Yes, I think so. A perpetual process of transformation. The universe is awesome, it really doesn't need a load of mystical nonsense added to it. It seems that some people have an overwhelming need to reify stuff - reify consciousness, reify light, whatever.
If I may point out once more, in an alternative way.... it's not possible to reify light or consciousness.
In your internal mental universe/world view, mind is all that there is. . therefore not possible to reify "consciousness."
Also, that perpetual process of transformation is the perpetual process of light transforming.
I see it more as your "need" to deduce the universe into a box of confined words, language, whatever "your" needs prefer only. Perhaps reifying your own mind while deducing other minds. Anything outside of your mind, and within another's mind, seems to offend you. They are just words, friend. The universe is very awesome and mystical, and has no need for "your" need to limit diversity.
You may want to consider changing the word "en-LIGHT-en" to something else too, to suit "your" needs.
Perhaps to: "en-getridofeverythingthatdoesnotfitmyownneeds-en."