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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?


You're right though, everything is energy and matter interacting, connecting, mingling together. It's that simple. That gets boring though.

If it's that "simple," how can it be so "complex?" The complexity getting simplified on more quantum scales.

A car can be explained in a simple manner too, but the actual mechanics which permit a car to work are not so simple. Likewise I have explained consciousness in a simple manner, but the actual mechanism behind consciousness...the specific interactions required to produce that effect...are something science needs to work on. That's the interesting part. I think part of the problem is that people get too philosophical about "consciousness". It's not about philosophy, it's about physics.
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Thou art That
That is because the material brain does not "create" consciousness. The material brain interacts in a complex manner and that interaction is conscious.

The brain's interaction is electro-chemical. You are saying it is conscious. Is a chemical reaction in a test tube also conscious? Is the Sun's activity conscious?


Thou art That
Of course, the only power that exists is light energy.

What separates the human being from a piece of wood? If you were burned, there is light and energy.

Therefore, according to your argument, material also is intelligent, as light and energy are potential within it.


Well-Known Member
A car can be explained in a simple manner too, but the actual mechanics which allow the car to work are not so simple. Likewise I have explained consciousness in a simple manner, but the actual mechanism behind consciousness...the specific interactions required to produce that effect...are something science needs to work on. I think part of the problem is that people get too philosophical about "consciousness". It's not about philosophy, it's about physics.

I can see that. I can also see that most are centralized on discovering the physics of their external environment over discovering the physics of their internal environment(brain/mind/body.)

The laws of physics being intact for the external environment yet the laws of physics are all broken and defied by the internal environment. This is because light doesn't always obey the laws of physics because light isn't always physical. Light has its own special properties in and of itself. Science is mostly hinging to light being a physical entity. That is why energy is able to break all of the external physical laws from an internal perspective. It's time to see beyond certain models, we live in new era's microsecond by microsecond. Things of old must go or be reformed to bring on the new.

Everything is complex interactions, of opposite polarities: male/positive and female/negative.
Interactions between particles themselves and light itself. (Matter and energy.)

Alchemy of the mind, ionic bonding of cells/atoms and energy. The balances and imbalances and how everything interacts and bonds will leave a mind closer to equilibrium(unity) or imbalance(separated.) Light running across synapses of dendritic networks of the brain. Whereas this same light would have to obey the laws of physics. It doesn't though, because light has been shown to be non-physical. We tend to focus on the brain and mind, but forget how any of this is even possible and able to be complex and/or simple. . it's our blood, plasma, water, oils, and fluids that are carriers of light/energy. All of the imbalances and craziness are described in philosophical conscious models of the conscious, subconscious, and ego. What we call mind or conscious really is just alchemy of the brain on very quantum levels. Quantum light interacting with particles.

Interactions are complex to start with, more on a macro scale. Then with gradual discoveries, they become more and more simplified on quantum(micro) scales. Some humans have discovered more and more light and experience it's properties within. En-LIGHT-en, seeing the LIGHT. Flooding of LIGHT. Coming of the LIGHT. Light that continually is interacting in different complex ways in different human beings, enabling a brain/mind to see things they haven't seen before. Awareness/intelligence evolution so to speak. It's what many religions have butchered by calling "faith." Faith in things not "seen." Not seen literally or externally or in deities but to see/awaken/become aware to internally. Truth that a mind is blinded to has been made aware to.


The brain's interaction is electro-chemical. You are saying it is conscious. Is a chemical reaction in a test tube also conscious? Is the Sun's activity conscious?

Is a chemical reaction in a test tube a complex interaction? Is the Sun's activity a complex interaction? Those interactions are easily identified. Consciousness is the result of numerous interactions working together...that is where the complexity comes in.


Well-Known Member
Therefore, according to your argument, material also is intelligent, as light and energy are potential within it.

Is all material composed of blood, and the same fluids the human possesses?

There are also different types of light and energy.

I'll steal some great and famous words.... energy and matter interact in more complex and different ways than others.


Thou art That
A car can be explained in a simple manner too, but the actual mechanics which permit a car to work are not so simple. Likewise I have explained consciousness in a simple manner, but the actual mechanism behind consciousness...the specific interactions required to produce that effect...are something science needs to work on. That's the interesting part. I think part of the problem is that people get too philosophical about "consciousness". It's not about philosophy, it's about physics.

It's not about philosophy or physics: it's about consciousness. Philosophy are ideas about consciousness; physics is what consciousness does.


