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Democrats say the damnedest things.....

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Now that it's open and in the air, of course the Dems are now saying they don't want it anymore, because now they know they can't do it anymore if they want votes, and probably large donors I would imagine. But they are wanting to give an IMF loan to Ukraine, which I would imagine would make Ukraine much worse off in the long run than if Putin annexed all of Ukraine. It's no wonder the U.S. government is the "Great Satan." WBG and IMF loans may as well be synonymous with "making a deal with the devil," and remember in November the Dems are wanting to buy the very soul of Ukraine, and the Reps are fighting it.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What injured party?
Well, duhhhhh!
Drudge was accused of lying simply because the White house misunderstands how taxes are paid.
Amazing, ain't it?....the clueless dolts running the country don't know that we're already paying
2014 taxes. Just in case you forgot, this is one of the "damnedest" things said by Democrats.


Not Religious
Well, duhhhhh!
Drudge was accused of lying simply because the White house misunderstands how taxes are paid.
Amazing, ain't it?....the clueless dolts running the country don't know that we're already paying
2014 taxes. Just in case you forgot, this is one of the "damnedest" things said by Democrats.
But you aren't listening. If he has less than 50 employees there is no ACA mandate (penalty)

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Well, duhhhhh!
Drudge was accused of lying simply because the White house misunderstands how taxes are paid.
Amazing, ain't it?....the clueless dolts running the country don't know that we're already paying
2014 taxes. Just in case you forgot, this is one of the "damnedest" things said by Democrats.

He decided to forgo any and all health insurance and then had to factor in the "penalty" for not having health insurance....he gets on twitter and tweets that he had to pay...that's not an injured party..that's a self made victim .....He can avoid the exchange altogether and go to a company of his choosing and get a policy...but he explicitly said he wasn't going to get insurance. So there's no merit to his whining on twitter about having to pay the "penalty"....:rolleyes:


Premium Member
Is this for real?

That's nuts.

Yes. It is.

One must pay estimated taxes based upon the previous year's taxes, fulfilling 100% of the same amount of tax liability from the previous year with the current year estimated taxes.

So, if a person has an increase of income in one year, they pay the additional amount due, over the estimated payments made during the year. Beginning at the same time, they are required to pay the same level of estimated taxes for the next year, but if they do not actually have the same level of income for that next year, and do not pay the estimated taxes on time, they could wind up paying a penalty for late payment of estimated taxes, even if the payments made result in overpayment of the taxes for that year, and they are actually due a refund at tax time.

If a self-employed person's income is received in spurts, inconsistently (like construction, affected by weather) and their busy season is the warm weather months, or even end of the year holiday time -- too bad. They are required to pay estimated tax throughout the year AS IF they were actually receiving the same level of income spread out evenly throughout the year, so they may be penalized on not making "on time" advanced tax payments on money they have not yet earned.


Veteran Member
1. If you do not have health insurance you will be required to pay a fine; that is unless you fall under one of the many exemptions that the Obama administration has fudged into the law. The fine will be considered a tax and collected by the IRS. That is if the current administration doesn't fudge in another change to the law
2. If you are a business you have to pay quarterly estimated taxes
3. The Drudge Report is a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars (Drudge Report Worth Hundreds Of Millions - Business Insider) The Drudge Report, files taxes as a small business on a quarterly basis. From: Media wrongly attack Drudge after he admits paying Obamacare penalty - Washington Times
The IRS requires self-employed business owners to file annual returns and pay estimated quarterly taxes. When entrepreneurs like Mr. Drudge file their 2014 first quarter taxes, they have to pay the individual health care mandate if they are not getting Obamacare coverage.
The IRS form also allows adding the mandate to the section labeled “other taxes,” hence Mr. Drudge’s chosen name “Liberty tax.”
Now it appears as Revoltingest said
This thread sure is a lightning rod for Obamapologists
The Obamapologists are going after Drudge about not having health care and ignoring the fact that what he, Drudge, said is correct and those that attacked him have no idea how a small business works. They just don't like the idea that he is right and as usually attacking without knowing the facts.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Now it appears as Revoltingest said The Obamapologists are going after Drudge about not having health care and ignoring the fact that what he, Drudge, said is correct and those that attacked him have no idea how a small business works. They just don't like the idea that he is right and as usually attacking without knowing the facts.

