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Did God Create This ???

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He tries to get our attention, but most push him away and think they know better than the very one who made the universe and everything in it.

Who are we to counsel God ??? Who are we to say he did not create and form us ???

He should have sure done a lot better job trying to get our attention, what with being a being of unlimited power and all. Guess he shouldn't have given us the ability to create things such as science and reason.

Who are we to question? We are a species whom in it is in our very nature to ask questions, expand our horizons, and look for answers that may not be so obvious as to say "God did it."


Veteran Member
Those are better examples of beauty. I do like your attempts not to place women into the simple categories of beautiful or not beautiful, which is a lot better than what FFH has done in all of his posts in this entire thread.

This thread has not attempted to show anyone that does not conform to normal standards of beauty. There are no old people, no one with pimples, no one that has facial scarring or the like. All of the people are young, slim women with straight hair, without facial blemishes, and these conditions manage to exclude about ninety percent of the population.

Still have not got a reply from FFH. He either avoids the issue entirely, or skirts around it, not answering my question: "If beauty equals god, what does ugliness equal?"

But it's nice to see that FFH can appreciate the technical aspects of Photoshop.
It was Mestemia that made me aware of this scripture.

Somehow I missed this or just chose to ignore this teaching plainly found in Isaiah.

Isaiah 45: 7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

These are two opposing examples God has given us in this scripture, so we can reason that he has also created beauty and ugliness, for his devine purposes.


Veteran Member
He should have sure done a lot better job trying to get our attention, what with being a being of unlimited power and all. Guess he shouldn't have given us the ability to create things such as science and reason.

Who are we to question? We are a species whom in it is in our very nature to ask questions, expand our horizons, and look for answers that may not be so obvious as to say "God did it."
Man thinks himself intelligent, to the point in which he convinces himself he needs nothing, yet we are dependent on God for our very breath, which he can take away from us in an instant.

Who are we to say we know better. Look around, there are an infinite amount of reasons to believe in a devine designer. The things of this universe are not the products of random chance, and that things just happened to turn out the way they did, as perfectly as they did, for life to exist.


RF Addict
I'm speaking to athiests on this thread and trying to point out physical evidences that God exists.

We are not a product of evolution, this is a horrible myth created by man. Even Darwin said, towards the end of his life, that his theories were just that, theories, not fact.

If you are referring to that rumor that Darwin denounced his evolutionary theories, firstly, that has long been disproven, and secondly, regardless of Darwin's opinions of his own ideas, the theory stands in regards to it's own merit. And that theory has quite a lot of merit, and has been constantly asserted in diverse areas such as archaeology, biology, geology, and many other areas of expertise.

There seems to be some misunderstanding of the difference between facts and theories. All of science is theories, even established scientific ideas such as gravity or evolution (yes, I will use them both in the same context, there is a plethora of evidence for each). Studies of nature and experiments give facts, and science creates formulae and theories to explain these facts, whether the theory be gravity or evolution.

We hear a lot about the genetic similarities between humans and apes. Studies have shown that we share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees.

Yet a 2007 report in the journal Genome Research highlights the differences.

Is the percentage less than ninety-nine percent, though?


Lucid Dreamer
I'm speaking to athiests on this thread and trying to point out physical evidences that God exists.

It's not working so well, though. None of what you have shown is evidence of a god. You've shown that there are things in the world that we think are beautiful. This could be even without god having created it.
Your argument seems to be another version of the teleological argument.

We are not a product of evolution, this is a horrible myth created by man. Even Darwin said, towards the end of his life, that his theories were just that, theories, not fact.

There has been lots of evidence discovered since Darwin was alive. There are long threads about it in the Evolution Vs. Creationism section of RF.
Man thinks himself intelligent, to the point in which he convinces himself he needs nothing, yet we are dependent on God for our very breath, which he can take away from us in an instant.

Who are we to say we know better. Look around, there are an infinite amount of reasons to believe in a devine designer. The things of this universe are not the products of random chance that things just happened to turn out the way they did, as perfectly as they did, for life to exist.

Man was given the intelligence to find that there is nitrogen and oxygen in the air, and that there are natural Earthly processes which produce the air we breathe.

Who are we to say? We're the only ones around to say we know better. As we keep progressing, things are more and more explained rationally and scientifically. If there's an infinite reasons to believe, show me a few. You really thing things are perfect? Just us on this little ball of a planet with our own sad problems, while black holes swirl around, meteors all around, bla bla bla. It's hard for people to accept that maybe all the answers out there aren't wrapped up in some night neat little package saying "God did it." If that were the case, we wouldn't have advanced to where we are.
It's not working so well, though. None of what you have shown is evidence of a god. You've shown that there are things in the world that we think are beautiful. This could be even without god having created it.
Your argument seems to be another version of the teleological argument.

There has been lots of evidence discovered since Darwin was alive. There are long threads about it in the Evolution Vs. Creationism section of RF.

I would like to add that Darwin said they were theories... good theories, though. Why does he say theories, like most scientists do? Because they have no definitive proof. They are just that: theories. We had no definitive proof that vaccines would work... we had theories, but now we know. Nobody is jumping to conclusions over that stuff, because science has this nasty habit of you know... updating itself as new evidence presents itself.


Veteran Member

Aishwarya Rai
You have a mystical sky daddy that poofs things into existence. And gee... it's sure not like anything has changed over time/sarcasm

Beauty changes on the eye of each beholder. ^_^


Veteran Member
This is an amazing piece of art, even if it is touched up, God has created the basic structure for this face. Have you never seen a face this beautiful in real life, if you haven't then you're not looking hard enough. I've seen many this beautiful within my sphere of existance.

Just a little cosmetics and perhaps photoshop to help accentuate what's already there.

Now there is no way Nutshell can accuse me of just using western ideals for beauty, that's a falacy, India has gems all their own, just as much as Asia, Europe and the Americas, if not more so. All ethnicities have their beauty that they can call their own, it's all so unique and wonderful. No one ethnicity is more beautiful than the other. I suppose we could all choose one ethnicity over the other as our favorite. It's hard for me to choose which culture has the most beautiful people.

Aishwarya Rai



Lucid Dreamer
I have a better case than any ridiculous ape theory.

Something that beautiful could not have evolved from an ugly hairy ape.

How attractive or unattractive you find something has nothing to do with it being true or not.
Nobody is denying she is beautiful. I myself would hit that until the point where I would be sterile for the rest of my life.

People just have some different views on beauty, and not just ethnically.


Veteran Member
How attractive or unattractive you find something has nothing to do with it being true or not.
What's more likely, linking her to an ape, or giving God the credit for creating and forming something of beauty, using his divine unlimited powers.
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