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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
Don't be silly. Apes sweat anywhere they have bare skin, such as their palms or feet.
Okay, so they perhaps have, some, sweat glands, but not all over their entire skin, that alone makes us unique from any animal.

I don't see any animal with sweat glands and nothing but bare. It's just ridiculous to think we evolved from any hairy animal, pigs included, for those atheists who believe this, no matter how much our hearts may be similar.

We are much more than animals, at least some of us. :)


Veteran Member
doppelgänger;1051744 said:
So religion and culture don't matter, it's just a matter of whether it appears beautiful to you? So even someone from a different culture that doesn't have your "God" is made by your "God"?

Did "God" also create this?
:) Yes, he's made it all, and that is a beautiful pic, BTW, now I suppose you're going to post something totally opposite, something horrid perhaps, so I'll go ahead and say, yes, he created that as well, for his eternal divine purposes we are yet to fully understand.

But remember man also can cause ugliness in the physical body, God has nothing to do with that, we can cause ugliness to manifest itself in our physical bodies or we can help create something of beauty..

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Through the Looking Glass
:) Yes, he's made it all, now I suppose you're going to post something totally opposite, so I'll go ahead and say, yes, he created that as well, for his eternal divine purposes we are yet to fully understand.

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That's a picture of the famous transvestite model Harisu.
And yes, "God" made her, too. :bow:
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Veteran Member
doppelgänger;1051765 said:
That's a picture of the famous transvestite model Harisu.
And yes, "God" made her, too. :bow:
Wow, you got me good, good job. :bow:

Okay, I'll try and post some natural shots of people from now on to prove the existance of God. :)

You clearly made your point. Nice job !!!


Veteran Member
doppelgänger;1051765 said:
That's a picture of the famous transvestite model Harisu.
And yes, "God" made her, too. :bow:
Still, "he" has the bone structure of a woman, perhaps "he" was a cross gendered indiviual, who chose to become more female, than male.

Perhaps "he" was actually more female than male to begin with, all "he" did was accecntuate the female side of "himself" and eliminated the male parts of "his" anatomy.

Cross gendered individuals born this way later on in life find themselves identifying or feeling more male than female and do what is necessary to look and feel one way or the other.

Did God create "him"/ her, yes, obviously, no one can change bone structure, which "he"/she obviously has, "he's" clearly not a male, but a female, at least from what I've observed of the human sceletal form.

"He's" passing "himself" off as a transvestite, when in fact "he" may perhaps be a transgendered individual, who is more female than male.

All transgendered individuals favor one side, either the male or the female side, "he" looks like a transgendered individual who is more female than male and "he"/she's chosen to go with the dominant female side of "himself"/herself.

In my opinion this was not a dominant male individual to begin with, but perhaps a transgendered individual (born with both male and female organs, or just male organs perhaps, but with obvious/dominant female bone structure and other female traits.

A he/she (heshe) as we say, in the true sense of the term, is not a transvestite in my opinion.


Veteran Member
Humans are the least sane of the Great Apes.
This picture shows/proves/demonstrates otherwise.

I posted this after you had quoted me in that post, you were too quick, and hadn't gotten this pic in there yet before you quoted me.


Well-Known Member
doppelgänger;1051765 said:
That's a picture of the famous transvestite model Harisu.
And yes, "God" made her, too. :bow:

She's gone far beyond transvestism. Hormone treatment on a male won't build that superstructure.

There really is no way short of physical examination to determine if her surgery was a full sexual reassignment or only partial.

Transgender is a wide spectrum, and not all transvestites are transgendered, some have no interest in sex with people who have matching genitalia--some may do it for fetish reasons. Trying to assign someone's motives is pretty tricky.




Veteran Member
Obviously beauty and ugliness have been created by God, but I think what we've learned here is that not all beauty and not all ugliness we see is the work of God, man interferes and either brings about something that is ordinary into something that is beautiful and the reverse is true, man can take something beautiful and make it ugly, by poor nutrition or by taking into the body things that can and do harm and cause defects in the body and also by the many environmental factors that lead to birth defects. Nuclear meltdowns come to mind as an obvious example of a horrible cause of so many birth defects, in Russia, at the time of the Cherynoble disaster.

As Dopp has pointed out, in his "transvestite" example, we as humans can create something beautiful, by enhancing features of ourselves that may already be there, likewise we can also create something ugly, by destroying the beauty that may already be there as well, which God has created, formed and given to us, to begin with.


Veteran Member
Would it not be fair to say that animals will kill and eat their young, much more quickly and readily, than say, a starving human ???

We have reason and the divine light of Christ within all of us, which gives us all a basic knowledge of what is right and wrong, animals do not possess that, to the same extent that we possess these abilities to consciously make a choice between right and wrong and know full well the varying differences between the two.

You can also drive an animal more quickly to insanity, more so than a human. We have conscious freedom of choice and a full knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, in all their variations, we can choose to go insane or not to go insane, animals don't possess that same level of consciousness.


Veteran Member
Animals abandon their defective young, most humans do not, but rather make a conscious choice keep and nurture a weak or defective child.

Animals show no remorse in abandoning their week.

Humans, at least, try to show compassion among the very weak, defective and frail among us.

This to me is a picture of that.
We're in a fallen world because of "the fall" of Adam and Eve. We will inherit better worlds than this one if we have proven ourselves worthy. This is just a testing period, we can't expect to live in paradise yet, until we have proven ourselves worthy.

God is kind of a dick if he's blaming everyone else for things Adam and Eve did. Even the American justice system isn't that harsh on guilty by association. It must be the worst test ever, because in order for the test to be fair each person would have to have the same starting point, and same everything else. It would be like a game show where they can see who can survive the longest with out giving up, and they end up throwing one guy in the middle of the Sahara desert with absolutely nothing, while the other person is staying in an expense paid resort. And which religion, doctrine, whatever you believe is true? Sure hope you picked the right one! It would suck to get to heaven, and all of the sudden "Sorry, you should've believed in Allah!" Then you get sent to Hell.