Many may be unaware that even though he has a business and files taxes for that business...they could be unaware what type of business license/filing he does. If he's filing as a sole proprietor then he's treated like a regular person and not a business employing more than 50 people. His calling attention to the fact that he over estimated his taxes to supposedly pay for the ACA tax is him calling attention to himself. If he's filing as an SP then it would be self evident that if he didn't have insurance he'd have to calculate and pay the tax. Since we know, directly from him, he chose to not get health insurance....even if it was a direct policy from a company and not through the exchange we know he doesn't like....then his whining about paying the tax is moot.


Veteran Member
Many may be unaware that even though he has a business and files taxes for that business...they could be unaware what type of business license/filing he does. If he's filing as a sole proprietor then he's treated like a regular person and not a business employing more than 50 people. His calling attention to the fact that he over estimated his taxes to supposedly pay for the ACA tax is him calling attention to himself. If he's filing as an SP then it would be self evident that if he didn't have insurance he'd have to calculate and pay the tax. Since we know, directly from him, he chose to not get health insurance....even if it was a direct policy from a company and not through the exchange we know he doesn't like....then his whining about paying the tax is moot.

In your opinion.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yes, it seems that since the wheels have started to come off the Obama train they are getting extremely defensive.

To be fair, they don't have a lot left to support. :beach:
And it's such a minor fiasco to make a bone headed assumption & mis-statement about the tax code.
Yes, the underlying Democratic ignorance is frightening, but this won't derail Obamacare or anyone's election prospects.
The faux pas of defending the White House & attacking Drudge has given this more life than warranted.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Taxes are no issue when the gubbermint gives you a check every year .
If these gubmint employees thought about it, they'd realize that they too pay their 2014 taxes all during 2014 (by
payroll withholding). This should suggest that the IRS wouldn't let us bizness types keep all that loot until 4.15.15.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
On Twitter and on his "Colbert Report" show on the Comedy Central network, Colbert said: "I am willing to show the Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever."
Activists voiced outrage at the remark, which played on mocking imitations of East Asian languages. A conversation, under the hashtag #CancelColbert, was near the top of topics trending on Twitter Friday.
Writer and activist Suey Park, who helped lead the protests, asked why it was acceptable for Colbert to use offensive language for Asian Americans if he was criticizing racism against Native Americans.
"#CancelColbert because white liberals are just as complicit in making Asian Americans into punchlines and we aren't amused," she tweeted.
In case there's a question about his party affiliation, from Wikipedia....
Although, by his own account, he was not particularly political before joining the cast of The Daily Show, Colbert has described himself as a Democrat according to a 2004 interview.[110][111] In an interview at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard Institute of Politics, he stated that he has "no problems with Republicans, just Republican policies."[112] Colbert is a practicing Roman Catholic and a Sunday school teacher.[19][113][114][115]
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I begin to wonder if it's possible to post a quote for this thread without your objecting in some fashion.
Note: I did try to find an MSNBC source for you, but I couldn't.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I begin to wonder if it's possible to post a quote for this thread without your objecting in some fashion.
Note: I did try to find an MSNBC source for you, but I couldn't.

But tis your misunderstanding to my straight forward post. I completely agree that it was dumb of him to say what he said. I never denied that. I'm sure it was a mistake considering not too much longer after that he actually said ($100 a month)...but it was still funny he made a mistake.

And what's with you and the MSNBC thing......I keep telling you, you have me mixed up with someone else here who might be relying on MSNBC for their news and sources yet you continue to try and put me in that crowed....what's with you and MSNBC???......All I said was the site was a funny conspiracy site....because it is.....not that the video they linked to was a conspiracy. The video is accurate...:sad: