yes you are quite right , Jesus was not truth in the eyes of the sanhedrin . and followers of christ who speak truth are also not the ones to follow in the eyes of religious leaders who claim to be Gods representatives. if a person is after TRUTH then it is all wrapped up in the GOODNEWS of the kingdom MATTHEW 24;14 DANIEL 2;44 when Jesus taught about the kingdom and his righteousness it was the way to go , Jesus teachings are the thing to stick to and listening to Jesus means that we put into pratice what he taught us . and Jesus knew that at a future time his kingdom would be in heaven , that is why he said to pontius pilot ,MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD , he knew that at a future time he was to recieve kingship in the heavenly kingdom goverment Daniel 7;13-14 DANIEL 2;44 He knew that he would be a king at a future time in the heavens , but not at that time . he was working inline with Gods purpose. the kingdom is the truth and everything is wrapped up in that kingdom and Jesus plays a very big part in it . and i would say that refusing to recogonize that Jesus has now recieved his kingship in the heavens , inline with bible prophecy and chronology ,gets in the way of finding truth. it seems to me that the teachers of christendom allow the traditions to get in the way of knowing the truth about the kingdom and its now reigning king Jesus christ. there is no need to be curious about what i will do with TRUTH it is being made known all over the world by all of those who have found truth .
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 this is the truth about the heavenly kingdom goverment that Jesus said would be made known .Daniel 2;44 this is the established heavenly kingdom goverment that Jesus is now a reigning king of Daniel 7;13-14 so i am working inline with Jesus by making it known .Along with the GREAT CROWD from all nations Revelation 7;9-10 this is the ONLY WAY TO PEACE and working inline with Gods kingdom is the way to go . if you are not after truth , then it must mean that you are working against truth and that is not a very good place to be . there is no salvation in any one else but Jesus , and now he is a reigning king ready to stand up and go into action . i have put my vote in for this now reigning king because it is the only way to salvation. what i am doing is waving my symbolic palm branch to welcome this now reigning king , and i am out to advertise this heavenly kingdom goverment with Jesus as ruler Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14 that is what all followers of christ should be making known in this time of the end . so i am working for the lord, and i am looking to the channel that Jesus is feeding matthew 24;45-47 bible prophecy is now well along in this time of the end , but there are many opossers out there to suppress the GOODNEWS.Jesus is nolonger a baby in a stable ,he is a reigning king ready to go into action .Yes the bible is a most wonderful book of prophecy and now we are well along in these last days Daniel 12;4 KEEPING AWAKE and not falling asleep leads to great blessings now and into the future .
Ya just can't resist the opportunity for a good witness diatribe, can you?
The fundamental difference between you and I, May, is that you appear to be all wrapped up in the future -- in "what's next." Jesus told us not to worry about "what's next." That'll be taken care of. What Jesus
taught is that we need to worry about the here-and-now, that is, "feed my lambs; care for the widows, orphans and resident aliens; love one another; remember me."
No, Jesus is not a baby in a stable, but the truth is (and this is a truth that begins in Genesis and is propagated throughout the Biblical story)
God is with us -- NOW -- not "in the sweet bye-and-bye." God "made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness..." (Phil. 2)
That's the good news -- that God is with us. And it is that reconciliation that is our salvation. And when we participate in doing the things Jesus did, we help to manifest the "God with us" in the world.
December 25 is the day we celebrate that incarnation. It could be the Fourth of July of the Ides of March, for that matter. We're not celebrating the date, but the Jesus-event. In order to celebrate it, it has to come on a certain date. This is the date we've assigned to it. I don't see anywhere in the Bible where Jesus is teaching concern over dates.
Again, your obsession with fact is obscuring your vision of truth.