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death by stoning


Citizen Mod
Draka said:
Question for you. If cheating on your spouse warrants death by stoning...what does punching your spouse in the face and knocking them into a wall warrant? I'm trying to find the consistency here with the belief structure. What has priority?

I am wondering what the penalty is for masturbation.


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jamaesi said:
I'll pop my head in here quick to say I am against the death penalty. I am deadset against stoning and other disgusting acts of human barbarity.

It's part of islam dear jamaesi.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Draka said:
Question for you. If cheating on your spouse warrants death by stoning...what does punching your spouse in the face and knocking them into a wall warrant? I'm trying to find the consistency here with the belief structure. What has priority?

The problem is that people might not understand that to have sex around with anybody is strongly prohibited in islam and one prefer to die instead of doing it.

Therefore, It's so aweful to have sex "as a single" and to do it while this man/woman already have got what might give him/her the chance to practice his/her sexual needs then to go to another place to do it is a larger sin.

Of course, we are not talking here only about the wife but about:

1- The man who disobey God by doing that act.
2- The woman whom he had sex with who might get pregnant or at least he had sex with a woman who supposed to be for another man.
3- He cheated on his wife.
4- God gave him the way to do sex through his wife but he ignored it.
5- He did a bad act in the community's eyes and he might do it again with other girls.
6- The girl he had sex with might get a child who has no father to take care of.

And many more ....

About beating the wife, of course it has it's own punishment but not equal, definitely to this one.


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Melody said:
Well they don't have stoning in my little part of the world either but it doesn't mean it's not happening or that it should be ignored. We may not know all the little details about why they're being stoned, but unless a lot of people went to a lot of trouble to be independent film makers, there's evidence out there that stoning is taking place.

You and me can't judge through watching these videos without knowing the details as you said.

I read an article recently where the author said that being muslim transcends international borders. You no longer are American, Egyptian, Saudi. You are muslim...one great big brotherhood. If that is true, then can you turn a blind eye to those who misuse your Qu'ran and mete out a harsh punishment to those who are undeserving of such?

What can i do to stop them from misusing it?

Judgement Day

Active Member
Seyorni said:
As I understand it, Peace. Stoning is un-Quranic. Doesn't the Quran call for 100 lashes (24:1-2)? Where does it prescribe stoning?
Exactly! Thank you for pointing that out.

"The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes. Do not be swayed by pity from carrying out GOD's law, if you truly believe in GOD and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness their penalty." (Quran 24:2)

Stoning is not Islamic shariah, but biblical shariah:

When a woman apprehended in adultery was brought to Isa AS or Jesus. he pronounced the time-honored verdict, lie told the huge crowd: “Let him who is without sin among you, be the first to cast a stone at her.” (John-8). The entire crowd dispersed, realizing that not a single one among them was without sin. But Jesus himself could have stoned her, because hewas without sin. But he did not. He told her to “go and sin no more”, thus showing his exemplary mercy and incomparable compassion to the woman!

The Quran makes no disticntion between adultery and fornification. For a married slave girl, the punishment is half of that given to a free women, which is 50 lashes (2:24). If someone is to be stoned till death, how on earth could someone halve this punishment? This of course indicates that God never prescribed stoning as punishment for adultery.

People claim to be Muslims, but many do not follow the laws.

"Shall I seek OTHER THAN GOD as a JUDGE, when He has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The word of your Lord is COMPLETE, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words; He is the hearer, the omniscient. Yet, if you obey the majority of people, they will take you away from the path of God. That is because they follow CONJECTURE, and they fail to think." (6:114-116)

Through the Quran, we know that the only authorized laws are the ones that are in the there. Not the Quran law modified by man!

Another point is from this Quran verse:

“The adulterer cannot marry any but an adulteress or an idolatress; and the adulteress cannot marry but an adulterer or an idolater; it is forbidden to believers.” (24:3)

My question is, how in the world can an adulterer and an adulteress get married if they were stoned to death? To get married, one needs to be alive...not dead!


Wonder Woman
Judgement Day said:
Exactly! Thank you for pointing that out.

"The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes. Do not be swayed by pity from carrying out GOD's law, if you truly believe in GOD and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness their penalty." (Quran 24:2)

Stoning is not Islamic shariah, but biblical shariah:

When a woman apprehended in adultery was brought to Isa AS or Jesus. he pronounced the time-honored verdict, lie told the huge crowd: “Let him who is without sin among you, be the first to cast a stone at her.” (John-8). The entire crowd dispersed, realizing that not a single one among them was without sin. But Jesus himself could have stoned her, because hewas without sin. But he did not. He told her to “go and sin no more”, thus showing his exemplary mercy and incomparable compassion to the woman!

The Quran makes no disticntion between adultery and fornification. For a married slave girl, the punishment is half of that given to a free women, which is 50 lashes (2:24). If someone is to be stoned till death, how on earth could someone halve this punishment? This of course indicates that God never prescribed stoning as punishment for adultery.

People claim to be Muslims, but many do not follow the laws.

"Shall I seek OTHER THAN GOD as a JUDGE, when He has revealed THIS BOOK FULLY DETAILED? ....The word of your Lord is COMPLETE, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words; He is the hearer, the omniscient. Yet, if you obey the majority of people, they will take you away from the path of God. That is because they follow CONJECTURE, and they fail to think." (6:114-116)

Through the Quran, we know that the only authorized laws are the ones that are in the there. Not the Quran law modified by man!

Another point is from this Quran verse:

“The adulterer cannot marry any but an adulteress or an idolatress; and the adulteress cannot marry but an adulterer or an idolater; it is forbidden to believers.” (24:3)

My question is, how in the world can an adulterer and an adulteress get married if they were stoned to death? To get married, one needs to be alive...not dead!