Thou art That
Is a chemical reaction in a test tube a complex interaction? Is the Sun's activity a complex interaction? Those interactions are easily identified. Consciousness is the result of numerous interactions working together...that is where the complexity comes in.

And yet, you, who are conscious allegedly via complex interactions, cannot do what the Sun does. In fact, you cannot even do what a simple blade of grass does, namely, manufacture it's own food. Your criteria of complexity is way off.

However, it sounds as if you are limiting consciousness to the brain. Is that correct?

By your argument, I would say that because the brain's interactions are complex, it would require consciousness to maintain and execute them.


And yet, you, who are conscious allegedly via complex interactions, cannot do what the Sun does. In fact, you cannot even do what a simple blade of grass does, namely, manufacture it's own food. Your criteria of complexity is way off.

However, it sounds as if you are limiting consciousness to the brain. Is that correct?

By your argument, I would say that because the brain's interactions are complex, it would require consciousness to maintain and execute them.

Like I said before, everything interacts differently. The Sun interacts differently than a human brain or a blade of grass.

Consciousness is limited by the brain and by the complex arrangement of the brain, but interactions are not limited to the brain. It requires complex arrangements of matter to maintain that high level of interaction we call consciousness. If that delicate arrangement in the brain is disrupted or altered for example: a chemical imbalance or a hit to the head, our ability to interact, or IOW our level of "consciousness" changes.
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
It's not about philosophy or physics: it's about consciousness. Philosophy are ideas about consciousness; physics is what consciousness does.
My understanding that all universal interactions constitutes cosmic consciousness... and that includes the interactions of zero point energy of the universal vacuum, which in turn causes interactions at the sub atomic, atomic, molecular, etc., levels...



Bodhisattva in Recovery
My understanding that all universal interactions constitutes cosmic consciousness... and that includes the interactions of zero point energy of the universal vacuum, which in turn causes interactions at the sub atomic, atomic, molecular, etc., levels...

I read through the article and several related articles and I don't see any of the scientists involved ascribing this to so-called "cosmic consciousness", Bendy. Did I miss something?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I read through the article and several related articles and I don't see any of the scientists involved ascribing this to so-called "cosmic consciousness", Bendy. Did I miss something?
This is leading edge science with regards to consciousness, and there has been, and is, considerable resistance from the orthodoxy to accept the universal quantum vacuum actually has an input to human consciousness. For that reason, the scientists are coy to take it further at this stage and push the implications for the universal quantum vacuum to also form a universal wide input to any and all forms of consciousness in existence, and further to form a unified universal consciousness in its own right.. However you will note that Hameroff hints at where this is going at the 11 minute mark in this video... actually you may like to watch the whole video... And lastly please note....I said it was my understanding that the quantum vacuum interactions form the basis of universal/cosmic consciousness..

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My understanding that all universal interactions constitutes cosmic consciousness... and that includes the interactions of zero point energy of the universal vacuum, which in turn causes interactions at the sub atomic, atomic, molecular, etc., levels...


On a deeper level, there is no consciousness at all, there is only interaction...Fundamental Interaction. That's how I see it anyways. The notion of consciousness to me is plain silly altogether. It's about as meaningful as "ectoplasm".


Thou art That
I said it was my understanding that the quantum vacuum interactions form the basis of universal/cosmic consciousness..

...essentially what John Hagelin is saying as well, except that he says the Unified Field out of which the Quantum fluctuations come is Pure Abstract Intelligence.


Thou art That
On a deeper level, there is no consciousness at all, there is only interaction...Fundamental Interaction. That's how I see it anyways. The notion of consciousness to me is plain silly altogether. It's about as meaningful as "ectoplasm".

...while 'interaction', from the POV of The Changeless, is nothing more than maya.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
And lastly please note....I said it was my understanding that the quantum vacuum interactions form the basis of universal/cosmic consciousness.
That point was not lost on me, but yes, I am quite aware of how physicists, in general, have reacted to these theories.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
On a deeper level, there is no consciousness at all, there is only interaction...Fundamental Interaction. That's how I see it anyways. The notion of consciousness to me is plain silly altogether. It's about as meaningful as "ectoplasm".
How about the reality represented by the concept of omniscience or universal mind....such a reality would require a unified universal field of inter-activeness...


Bodhisattva in Recovery
How about the reality represented by the concept of omniscience or universal mind....such a reality would require a unified universal field of inter-activeness...
That lends itself to the expectation that someone who claims to experience the "universal mind" really should know what I did 4 minutes ago and be able to tell me, clearly. It that isn't the case then thoughts of so-called "omniscience" go right out the window.