This 'union', or 'merging' is the realization of the unity of all seeming dualities, 'seeming' because they were never separated to begin with. Only the conditioned mind saw them as two. This new vision of unity also applies to local consciousness merging with non-local consciousness, essentially the realization of Universal Consciousness, or as the piece I posted suggests, 'Cosmic Consciousness'. It is the vanishing act of the separate self called 'I' which is an illusion to begin with. This includes the notion of 'the seeker'. Nirvana literally means 'to extinguish', and it is this illusory seeker that ceases its existence. This is what is meant by the Buddhist riddle:
"If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him!",
that is to say: 'If you see the Buddha on the road to becoming a buddha, it is only an illusion.' because your true nature is already that of Buddha.
I understand your language. Extinguish all of the I/ego abstracts and become unified, one with the cosmos/universe.
Those in their I/ego are in slumber, like the walking/breathing/living dead and don't realize it.
While in that I/ego, many are trying to attain the Buddah conscious(enlightenment) by force and on their own terms, rather than dying out to a ton of that own term/me abstract stuff of what they think that they know, having a virgin/pure/clean/clear/still mind, and allowing the pure light/energy within to transform/transcend/liberate/unify the mind and heart. Moreas having a ton of knowledge of what enlightenment means to the point one thinks and assumes they are enlightened without ever directly experiencing/knowing it or being able to explain the metaphysical reality within that they had. One asks about the light energy/aura luminosity that resurrected within them or their experience and have no clue what you're talking about. For those aware, it's very easy to detect/discern the intelligent devices and see the impure fruit. It's a dominant western sphere of the brain with intellect and knowledge, and very very little casting to the right brain sphere where the energy/light comes from. The same folks constantly asking for physical evidence of the metaphysical, yet unable to provide their own metaphysical experience with the light. The same folks spatting that all is mind(which is invisible/metaphysical/abstract) yet only talking about a physical evident and material world.
That is enlightenment, a metaphysical self realization and awareness/to know oneself by the flooding/outpouring of this pure energy that awakens one to how ignorant and hypocritical they've been their entire lives. To feel like a complete moron when awakened and start taming the tongue.
It's no different than the millions of Christians who claim they have the Holy Spirit/whole minded aura but don't. All they have is textual, theological, and doctrinal knowledge.
That true nature is already present within the individual.