I do not know what they can do, but it was their idea to help me, it was not my idea.
Why should it matter if I have been an isolated from them for so long? If they listened to what I have gone through for the last 20 years they would understand why I am isolated.
Thanks Duane... I do not think the conflict will be resolved until this situation with Lewis unfolds and I know where he is going after the hospital. I cannot even talk to him on the phone right now, I am too hurt. How would it help to talk to him anyway? It never did.
The psychiatrist said he was competent to make his own decisions, but that is just a clinical opinion. He has not made any important decisions since we have been married, I made all the decisions. That was not by choice, it was by deferral. He believes everything the doctors say without questioning. I think he is just looking for an excuse to die.
I have been trying to contact an old friend who is a Buddhist-Christian who believes in God. He is one year younger than me, has a MS degree in wildlife biology and worked for the federal government until he retired about 10 years ago. I met him back in 2009 when we first moved into this house because I responded to a Craigslist ad to buy his stereo. He is an animal lover but he has dogs. Like me he is closer to animals than people. He is very spiritual and kind. After I met him we kept in touch by e-mail but I lost his e-mail address. I left him a voice mail on the phone number I had for him but I don't know if he received it or not. I am going to leave another message. He is an introvert, a very private person who does not like a lot of company, like me.
He would understand what I have been through with Lewis because his wife of 23 years left him for another man and they got divorced and he was very hurt by that. I don't know if he ever remarried.
Why does he deserve mercy? I will let God decide that, that's not my department.