Well, there is 'self', the character we play in the state of Identification, and then there is Self, our true nature. You, an actor, should have a good feel for Identification, which is the character you are playing in the Shakespearian drama, all the time knowing who you really are. But now, imagine for a moment that you would at some point in the drama, become so involved with the character that you would clean forget who you really were, and actually think yourself to be the character you are playing. Not likely in a contrived stage play, but now take it to another level entirely, where life in general is the drama, with the characters playing out their various roles, totally immersed in that character to the point of thinking that character to be real, when, in reality, they are fictional in nature, our true natures being asleep. What I mean by Identification, or fiction, is the accumulation of images and experiences throughout our lifetimes we identify with as 'I', where 'I' is merely a frozen self-concept of who we think ourselves to be. We are not in reality a thing called 'I', but an action. No one has ever been able to locate this thing we all call 'I'. It's an illusion.