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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?


Just old
Premium Member
Could consciousness be considered ongoing,
contained in some sort of wave of meandering and maintaining of the true form.
Wow....gives me a start that all the energys projected after death are some how angels of the one that occupied the form that one was,
or something like that.
Soooo...in that thinking everyone ressurects. Heaven again !
I seem to sense of negative emodiment here as to the going back to God.
Maybe not....but I don't understand any of it.


Well-Known Member
Could consciousness be considered ongoing,
contained in some sort of wave of meandering and maintaining of the true form.
Wow....gives me a start that all the energys projected after death are some how angels of the one that occupied the form that one was,
or something like that.
Soooo...in that thinking everyone ressurects. Heaven again !
I seem to sense of negative emodiment here as to the going back to God.
Maybe not....but I don't understand any of it.

Of course it could. All we've ever known is being "conscious." It would require more imagination to state that it doesn't. It would be stating something that has never been known or experienced by the individual.

The word "angel" is highly scrutinized, some are offended by mere words, but for me it's simply a messenger wave of light/ or waves of light carrying messages/information.

And all of that is a continuing evolution of "consciousness" or the abstract mind.
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Thou art That
Yes, I think so. A perpetual process of transformation. The universe is awesome, it really doesn't need a load of mystical nonsense added to it. It seems that some people have an overwhelming need to reify stuff - reify consciousness, reify light, whatever.

You're right: it is what it is: Pure Universal Consciousness and Light.


Thou art That
If I may point out once more, in an alternative way.... it's not possible to reify light or consciousness.

In your internal mental universe/world view, mind is all that there is. . therefore not possible to reify "consciousness."

Also, that perpetual process of transformation is the perpetual process of light transforming.

I see it more as your "need" to deduce the universe into a box of confined words, language, whatever "your" needs prefer only. Perhaps reifying your own mind while deducing other minds. Anything outside of your mind, and within another's mind, seems to offend you. They are just words, friend. The universe is very awesome and mystical, and has no need for "your" need to limit diversity.

You may want to consider changing the word "en-LIGHT-en" to something else too, to suit "your" needs.

Perhaps to: "en-getridofeverythingthatdoesnotfitmyownneeds-en."

Alas, poor Spiny still suffers from limited self-view, galvanized by his backwards, stagnant Hinayana doctrines, an imenetrable hardened shell.


Thou art That
It is fascinating how those who are into this sort of imaginative speculation are prone to what we call in my neck of the woods, "hissy fits" when you don't warmly embrace their prattle. It's very telling, really.

I can point out a number of them you and Spiny have indulged in whenever we get too close to the jugular. But to educate you a bit, the difference is that you think you see a hissy fit whenever we go against your entrenched materialist paradigm (now dead), whereas your automatic knee jerk responses are real fits of hiss. It's just that, in comparison, the compelling nature of our view is far and away much more exciting than your vapid dry and sterile scientific 'explanations' which don't actually explain anything at all. They've been stripped of all their vigor and reduced to mere skeletal descriptions, causing you to think you have 'understanding', when all you've really got is a heap of dead data and facts.


Well-Known Member
Light is only one aspect of the universe, and therefore only one part of the process. I have no idea what your word salad actually means.

I'm talking about condensed matter physics and deducing mass.

If you, ice cream, the continent of Antarctica, a bee, a plant, me, a tree, a hippo, the planet Saturn, a spec of sand, all mass in the entire universe were all thrown into a particle accelerator in which we were destroyed and broken down to its purest form, it would be formless, abstract, and void(nothingness) all that would be left is pure light energy.

Then in order to assemble all of the mass back to take on all of its different forms, light collides with light, slows down, produces all of the virtually limitless protons, neutrons, and electrons that assemble themselves as all the physical mass as we know it.

If everything is mind, the mind is abstract and not physical. If no human beings existed, would the universe exist?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
I can point out a number of them you and Spiny have indulged in whenever we get too close to the jugular. But to educate you a bit, the difference is that you think you see a hissy fit whenever we go against your entrenched materialist paradigm (now dead), whereas your automatic knee jerk responses are real fits of hiss. It's just that, in comparison, the compelling nature of our view is far and away much more exciting than your vapid dry and sterile scientific 'explanations' which don't actually explain anything at all. They've been stripped of all their vigor and reduced to mere skeletal descriptions, causing you to think you have 'understanding', when all you've really got is a heap of dead data and facts.


You are really such a charmer.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Oh, I understand that... I just thought it was a spiffy logical fallacy as well. :)

Oh, I see. Yes, what we seem to have is people making factual statements about things which are not facts at all, just personal beliefs or speculations.


Thou art That

All this really goes to show is that some people are not yet mature enough for higher states of consciousness as they still are influenced primarily by their current paradigms.

Here is a more accurate picture of ayahuasca by someone mature enough to experience it correctly:

Many think of drug experiences as 'altered states of consciousness', not realizing that it is our current altered state of consciousness that has created the world of war, hatred, greed, starvation, etc. we live in, and a great deal of this world is created by science being in bed with technology and the monied interests. Only when we can break free of these lower states of consciousness, namely, Security, Sensation, and Power, which are actually addictions, can we hope to create a truly harmonious world.

I am not suggesting that ayahuasca is the answer; it is only one pathway, as there are many, and as I recall from Zen teachings, 10,000 to be more exact, that figure probably only meaning 'numerous'. But the point is to transform our current self-view into universal view, which is Buddhism in a nutshell, as well as it is the core of other spiritual teachings.