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Democrats say the damnedest things.....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I think I really have seen everything now that several posters have said supportive things about Eric Holder in another thread. On that, I'm speechless.
But I know you expected it anyway.
Political partisanship often trumps ethics.


Veteran Member
Ezekiel Emanuel says people should not receive life-extending measures (like flu shots) beyond the age of 75.

Do you want to live beyond age 75? - CBS News

Emanuel rejects what he calls Americans' obsession with life extension by exercising, following strict diets, doing mental puzzles and popping supplements and other concoctions. He thinks our society isn't so much extending life as extending the dying process -- lengthening the time you're a victim of a debilitating chronic illness or the fragility of old age.

Hmmm, wasn't Ezekiel architect ofObamacare? Maybe those "death panel" worries weren't too far off.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Ezekiel Emanuel says people should not receive life-extending measures (like flu shots) beyond the age of 75.

Do you want to live beyond age 75? - CBS News

Hmmm, wasn't Ezekiel architect ofObamacare? Maybe those "death panel" worries weren't too far off.
Oh, you're just buying into that Fox News myth about "death panels".
As I heard it explained on NPR, they're "end of life panels".
Get your terminology right!


Veteran Member
Oh, you're just buying into that Fox News myth about "death panels".
As I heard it explained on NPR, they're "end of life panels".
Get your terminology right!

Well now, learn something new everyday...That keeps the old brain pan working; but according to Ezekiel I only need to do it for another 3 years. I think/hope I'll be around longer that that just to keep agitating certain people with certain philosophies )(


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Oh, you're just buying into that Fox News myth about "death panels".
As I heard it explained on NPR, they're "end of life panels".
Get your terminology right!
Hehe.... I'm thinking of that hilarious scene from Monty Python.

"Bring out your dead. Bring out your dead!"

The thing is the unfunded liabilities of giving healthcare to an ever aging population just doesn't work after awhile. When we baby-boomers are in our wheelchairs... the kids may well wonder why they are paying such huge sums to keep us going. We may actually go down as the greediest generation ever to live on the planet. We wanted it all and stole from our grandchildren to make it happen.


I think I really have seen everything now that several posters have said supportive things about Eric Holder in another thread. On that, I'm speechless.

I'll have youy know Eric did his best to make this country proud! The interference of his parents notwithstanding....

Oh, Holder. I thought you said Lindros.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The "death panel" claim was originally from that medical expert, Sarah Palin, and there's no such provision found in all of the pages of the ACA. However, because of the changing age demographics and the high cost of health care, there's no doubt that down the road there's going to have to be some very tough decisions made. We, and this includes the insurance companies, are simply not going to be able to pay for everyone's health care at the current level based on projections.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The "death panel" claim was originally from that medical expert, Sarah Palin, and there's no such provision found in all of the pages of the ACA. However, because of the changing age demographics and the high cost of health care, there's no doubt that down the road there's going to have to be some very tough decisions made. We, and this includes the insurance companies, are simply not going to be able to pay for everyone's health care at the current level based on projections.
It sounds like you're saying Palin was right.
We don't have unlimited resources, so allocations must be made.
But even some on the left were discussing the same thing.
They just used different labels. Be it "death panel" or
"end of life panel", does it make any difference?
Pubs wanted to strike fear, while Dems wanted to lull into complacency.
Which is worse? Depends upon which party one belongs to.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Jimmy Carter says he would have defeated Reagan had he been more 'manly' | WashingtonExaminer.com
Former President Jimmy Carter claimed Wednesday that he would have been reelected and beaten Ronald Reagan in 1980 if had been more “manly” in his dealings with Iran. Interviewed by the show CNBC Meets, Carter repeated his belief that the failed mission to free American hostages held in Tehran killed his chances, but then added that had he gone to war, America would have rewarded him with a second term in 1980.
It's interesting not because of his odd language, but because it shows that he was in control
of the choice to go to war with Iran. Many conspiracy theorists claim that the military
industrial complex has this power, rather than the voters. Politicians perceive that
making war can win votes. So listen here, voters, politicians care what you think,
& as a group you have power.
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Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Hehe.... I'm thinking of that hilarious scene from Monty Python.

"Bring out your dead. Bring out your dead!"

The thing is the unfunded liabilities of giving healthcare to an ever aging population just doesn't work after awhile. When we baby-boomers are in our wheelchairs... the kids may well wonder why they are paying such huge sums to keep us going. We may actually go down as the greediest generation ever to live on the planet. We wanted it all and stole from our grandchildren to make it happen.

Actually that is a myth that the baby boom caused a bulge. What caused a bulge is better healthcare therefore greater lifespans. Far more people were born in America in the 90's than during the baby boom years. It created a jump in the Pyramid of the population but not the bulge itself.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Seems David Axelrod thinks that Obama's statement that his policies, Obama's, are on the 2014 ballot was a big mistake.

Axelrod: Obama ballot line a 'mistake' - POLITICO.com

Axelrod is entitled to his opinion...but I find nothing wrong with the statement Obama made. Many voters will go to the poles voting either for or against these policies. I've even found that when policies work in favor of the voter the voter will come out to vote against the candidate associated with said policies.....It's just the nature of the voter, the information he/she receives and how partisan they are (i.e. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians etc....)
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Veteran Member
Nope, that's a lie.

Having problems reading?
from Do you want to live beyond age 75? - CBS News

if you read beyond the attention-getting headline, however, Emanuel is clear that he's not going to commit suicide at age 75. Rather, he'll just stop accepting life-extending interventions such as flu shots, preventative tests, chemotherapy and surgeries. In this case, it's a pretty safe bet he'll keep living well beyond age 75, when the odds of dying are roughly one in 25.
and Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

I am talking about how long I want to live and the kind and amount of health care I will consent to after 75. Americans seem to be obsessed with exercising, doing mental puzzles, consuming various juice and protein concoctions, sticking to strict diets, and popping vitamins and supplements, all in a valiant effort to cheat death and prolong life as long as possible. This has become so pervasive that it now defines a cultural type: what I call the American immortal.
I reject this aspiration. I think this manic desperation to endlessly extend life is misguided and potentially destructive. For many reasons, 75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop.


Veteran Member
He is the only person making that decision for himself. This has nothing to do with obamacare and 'death panels' etc that you tossed in there. This has nothing to do with him saying that NO ONE should receive 'flu shots' or whatever past the age of 75. You spun it.

When I read it, I see whereas he's talking about himself.

You both should remember that he is one of the major architects for the ACA and is probably involved with the continuation and alterations to the plan.

That is unless major changes are made to it that renders it null and void.:rolleyes: