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death by stoning


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Seyorni said:
As I understand it, Peace. Stoning is un-Quranic. Doesn't the Quran call for 100 lashes (24:1-2)? Where does it prescribe stoning?

Prophet Mohammed did it so we do it as well because we don't find all the details in the Quran.

Allah said: "And obey Allah and the Messenger; that ye may obtain mercy".
(Quran 3:132)

Stoning is not always reserved for married persons. Wasn't Amina Lawal divorced at the time of her offense?

I don't know the details in Amina Lawal case but in islam unmarried man or woman must be stoned if he/she was married when he/she did that act and it doesn't matter whether she is divorced or not after that in the time of stoning.

It you do a quick Google search you'll find that stoning doesn't seem quite as rare as you think, and it doesn't seem to require four eyewitnesses.

Stoning in islam require 4 eyewitnesses or a confession from the one who did the adultry otherwise no one can stone him/her.


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Draka said:
Putting to death, by any means, someone who cheats and yet letting husbands who beat or rape their wives live, seems very hypocritical to me. Or is it mainly women who are the "violators" of this "crime"? Either way makes no sense to me. But I am not Muslim, so I guess I just don't understand the priorities here.

So cheating on the spouse is ok?

Then who said there is different between man and woman in front of God's law?

They are the same.


The Truth said:
So cheating on the spouse is ok?
Nope, neither is driving too fast, but I really hope not to get stoned for that.
There are diferent degrees in being wrong. Stoning to death and cheating are 2 different degrees in my thoughts.


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robtex said:
I do know that drug dealers are killed in Iran but I am unaware of the meathod.

The drug dealers are killed in saudi arabia by sowrd because it's a sort of "ifsad" on earth.

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; (Quran 5:33)


Veteran Member
Truth I want to thank you for your honest and upfront explainations. I had the suspicision that those exectued in Islamic countries are generally seen as executed for committing crimes against Allah as well as society.


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Bouncing Ball said:
so brutal death is a correct punishment for this?

and you did understand my question :)

Indeed, it's a correct one and fair for the one who cheat on his husband/wife.

If a man doesn't like his wife and he can't live with respect with her so he can divorce her instead of destroying the family with his childish and teenagers acts, to let her see her life with another good man.


Veteran Member
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Bouncing Ball said:
Nope, neither is driving too fast, but I really hope not to get stoned for that.
There are diferent degrees in being wrong. Stoning to death and cheating are 2 different degrees in my thoughts.

If you hope not to to get stoned so don't ever cheat on your wife :D

Just be a good husband or let her go.


Well-Known Member
We shouldn't be taking the punishments put forth by our holy book as binding, i will not kill homosexuals....


Well-Known Member
The Truth said:
Can you give me any refernce please?

If you do a search on muslim stoning, you'll pull up more sites than my stomach could handle reading. I could not find the one about the PBS show. The reporter had a small hidden film recorder and was taken to the site of the stoning in disguise. The person who took him feared for both their lives if it was discovered he was a Westerner. The family volunteered the home video footage. I will continue looking another day, perhaps.

However, as I said, there are numerous other articles on stoning where the people were not married and the only thing that saved them was the intervention of world opinion and organizations like Amnesty.org.



Veteran Member
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robtex said:
Truth I want to thank you for your honest and upfront explainations. I had the suspicision that those exectued in Islamic countries are generally seen as executed for committing crimes against Allah as well as society.

Welcome dear robtex,

For me, i can't know for sure why those who have been killed are killed for because i don't live there and i don't know the circumstances but i was just trying to show the true islam but if some muslims didn't follow the real teaching of islam so why to blame islam.

The law is clear and anyone around the world whether he was a muslim or not can read it whether in Quran or hadith so if you found things against what you have been reading in the islamic law so that doesn't mean it's islam's mistake but human being's mistake.


Veteran Member
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Melody said:
However, as I said, there are numerous other articles on stoning where the people were not married and the only thing that saved them was the intervention of world opinion and organizations like Amnesty.org.

I lived in Saudi Arabia for long time (i'm not saudian) but i havn't heard even once that people were stoned to death there !!! why is that?

It's so difficult to prove it and it's original purpose is not enjoying killing people but to save the family from being destroyed so anyone who knows that he will be stoned to death for cheating on his wife won't even think about it.


Well-Known Member
The Truth said:
I lived in Saudi Arabia for long time (i'm not saudian) but i havn't heard even once that people were stoned to death there !!! why is that?

Government control of the media, did you hear of the king telling the papers to stop printing pictures of women due to his fear that any picture of women could lead men astray? He said young men run to much on emotions and such photography was dangerous for thier well being, after this letter, pictures of women in saudi newspapers dropped DRASTICALLY.


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AlanGurvey said:
Government control of the media, did you hear of the king telling the papers to stop printing pictures of women due to his fear that any picture of women could lead men astray? He said young men run to much on emotions and such photography was dangerous for thier well being, after this letter, pictures of women in saudi newspapers dropped DRASTICALLY.


This is a Saudian girl in the US.



You can find more pictures in this saudian daily newspaper ..



Well-Known Member
The Truth said:
I lived in Saudi Arabia for long time (i'm not saudian) but i havn't heard even once that people were stoned to death there !!! why is that?

I'm sorry....I didn't realize we were only talking about Saudia Arabia. I thought the thread was on stoning and assumed that this covered all countries. If so, my apologies. If not, my comments stand.


To Save A Lamb
I'll pop my head in here quick to say I am against the death penalty. I am deadset against stoning and other disgusting acts of human barbarity.


Veteran Member
I agree Jamaesi, it's not our place to judge in this manner.

I'm more interested in this question for the "How far would you go for your deity" part of it.

Would you kill for them?... if that's a whole other thread Rob just lay the smackdown yeah?


Wonder Woman
The Truth said:
So cheating on the spouse is ok?

Then who said there is different between man and woman in front of God's law?

They are the same.

I'm not saying that cheating is ok...just that it is a minor transgression in a relationship in the grand scheme of things. Speaking from experience, I would much rather have my spouse cheat on me than beat me or abuse me in any other way. Having had both of these things happen I can attest to which is worse. Even with an ex-husband who beat me, abused me, and cheated on me, I don't wish his death. It is not my place to deal death. No matter what any scripture says. I am not a god and do not have the place to determine what a life is worth. Besides, in the long run, death can be an easy way out for some people. Better to die than to live with the guilt of what they have done and have to deal with it and work through it and make amends to the people they have hurt. Life with guilt vs. death. I know which one I pick.

Question for you. If cheating on your spouse warrants death by stoning...what does punching your spouse in the face and knocking them into a wall warrant? I'm trying to find the consistency here with the belief structure. What has priority?


Well-Known Member
Draka said:
Question for you. If cheating on your spouse warrants death by stoning...what does punching your spouse in the face and knocking them into a wall warrant? I'm trying to find the consistency here with the belief structure. What has priority?

Based on the information on the internet, it probably depends on whether you're male or female.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Melody said:
I'm sorry....I didn't realize we were only talking about Saudia Arabia. I thought the thread was on stoning and assumed that this covered all countries. If so, my apologies. If not, my comments stand.

I just meant that i'm talking about what i see and hear because i don't trust what is happening in other far countries which in some small parts of it might be uneducated and also i don't trust how most of the information in the internet show some cases because it might not be accurate as it appears to be 100%.

And of course we are not talking about Saudi Arabia but about islam in general.


Well-Known Member
The Truth said:
I just meant that i'm talking about what i see and hear because i don't trust what is happening in other far countries which in some small parts of it might be uneducated and also i don't trust how most of the information in the internet show some cases because it might not be accurate as it appears to be 100%.

Well they don't have stoning in my little part of the world either but it doesn't mean it's not happening or that it should be ignored. We may not know all the little details about why they're being stoned, but unless a lot of people went to a lot of trouble to be independent film makers, there's evidence out there that stoning is taking place.

I read an article recently where the author said that being muslim transcends international borders. You no longer are American, Egyptian, Saudi. You are muslim...one great big brotherhood. If that is true, then can you turn a blind eye to those who misuse your Qu'ran and mete out a harsh punishment to those who are undeserving of such?