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Darwin movie not showing in America


Well-Known Member
How does that even have the slightest bearing on the post you are responding to?

The possibility is that maybe theists contribute, but perhaps rarely are they originators of anything helpful... Schools, hospitals, food banks, Mother's Day ----- these are the invention of the religious.


Well-Known Member
American's are so backward and religiusly intolerant it's not even funny, we're barely one step above Iran and Iraq in religious tolerance.

Actually, I find that atheistic countries seem to be more intolerant of "religious" thought than religious countries seem to be intolerant of "secular" thought...


Well-Known Member
It seems you`re taking some heat for this comment.
I just want you to know that some of us agree with you.

To say otherwise is to be blind to the realities of our culture.

Then again maybe being an atheist in this society gives one a bit of a different perspective when consider cultural religious tolerance here.

You need to interview the ACLU. Self-righteous certainly is their moto.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Atheists don't care? Atheists are too cheap? Atheists cannot be bothered?
Enlighten me...
Make money but don't contibute anything to the welfare of society. Schools, hospitals, orphanages, universities, Mother's Day, the Red Cross are all the invention of believers and not atheists (oddly enough).
The American Red Cross is a secular organization.

Other secular charities....

Doctors without Borders
Amnesty International
Oxfam International
The Nature Conservancy
The SEED Foundation
Mercy Corps
International Peace Institute
Southern Poverty Law Center
Rotary/Rotary International
United Way
The one thing about atheist's. It is more about money and less about message.
Another of your little problems is assuming that one must be an atheist to accept the scientific facts of evolution and the Theory of Evolution.

There are many whose faith is strong enough to accept facts when presented to them.
Apparently, you are not one of them.:shrug:

Consider yourself enlightened.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
True, but I can base my opinion on nothing more than my neighborhood if I must.

When I moved here everyone was nice kind considerate friendly.
Now that my atheism is out well...lets just say I`m avoided by most, directly evangelized by others to the point of blatantly disregarding my personal world view at times.

I had one neighbor who was very friendly until he realized I had actually read his Bible and couldn`t be convinced to stop following Satan.

He vividly described my 2 year old daughters blistering skin burning off in the eternal hellfire I was leading her to.

I simply tried to stop the discussion until he told me that if I wouldn`t lead my family to god he`d do it during the day when I was at work.

I then threatened to rip his throat out if he came near my family uninvited very loudly in the my front yard.

Two days later he was Baker acted by his wife but I`m still the one with a loose screw.

I get this kind of thing to a lessor degree all the time here and I probably get it more than I would if I`d just ignore it but I don`t.
If they are going to try to sell me their point of view in such a confrontational manner I`m going to show them why their point of view isn`t worth buying.

That probably causes me trouble but I won`t be disregarded.

Wow. That's a pretty bad situation... And while I do agree that you have to be somewhat close lipped about your atheism in order to be liked within the community, I don't believe the vast majority of people would physically harm you for being atheist if they were given the chance (barring the loony-tunes of course).

I personally am very careful about who I reveal my religious views to, but I also am very careful of who I reveal my political views to. That doesn't mean I lie about or deny them, but I definitely don't walk around with them on my sleeve.

Regardless... What I'm getting at is that even though the people might shun you for it, the US is nothing like a theocratic muslim state as far as religious or personal expression goes. That's a fact.
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Well-Known Member
Actually, I find that atheistic countries seem to be more intolerant of "religious" thought than religious countries seem to be intolerant of "secular" thought...

Total BS, have you been watching the "birthers", the "deathers", the death threats from the right and religious folk against Obama, and the politicians in the U.S. who claim their every word and deed is God-ordained. AMerica is a land taken over by whackos, and religious fanatics.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
What do they expect? Nobody wants to see a movie without CGI and a decapitation or two. Make Darwin a renegade cyborg sent back from the future who has to fight off corrupt Temporal Police while writing On the Origin of Species...


Resident Liberal Hippie
Actually, I find that atheistic countries seem to be more intolerant of "religious" thought than religious countries seem to be intolerant of "secular" thought...
Lets see, the most secular country would be Sweden, with only 23% of residents professing a belief in God.
[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]In November of 1999, the Swedish government passed the "Act on Religious Communities" which guarantees religious freedom, religious equity and the separation of church and state in that country. [/FONT]

Wow...pretty intolerant of them...:facepalm:

Are you going to start checking your facts before making outrageous statements?:foot:


Well-Known Member
Lets see, the most secular country would be Sweden, with only 23% of residents professing a belief in God.
[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]In November of 1999, the Swedish government passed the "Act on Religious Communities" which guarantees religious freedom, religious equity and the separation of church and state in that country. [/FONT]

Wow...pretty intolerant of them...:facepalm:

Are you going to start checking your facts before making outrageous statements?:foot:

One would wonder why they'd have to pass an "act" when Sweden always seemed to be a religiously "free" nation.


Resident Liberal Hippie
One would wonder why they'd have to pass an "act" when Sweden always seemed to be a religiously "free" nation.
Like I said...do some research:sarcastic
Until this act was passed, the State sponsored Church of Sweden(Lutheran), was the only "official" church in Sweden. By following Americas lead and allowing freedom of religion, all religions are treated equally.
Not bad for a secular nation.


Devoid of Ettiquette
One would wonder why they'd have to pass an "act" when Sweden always seemed to be a religiously "free" nation.
Unlike communist nations, Sweden has never oppressed religion. I don't understand your claim that "atheistic countries seem to be more intolerant of religious thought than religious countries seem to be intolerant of secular thought" unless you are talking about communism. Is that what you meant? Or were you thinking of countries like Sweden, Vietnam, Denmark, Norway, Japan, France, South Korea...?


Resident Liberal Hippie
Secular =/= atheistic.
Understood, however, secularism is anything that is separate from religion. If one describes themselves as being non-religious, that would imply that that person is apart from religion, as in; religion plays no role in their lives, or secular.
Atheism is either a rejection of theism, or expressing no belief in a deity.
So, not all secularists are atheists, but I would expect that all atheists are secularist.:D


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Understood, however, secularism is anything that is separate from religion. If one describes themselves as being non-religious, that would imply that that person is apart from religion, as in; religion plays no role in their lives, or secular.
Atheism is either a rejection of theism, or expressing no belief in a deity.
So, not all secularists are atheists, but I would expect that all atheists are secularist.:D
I know. It just seemed to me the two terms were being used interchangeably. I wouldn't consider Sweden an atheistic country, for instance.