Well-Known Member
God is kind of a dick if he's blaming everyone else for things Adam and Eve did. Even the American justice system isn't that harsh on guilty by association. It must be the worst test ever, because in order for the test to be fair each person would have to have the same starting point, and same everything else. It would be like a game show where they can see who can survive the longest with out giving up, and they end up throwing one guy in the middle of the Sahara desert with absolutely nothing, while the other person is staying in an expense paid resort. And which religion, doctrine, whatever you believe is true? Sure hope you picked the right one! It would suck to get to heaven, and all of the sudden "Sorry, you should've believed in Allah!" Then you get sent to Hell.

That's only if one makes the mistake of believing in "Original Sin". I believe we are all created perfectly innocent--we get to screw ourselves up later, but neither my father nor Adam have transmitted any sin.



Veteran Member
God is kind of a dick if he's blaming everyone else for things Adam and Eve did. Even the American justice system isn't that harsh on guilty by association. It must be the worst test ever, because in order for the test to be fair each person would have to have the same starting point, and same everything else. It would be like a game show where they can see who can survive the longest with out giving up, and they end up throwing one guy in the middle of the Sahara desert with absolutely nothing, while the other person is staying in an expense paid resort. And which religion, doctrine, whatever you believe is true? Sure hope you picked the right one! It would suck to get to heaven, and all of the sudden "Sorry, you should've believed in Allah!" Then you get sent to Hell.
God is just and merciful.

God is an extremely merciful God, he is Christ, the one who chose to come to earth and die for our sins, how can a God like that be considered unjust and unmerciful ???

He, God (Christ) acts under the direction of God (our Eternal Father) who is also merciful and just and has offered his "only begotten son" in the flesh, for us as a ransom for our sins.

God will not send us to hell without a full knowledge of his gospel.

I will be judged much more harshly by God than any heathen, because I know better, I know the full extent of God's laws (principles and ordinances of his gospel).

One who has no knowledge of this cannot be judged.

"No man can be saved in ignorance," neither can he be condemned without a knowledge of God's principles and ordinances.
God is just and merciful.

God is an extremely merciful God, he is Christ, the one who chose to come to earth and die for our sins, how can a God like that be considered unjust and unmerciful ???

He, God (Christ) acts under the direction of God (our Eternal Father) who is also merciful and just and has offered his "only begotten son" in the flesh, for us as a ransom for our sins.

God will not send us to hell without a full knowledge of his gospel.

I will be judged much more harshly by God than any heathen, because I know better, I know the full extent of God's laws (principles and ordinances of his gospel).

One who has no knowledge of this cannot be judged.

"No man can be saved in ignorance," neither can he be condemned without a knowledge of God's principles and ordinances.

I sure hope you picked the right religion. Like I said, it would suck to get to heaven, then get kicked out for believing in the wrong religion.

He came down as a person, and died on a cross. That's no big deal at all. Soldiers in war have died for the sins of man. Fire fighters, police officers, rescue workers have died for the sins of man.

If god is truly all powerful, then it would not even be necessary to die for the sins of man. God could do whatever he wanted in an instant.

The only thing you say is "how can he not be just and merciful? He came down as Jesus and died!" You know as well as I do that it's no big deal in the slightest at all for an all powerful being to do. It would be the equivalent of one of us blinking once or twice. An all powerful being can't really sacrifice itself in that manner.


Veteran Member
I sure hope you picked the right religion. Like I said, it would suck to get to heaven, then get kicked out for believing in the wrong religion.

He came down as a person, and died on a cross. That's no big deal at all. Soldiers in war have died for the sins of man. Fire fighters, police officers, rescue workers have died for the sins of man.

If god is truly all powerful, then it would not even be necessary to die for the sins of man. God could do whatever he wanted in an instant.

The only thing you say is "how can he not be just and merciful? He came down as Jesus and died!" You know as well as I do that it's no big deal in the slightest at all for an all powerful being to do. It would be the equivalent of one of us blinking once or twice. An all powerful being can't really sacrifice itself in that manner.
All great points, but your forgetting that God (Christ) suffered mentally as well, mental anguish (remorse) for all the sins of the world, literally, and bled from every pore because of it.

Have you ever experience extreme mental anguish and remorse, it's nearly unbearable, I've experienced it to a degree that i felt like my head and most of my being was on fire. It lasted for less than a week, but God got his point across to me, either change the path you're on or you'll continue to experience this type of spiritual agony/remorse.

Christ "descended below all things" and has suffered every pain, physical, mental and spiritual pain any man has ever experienced. No mortal man could suffer all he suffered, both in body and spirit and still be alive on the cross.

"It is finished" "Into thy hands I commit my spirit"

Christ said these words, so obviously he had the power to stay alive or die. He chose to live until he had suffered all for us, both physically and mentally/spiritually.

No mortal man could have done this.

Why God set things up this way, we don't know for sure, all we know is that he did.

There must be a human punsishment/sacrifice for sin. God in his mercy took that punishment for us if we decide to turn from sin, otherwise we will suffer as he has suffered. The extent of that suffering we don't know for sure, but there will be an end to it, if we do not commit any unpardonable sins.


Well-Known Member
If i'm making a correct observation, the other pic is of yourelf also, am I right, or perhaps your friend, or just one you found on the net perhaps.

The first avatar is a comic book character named Helen Francine Peters, from "Strangers in Paradise". I was pleasantly surprised to get a PM and frubals from someone else on the forum who recognized her.
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