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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
My wife weighs around 105 pounds and consciously has kept this thin all her life, she's 46. We eat very healthy whole foods and never go hungry, excercise or go on diets. We eat all we want or need. We both still look like we are in our 20's. We can do a lot to look our best, the way God intended us to look in this life.

So God intended us all to be 105 lbs?

Doubt it.

You are focusing way to much on the physical when you should really be focusing on the spiritual.


Lucid Dreamer
The point is - you are using what culture and/or society defines as beauty to as evidence of God's standards. What would you say to a culture that found chubby women the most attractive?

I find chubby women most attractive...
But that's just my personal preference.

FFH said:
Gluttony, should be considered a sin, would anyone disagree with that ??? :cool:

Yes. But mostly because I don't think anything is a sin, because I don't believe in a god.


Veteran Member
Just for you FFH:

Let your thoughts and actions inspire confidence and trust. Let your words be wholesome and your time together be uplifting. Let nothing in life take priority over your wife—neither work, recreation, nor hobby.

Link here

You may not have realized it, but every time you post a picture of a "beautiful" woman, you make others who may not be airbrushed to perfection feel ugly and not worth it.

Focus on what's inside, not outside.

God doesn't' judge by what we look like, He judges what we do.


Veteran Member
You should post Lamanite girls
Edited: That's why I chose a Brazilian woman for the opening post, because I believe them to be descendents of the Lamanites, to show that God is not just into cursing people.

Later I found out she's really half Italian and half Polish, but was born in Brazil.


Veteran Member
So God intended us all to be 105 lbs?

Doubt it.

You are focusing way to much on the physical when you should really be focusing on the spiritual.
We focus on both as much as we can.

Everyone is built differently, I'm just saying that we need to eat healthy and be a light to the world, not act like slobs.

You don't need to be a Christian and look like a prude or homely to be righteous. My wife looks her best and many criticize her for that, she doesn't fit in, we both don't fit in.


Wonder Woman
All cultures have gorgeous women, that's not a valid argument. Do I need to post more examples ???

In Japan, I can honestly say I never saw anyone that was overweight, everyone looked good and healthy.

Over eating would be considered against God's standards of health. Man makes himself unattractive by disobeying rules for good health.

Gluttony, should be considered a sin, would anyone disagree with that ??? :cool:

Some women puposely overeat for various psycologically twisted reasons.

My wife weighs around 105 pounds and consciously has kept this thin all her life, she's 46. We eat very healthy whole foods and never go hungry, excercise or go on diets. We eat all we want or need. We both still look like we are in our 20's. We can do a lot to look our best, the way God intended us to look in this life.

What about people with thyroid problems? Metabolism problems? Those people can eat less than a normal person and STILL have trouble keeping the weight off and be overweight. It may have nothing to do with being an overeater.

My best friend while growing up always ate less than I did. I could eat whatever I wanted in whatever amount I wanted and rarely ever gained any weight. She'd barely eat a third of what I ate and she was constantly overweight. Still is. All the women in her family are and I gaurantee (from having many meals over at their house) that they were NOT overeaters.

Is it wrong for some men to find those women attractive? To find the "full-figured" woman appealing?


Veteran Member
Just for you FFH:

Link here

You may not have realized it, but every time you post a picture of a "beautiful" woman, you make others who may not be airbrushed to perfection feel ugly and not worth it.

Focus on what's inside, not outside.

God doesn't' judge by what we look like, He judges what we do.
Of course, but there's nothing wrong with looking at beautiful things.

My wife looks at these women and sees them for what they are. We have the restored gospel, they don't, they just look good, that's about it, which won't get them saved and exalted with God.

We already have the gospel in our lives, we're both just enjoying the ride until we are gone from this mortal world.

Nothing wrong with looking at the roses, not just smelling them. Stop and Look at the roses, don't just smell them.

I've seen some amazing roses, literally and figuratively, many are right within every day view, much more beautiful than any I've posted here.

I enjoy all kinds of looking people. You have no idea all the people I've met working in this business. A few guys have come in to where I work, their faces destroyed by fire. One guy had a beautiful spirit and a handsome face, at least what was left of it and a beautiful wife...the other had so much money he had a home in Scotland, probably from a workers comp settlement or something like that, and he would spend time golfing there. Their lives continued on and they were wonderful people to talk to.

I remember distinctly a large group of kids came in to restaurant where I worked, they were all hearing impaired, no sound whatsoever was spoken, just hands flying. The spirit came over me so strongly without any effort on my part, it was amazing, I tried to hold onto that feeling, it was amazing, it lingered and then slowly left.

Usually it's those who are most afflicted that have the spirit with them. I've also worked with the mentally impaired, we had a program that brought them into our work and we worked with them side by side, I got to know one guy really well, he happened to be in one of the LDS wards I later moved into, but I already had worked with him and knew him. He was a wreck and wouldn't even go into Sacrament meeting, when I first moved into his ward, he was self conscious. He was not fully mentally impaired, meaning he knew he was not like everyone else. I befriended him and got him to finally sit down in sacrament meeting. He would give me the biggest hugs. His head had been damaged at birth or something, but he still looked fine, but could not talk properly, it was a huge struggle for him and he could not learn properly, he just needed some encouragement and someone to validate him. I happened to be that person for some reason God put me in his life at the very time when he needed it. I worked with him and then later moved into his ward. He was so excited to see me and I was also likewise astonished at how God works and puts people in our lives to help us grow. He helped me much more than I ever helped him. He also validated me as a person, something I needed help with too.