That makes more sense to me at least.

May I ask what your religious opinion or stance is on abuse of a spouse? I ask because, if you couldn't already tell from my previous posts, I find that that is a greater injustice than cheating. I can walk away from a spouse who cheated or perhaps even work it out with them. But I cannot stay with or possibly live through a man who cruelly beats me.


Wonder Woman
The Truth said:
The problem is that people might not understand that to have sex around with anybody is strongly prohibited in islam and one prefer to die instead of doing it.

Therefore, It's so aweful to have sex "as a single" and to do it while this man/woman already have got what might give him/her the chance to practice his/her sexual needs then to go to another place to do it is a larger sin.

Of course, we are not talking here only about the wife but about:

1- The man who disobey God by doing that act.
2- The woman whom he had sex with who might get pregnant or at least he had sex with a woman who supposed to be for another man.
3- He cheated on his wife.
4- God gave him the way to do sex through his wife but he ignored it.
5- He did a bad act in the community's eyes and he might do it again with other girls.
6- The girl he had sex with might get a child who has no father to take care of.

And many more ....

About beating the wife, of course it has it's own punishment but not equal, definitely to this one.

It just seems messed up to me. Like the priorities are all wrong. Like saying that it's okay to abuse and beat your spouse to the brink of death, but if you dare cheat on them you die. I just don't get it. :shrug:


Totally barbaric and belongs in biblical times , whats wrong with people how can you even try to justify it come on


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Draka said:
It just seems messed up to me. Like the priorities are all wrong. Like saying that it's okay to abuse and beat your spouse to the brink of death, but if you dare cheat on them you die. I just don't get it. :shrug:

Did i say that it's ok to abuse and beat the spouse?


A fool
Did i say that it's ok to abuse and beat the spouse?

Most people would argue that since abusing and beating a spouse is worse than cheating on them, they would deserve a harsher punishment. Is this the case in Islamic countries?


Most people would argue that since abusing and beating a spouse is worse than cheating on them, they would deserve a harsher punishment. Is this the case in Islamic countries?
I don't see any Islamic countries yet. Saudi Arabia does not allow women to drive cars and mandates that all women should be covered from head to toe. That is opression, gender inequality, etc. and so is not Islamic.

An Islamic country can and should follow laws that promote peace, justice, and so on. How the country would chose to punish those who beat their spouses is, of course, its decision.

Hope I stayed on track.


A fool
I don't see any Islamic countries yet. Saudi Arabia does not allow women to drive cars and mandates that all women should be covered from head to toe. That is opression, gender inequality, etc. and so is not Islamic.

Just because Saudi Arabia does some things which are unpalitable to many people (many Muslims included) does not mean that it is not an Islamic country. Many European Christian countries have taken certain actions that would be unacceptable to a modern day Christian but that does not make them non-Christian. Religious freedom is restricted for non-Sunnis and the majority of the population is Islamic so surely Saudi Arabia is clearly an Islamic country?


To Save A Lamb
Religious freedom is restricted for non-Sunnis and the majority of the population is Islamic so surely Saudi Arabia is clearly an Islamic country?

Yeah, Saudi Arabia is about as Islamic as a vegetarian eating a steak. They're sort of missing the point of what they profess to be...


A fool
Yeah, Saudi Arabia is about as Islamic as a vegetarian eating a steak. They're sort of missing the point of what they profess to be...

Hmmm surely this is no different from a Protestant claiming that Catholics are real Christians? Assumedly they would say the exact same thing about other people's interpretations of Islam.

I don't really know enough about this to debate so I'm just trying to learn. How can Saudi policies be so un-Islamic yet they continue to consider themselves Muslim?


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Premium Member
RearingArabian said:
What if I said that stoning people to death is contrary to Islam? (Okay, it's already been mentioned, but I have a link)


Rather nice site, really. Taught me a great deal. And thanks to it, I'm no longer Sunni, but Muslim. (difference, you see)

I hope that you will read this article because it's informative and show clearly what Sunnah stand for and whether it was the same as people claim it to be or not.


By the way, prophet Mohammed stoned an "married" adulter and i'm surprised how you think that prophet Mohammed might do somthing against islam. :confused:


Veteran Member
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Fluffy said:
Most people would argue that since abusing and beating a spouse is worse than cheating on them, they would deserve a harsher punishment. Is this the case in Islamic countries?

Firstly, Islam forbid abusing wives and prophet Mohammed mocked the one who beat his wife then sleep with her !!

Secondly, it's not about cheating on wives only but about disobying God in the first place.

Here are some of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) sayings in this regard:

"Do not beat the female servants of Allah";

"Some (women) visited my family complaining about their husbands (beating them). These (husbands) are not the best of you."

In another hadith the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “How does anyone of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then he may embrace (sleep with) her?”


Veteran Member
Premium Member
RearingArabian said:
I don't see any Islamic countries yet. Saudi Arabia does not allow women to drive cars

This is their own choice and they chosed the best for their country and they are free to do what they want according to their tradition and what they used to do so and don't stick islam on this issue because all saudian know well that there is prohibtion of women driving cars according to islam.

all women should be covered from head to toe. That is opression, gender inequality, etc. and so is not Islamic.

No one was calling france by a country which opress women when they forced women not to wear hijab in public even though those "women" were trying to tell the government that it's their own business whether to cover or not.

Also, i hope that you won't call somthing as not islamic until you become sure about it because there is different of opnions in islam about many issues and such a thing depend in the country you are living at and what that particular culture used to do so if it didn't contradict with islamic teaching.