to make the Bible prophecies appear to be more accurate. I've found that to be a common tactic of Christian apologetic websites towards topics that would cause people to doubt the Bible's accuracy.
I checked it out and it is rather pathetic to put it mildly. It claims as "proof" that there were eight significant prophecies in the Bible that were fulfilled but forgot to mention any of them. And ironically it is all in green print. There is a phrase in British publishing called "Green ink":

"Green ink is a British journalistic term for the frothing of lunatics.[1][2][3] Back when letters to news outlets were produced in an archaic medium based on materials known as "paper" and "ink", the nutters would supposedly always write their IMPORTANT INFORMATION in green."

For full effect you have to go to the site. I cannot even get the quote I took in quite the correct form.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
I think the indications of the soon return of Christ are converging rapidly and it’s time for Christians and especially the unsaved to pay attention.
That’s my perspective anyway, share yours.

I think I share your perspective.

We have convergence.

The Rush To Divide Israel

The Push For Digital Currencies​

The Threat Of World War III​

UFOs And Aliens​

The UN’s Seven-year Commitment​

Days Of Noah And Lot​

I read the article. The only one from the list that really worried me is the Days Of Noah And Lot. I shouldn't say worry. We who long for the appearance of our lord should be excited.

I think it's closer than anyone suspects.

Even the Christians.

Nothing else to do now but watch it all play out.

Good job on the thread.


The only "accurate" biblical prophecies that I know of are failed ones. Do you have an example of a prophecy that is accurate from the Bible?

EDIT: And I checked out your article. You cannot be debating seriously and use such a poor poor source. It claimed eight significant prophecies, but did not name one of them. Are you aware that part of the Bible was written after the fact for certain "prophecies". It is well enough known that there is a term for it, but I keep forgetting it. For example the book of Daniel was written long after Daniel's time. It was written abut 165 BCE and many of the "prophecies" in it are merely history. That those are correct is not surprising at all:

There are many prophecies which were accurately fulfilled concerning the coming of Jesus Christ; His birth, life, death, and resurrection.

Then there are the prophecies concerning the nation of Israel.

And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them....And they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God." Amos:9:14-15

Rebirth of the nation…

7 Before she was in labor,
she gave birth.
Before her pain came,
she delivered a male child.
8 Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Can a land be born in one day?
Can a nation be brought forth at once?
For as soon as Zion was in labor,
she gave birth to her children.
9 “Will I bring the moment of birth,
and not give delivery?” says Adonai.
“Will I who cause delivery
shut up the womb?” says your God.
Isaiah 66:7-9

The dividing of the land…

I will also gather all nations,
And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;
And I will enter into judgment with them there
On account of My people, My heritage Israel,
Whom they have scattered among the nations;
They have also divided up My land.
Joel 3:2

Throughout its entire history, the land of Israel has been conquered, but had never been divided. The allied forces had conquered the land of Israel in World War I, Britain was given the mandate by the League of Nations to see that this land should remain as a refuge for the Jews, who had been scattered everywhere.
Rather than fulfilling this mandate, Britain gave about 75 percent of the land to the Arab nations in exchange for oil. In 1947, the United Nations, through Resolution 181 fulfilled the prophecy of Joel:3:2

For all nations to be united against Israel there would have to be an organization of "all nations." In 1945, the United Nations was created, becoming the means of fulfilling this over 2000 year old prophecy.
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I think I share your perspective.

We have convergence.

I read the article. The only one from the list that really worried me is the Days Of Noah And Lot. I shouldn't say worry. We who long for the appearance of our lord should be excited.

I think it's closer than anyone suspects.

Even the Christians.

Nothing else to do now but watch it all play out.

Good job on the thread.
I agree, we should not worry. Sometimes it’s hard not to, but rather we should…

Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Luke 21:28

Dave Watchman

Active Member
I agree, we should not worry. Sometimes it’s hard not to, but rather we should…

Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Luke 21:28

That's awesome. Our redemption draweth nigh. But do we worry about those who don't make it. Like what the other poster said in the thread. I was looking at this extra Biblical book.

Ezra quoting God:

"For indeed I will not concern myself about the fashioning of those who have sinned, or about their death, their judgment, or their destruction; but I will rejoice over the creation of the righteous, over their pilgrimage also, and their salvation, and their receiving their reward.​

I was thinking about this part:

"For you come far short of being able to love my creation more than I love it.​

And this from the next chapter:

"He answered me and said, "Measure carefully in your mind, and when you see that a certain part of the predicted signs are past then you will know that it is the very time when the Most High is about to visit the world which he has made.

"So when there shall appear in the world earthquakes, tumult of peoples, intrigues of nations, wavering of leaders, confusion of princes, then you will know that it was of these that the Most High spoke from the days that were of old, from the beginning.​


Well-Known Member
Ezra quoting God:

"For indeed I will not concern myself about the fashioning of those who have sinned, or about their death, their judgment, or their destruction; but I will rejoice over the creation of the righteous, over their pilgrimage also, and their salvation, and their receiving their reward.​
Pilgrimage? That is not by any god. That is from people expecting to be known/renowned.

Likewise, each conscious life is capable of righteousness the salvation is knowing that and enabled with what is real, the truth. Then each born are capable and know how-to personally. Could there be anything better than equal capability by every soul experiencing life?