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Democrats say the damnedest things.....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
And what's with you and the MSNBC thing......I keep telling you, you have me mixed up with someone else here who might be relying on MSNBC for their news and sources yet you continue to try and put me in that crowed....what's with you and MSNBC???......All I said was the site was a funny conspiracy site....because it is.....not that the video they linked to was a conspiracy. The video is accurate...:sad:
The MSNBC bit is my April Fool's Day present.
Did you get me anything? (No re-gifting!)
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Obama was in my town yesterday to visit a fancy pants over-priced deli & deliver sophisticated & adult economic commentary.
If they tried to sell this sandwich at Zingerman's they'd have to call it the Stinkburger or the Meanwich
At least he stopped short of calling Ryan a "doodoo head".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Harry Reid is on the "no compromise" band wagon for the minimum wage debate. I'd give him an F for getting along with others, except I have already probably gave him an F at some point in time. Maybe he should get a brain himself before he tells someone else to.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Representative Jim Moran (D-VA)
"I think the American people should know that the members of Congress are underpaid"
Congressman: Members of Congress are underpaid

I agree with you. That was an extremely thing to say.......Not only are they making $175K per year but many of them have other sources of income....and many of them are millionaires...and others are on the dole receiving all sorts of federal subsidies (i.e. farm subsidies)... Given Congresses do nothing-ness lately and their work calendar (or lack of) I'd say they need a pay cut......


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That was an extremely thing to say......
A daring position to take!

Actually, they are underpaid for their job. But they're also over-compensated
with franking privileges, junkets & free military transportation. I say boost
their pay, but throttle them in other areas. And intall Harkonen style heart plugs.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
A daring position to take!

Actually, they are underpaid for their job. But they're also over-compensated
with franking privileges, junkets & free military transportation. I say boost
their pay, but throttle them in other areas. And intall Harkonen style heart plugs.
I think they get too much pay and benefits. If I had it my way, they would have to be the first to take a cut in pay in benefits before they could ask any other government employee to do so. It's a hard and stressful job, but it's not like they were in the position of taking that job or loose their home. It makes me sick to hear them complain they don't have enough when they have far more than what most of their constituents will ever have. Talk about entitled.

I agree with you. That was an extremely thing to say.......Not only are they making $175K per year but many of them have other sources of income....and many of them are millionaires...and others are on the dole receiving all sorts of federal subsidies (i.e. farm subsidies)... Given Congresses do nothing-ness lately and their work calendar (or lack of) I'd say they need a pay cut......
Considering that in most jobs the boss evaluates the employees performance and bases the pay on that, then because they are working for us we should decide their pay scale. Then we could reward those who work together and actually do stuff that is more than just for their party base, and keeping cutting their hours and pay of the others until they get the idea we don't want them around anymore. Ya know, just like regular work for regular Americans.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The reason I favor higher pay is that the job should attract a higher quality of worker. I don't know that more pay would make much difference, since the real attraction is to wield power over the little folk, but the pay ought to be commensurate with the responsibility & skill required. (Currently, they make less than small company middle management types I know!) Where we really need to save money is on wasteful bennies....like using military planes instead of commercial flights, useless junkets, franking privileges. Dang, I'm repeating meself...again!
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The reason I favor higher pay is that the job should attract a higher quality of worker. I don't know that more pay would make much difference, since the real attraction is to wield power over the little folk, but the pay ought to be commensurate with the responsibility & skill required. (Currently, they make less than small company middle management types I know!) Where we really need to save money is on wasteful bennies....like using military planes instead of commercial flights, useless junkets, franking privileges. Dang, I'm repeating meself...again!
It seems like the more money, the more power, and the more power the more likely you are to draw out the absolute worst our species has to offer.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It seems like the more money, the more power, and the more power the more likely you are to draw out the absolute worst our species has to offer.
True dat.
I've heard that power corrupts, but I believe that wielding power merely provides a
venue to show who the person already is. A thug without power just escapes our notice.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Holder presents a some loopy ideas about gun safety....
Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should Wear A "Bracelet" To Use Their Weapon | Video | RealClearPolitics
Fingerprint identification of the owner by the gun? The last time gov tried to take
my prints with their fancy computer based system, it took over half an hour to do
it. Imagine the reliability of scaling it down to a spot on the hand grip! I guess he
figures guns would be safer if they seldom worked properly. If it's such a good idea,
then let fed agents all try it first.


Veteran Member
Holder presents a some loopy ideas about gun safety....
Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should Wear A "Bracelet" To Use Their Weapon | Video | RealClearPolitics
Fingerprint identification of the owner by the gun? The last time gov tried to take
my prints with their fancy computer based system, it took over half an hour to do
it. Imagine the reliability of scaling it down to a spot on the hand grip! I guess he
figures guns would be safer if they seldom worked properly. If it's such a good idea,
then let fed agents all try it first.

Maybe Holder would like owners of firearms to wear some means of visual identification to show that they own firearms. Hmmmm where have I heard that concept before, wasn't it something about a yellow symbol. Now, Now don't some of you get your panties in a wad, I was being a little sarcastic.


Veteran Member
If you can't really see what Holder was insinuating, I do believe you really need a course in reading between the lines and the understanding of innuendos.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Racism is just a tired old excuse.

Obviously you're not an African American and has never experienced racism the way many of us have. Racism is live and well in this country. It is what it is. I don't see it dying anytime soon. Some in politics aren't outright with their bigotry and some are....Much of what is displayed is coded terminology (see Sarah Palin "shuck and jive" comment). Some of it is in the actions or policies put forth (see: Ohio voter suppression)

A group of officials in the Cincinnati area recently participated in a 90-minute journey to a proposed early voting site as a protest over how long the trip took from one inner-city neighborhood.
Said trip was done by bus, two buses to be precise, which involved people getting on one bus and transferring to another bus. They still had to walk another half mile walk to get to the site where they would need to cast their vote and then they still had to turn around to make they journey back home. It wasn't like this before. There were more voting locations and because of past long lines they implemented more early voting and flexible voting hours. That administration has pretty much done away with that. I'm sure you can see that this disproportionately affects African Americans, hispanics and the elderly. That being said that's what Holder is fighting against...and that's what his speech was about. The racism and the bigotry is real...whether you want to admit it or agree with him or me.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Obviously you're not an African American....
I could say that obviously you wallow in the culture of blaming racism instead of taking responsibility
for personal shortcomings. But then we'd be engaging in ad hominem argument, which benefits no one.
There are good reasons to for harsh criticism of Holder & Obama, just as there were for the preceding
administration. Holder's talk is appropriate for mention in this thread.