Wonder Woman

Queen Latifah - Want to tell me she shouldn't be considered attractive because of her weight?

Random pics of real beauty:
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Veteran Member
Funny, one of the customers that has also been burned on the side of his face, not as bad as the other two I mentioned, but bad enough that he is very self conscious about it, just came in and picked up a pizza. He finally looked at me straight forward, usually he turns to the side so no one can see the burned side of his face. He looks fine though. It's no big deal, we make things like that out to be a bigger deal than they really are. We all have scars, some physical, some spiritual, it's no big deal, it's only temporary.

Exaltation with God is something that will wipe away all brokeness in our lives, I've felt that for a fraction of a second. It's as if nothing is broken physically and spiritually, that's the only way i can describe it, a whole and healthy spiritual and physical feeling..


Veteran Member
I agree Draka, everyone can look good, just pointing out the best, as evidence that God should be seen in that which is good, not just in that which is bad. God should be credited for the good things of this life, not just pain and suffering. wars and bloodshed, disease and sickness.

He created it all though for his divine purposes, which we are yet to fully understand. I'm still learning as we all are.

Beauty and ugliness Are both part of God's divine plan.
I agree Draka, everyone can look good, just pointing out the best, as evidence that God should be seen in that which is good, not just in that which is bad. God should be credited for the good things of this life, not just pain and suffering. wars and bloodshed, disease and sickness.

He created it all though for his divine purposes, which we are yet to fully understand. I'm still learning as we all are.

Beauty and ugliness Are both part of God's divine plan.

All part of God's giant cosmic computer, where he is playing the omnipotent being's version of the Sims, until one day he gets ****** because we're not doing what he wanted, and deletes the game.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have given them free will!"

He then deletes us and creates a new game. Ahh... how funny that would be.


Well-Known Member
No I'm afriad god did not create this beautiful human, evolution was responcible. Just because something is complex, and is beyond your understanding doesn't mean it was created by God. If a caveman saw a laptop computer, what would he think. It would be beyond hs comprehention, so he would atribute it's making to a God, you are doing the same think. All religions do that, if you can't understand it, then it must be God. The universe and it's size, distances unamaginable, you can't comprehend so it must have been created by God. You religious are like scared little children with things you don't understand, so you never search for the answers, only stand i awe of some imaginary figure.


Veteran Member
All part of God's giant cosmic computer, where he is playing the omnipotent being's version of the Sims, until one day he gets ****** because we're not doing what he wanted, and deletes the game.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have given them free will!"

He then deletes us and creates a new game. Ahh... how funny that would be.
Looks like we're in another period when the reset button's gonna be pushed again, as it was in the time of Noah.
Flood is not cool at all, what with all the advancements humanity has made. It would be much better if God went "Well, these people don't believe in me, and I can see why. I better go and show them I'm still around."

I then imagine God's head popping out of the clouds in a Monty Python and The Holy Grail type fashion, and going "hey, I'm still here. You guys need anything?"


RF Addict

I mentioned two Rodin statues one Caryatid Crushed Beneath a Stone, the other: Huileaume Who Once Was Beautiful.

Both works express physical "ugliness" or "beauty passed away". They do this by showing the beauty within the bronze rather than on the surface.


Those are better examples of beauty. I do like your attempts not to place women into the simple categories of beautiful or not beautiful, which is a lot better than what FFH has done in all of his posts in this entire thread.

This thread has not attempted to show anyone that does not conform to normal standards of beauty. There are no old people, no one with pimples, no one that has facial scarring or the like. All of the people are young, slim women with straight hair, without facial blemishes, and these conditions manage to exclude about ninety percent of the population.

Still have not got a reply from FFH. He either avoids the issue entirely, or skirts around it, not answering my question: "If beauty equals god, what does ugliness equal?"

But it's nice to see that FFH can appreciate the technical aspects of Photoshop.


Veteran Member
This is a sad and pathetic thread FFH.

You are not looking at the insides at all.

Then again, this is the sort of thing I've expected from you. It thought you were better then this, but you proved me wrong, again.


Veteran Member
Flood is not cool at all, what with all the advancements humanity has made. It would be much better if God went "Well, these people don't believe in me, and I can see why. I better go and show them I'm still around."

I then imagine God's head popping out of the clouds in a Monty Python and The Holy Grail type fashion, and going "hey, I'm still here. You guys need anything?"
He tries to get our attention, but most push him away and think they know better than the very one who made the universe and everything in it.

Who are we to counsel God ??? Who are we to say he did not create and form us ???


Veteran Member
This is a sad and pathetic thread FFH.

You are not looking at the insides at all.

Then again, this is the sort of thing I've expected from you. It thought you were better then this, but you proved me wrong, again.
This thread is not about the insides, but about the physical world we live in that God has created. If you want to start a thread concerning that which we cannot see, then go right ahead, I've chosen to focus on those things we can see, which are evidences of an eternal supreme being.

Beauty is one way that God expresses his self in his creations, I've chosen to focus on this particular point.

That's sweet that you care about the inside of a person, so do I, more than you realize.

I'm speaking to athiests on this thread and trying to point out physical evidences that God exists.

We are not a product of evolution, this is a horrible myth created by man. Even Darwin said, towards the end of his life, that his theories were just that, theories, not fact.

We hear a lot about the genetic similarities between humans and apes. Studies have shown that we share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees.

Yet a 2007 report in the journal Genome Research highlights the differences.
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