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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?


Well-Known Member
Eh? I'm not trying to "sell" anything. Judging by your irrational reaction I seem to have touched a nerve.

It's why we reason, persuade others to understand and see our point of view as opposed to casual conversation.

The selling was the reasoning that light is nothing special, it wasn't forced...but I didn't buy your oil.

Nerves can't be touched without light.

What you call as my "irrational reaction," I'll call it as answering your question rationally.


Well-Known Member
Eh? I'm not trying to "sell" anything. Judging by your irrational reaction I seem to have touched a nerve.

It's really not even about selling anything to me or selling anything to others.

"Your" practice in Buddhism is seeing the "light," but you're selling your own self the oil that light is cool, but not that special. When your mind and your very essence, is light.

Seeing the light is self-realization. It's "your" realization.


Thou art That
How do you want to be en-LIGHT-ened, assist others in seeing the LIGHT when you see light as nothing special.

That is what I would call a contradictory, hypocritical seller of snake oil. The very thing you're trying to sell is "nothing special."

"Before Enlightenment, it is Something Special;
after Enlightenment, it is Nothing Special"

Zen source

"Buddha Mind is no different than Ordinary Mind;
Ordinary Mind is no different than Buddha Mind"


"Did you know that THE Buddha was also A buddha?"

from: 'Zen Flesh, Zen Bones'
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Thou art That
Light isn't a supernatural, deity. Light is natural and organic.

"People commonly misunderstand light, thinking it this hybrid thing -- part wave, part matter -- that travels at an incredible velocity, the so-called Speed of Light. But light doesn't dawdle at the Speed of Light; unimpeded, it traverses the universe instantly. It is untouched by time. It is only from the perspective of lumpy, time-bound humans that light travels at 186,000 miles/second. If it were possible to chain our wrist to a beam of light, we would be everywhere in the smallest segment of a moment. Light is indeed as Buddha described it, "not matter, not mind. It is not existent, nor nonexistent. It is not a phenomenon resulting from causes."

[From a description of a discussion/instruction coming online in Fall 2011, "From Science to God," it says "Peter Russell and Jeffrey Mishlove continue a conversation about consciousness in the material world. Russell provides a clear summary and implications of the Theory of Relativity. He explains that as mass speeds up, space and time decrease, but also the mass increases. That is why it is impossible for mass to move at the speed of light. If that were to happen, the mass would reach infinity, requiring an infinite amount of energy to move it, which doesn't exist. However, light moves at the speed of light. Therefore, from light's perspective, there is no space or time. He argues consciousness is not matter and has no mass. Thus, consciousness does not exist in space or time, and is more like light."]"



"The lights of the World-Honoured One
Illuminate all the countless Buddha-lands
Throughout the ten directions.
The brilliance of the sun, [and] the moon...
Cannot bear comparison
With the brilliance of the Tathagata."

Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma


"The Light that I saw by,
was the Light that I was;
and the Light that I was,
was the Light that I saw by"

The Incredible String Band
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Well-Known Member
BTW, I do not believe that nothingness is "Pure Consciousness" or "Ultimate Reality" or anything mystical in nature. My understanding or my idea is that consciousness is a complex form of interaction. The physical world is a reality, but perhaps nothingness is another real dimension which forms that which we call existence.

If you believe something spontaneously emerged from nothingness, then you definitely believe in something mystical. Because it is a complete mystery as to how something could spontaneously emerge from nothingness.
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If you believe something spontaneously emerged from nothingness, then you definitely believe in something mystical. Because it is a complete mystery as to how something could spontaneously emerge from nothingness.

I don't really have any specific beliefs about that. I was merely speculating. I would say there was always something.
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Thou art That
I am not a physicist, and eschew using precise scientific terms about which I am not adequately educated.

I will rephrase: In your newfound experience of nothingness, do you find that consciousness is confined locally to just your brain, or is it from a universal source, beyond the brain, sometimes called 'Cosmic Consciousness"?


Active Member
I will rephrase: In your newfound experience of nothingness, do you find that consciousness is confined locally to just your brain, or is it from a universal source, beyond the brain, sometimes called 'Cosmic Consciousness"?
Intuition and experience suggest the latter. Even in my relatively ignorant youth, many experiences confirmed that my skin is not the limit of my mind.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
I would say there was always something.

Yes, I think so. A perpetual process of transformation. The universe is awesome, it really doesn't need a load of mystical nonsense added to it. It seems that some people have an overwhelming need to reify stuff - reify consciousness, reify light, whatever.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, I think so. A perpetual process of transformation. The universe is awesome, it really doesn't need a load of mystical nonsense added to it. It seems that some people have an overwhelming need to reify stuff - reify consciousness, reify light, whatever.

If I may point out once more, in an alternative way.... it's not possible to reify light or consciousness.

In your internal mental universe/world view, mind is all that there is. . therefore not possible to reify "consciousness."

Also, that perpetual process of transformation is the perpetual process of light transforming.

I see it more as your "need" to deduce the universe into a box of confined words, language, whatever "your" needs prefer only. Perhaps reifying your own mind while deducing other minds. Anything outside of your mind, and within another's mind, seems to offend you. They are just words, friend. The universe is very awesome and mystical, and has no need for "your" need to limit diversity.

You may want to consider changing the word "en-LIGHT-en" to something else too, to suit "your" needs.

Perhaps to: "en-getridofeverythingthatdoesnotfitmyownneeds-en."


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Yes, I think so. A perpetual process of transformation. The universe is awesome, it really doesn't need a load of mystical nonsense added to it. It seems that some people have an overwhelming need to reify stuff - reify consciousness, reify light, whatever.
It is fascinating how those who are into this sort of imaginative speculation are prone to what we call in my neck of the woods, "hissy fits" when you don't warmly embrace their prattle. It's very telling, really.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
It is fascinating how those who are into this sort of imaginative speculation are prone to what we call in my neck of the woods, "hissy fits" when you don't warmly embrace their prattle. It's very telling, really.

Yes, very telling. I think it comes from people taking their beliefs and themselves far too seriously.