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Did God Create This ???

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What's more likely, linking her to an ape, or giving God the credit for creating and forming something of beauty, using his divine unlimited powers.

The first thing, where a species changes over many generations, and becomes something else.

For a being with divine unlimited powers, he sure did a pretty crappy Job with this place.


Lucid Dreamer
What's more likely, linking her to an ape, or giving God the credit for creating and forming something of beauty, using his divine unlimited powers.

Given the evidence available, I'd say linking her to an ape through common ancestor is more likely.


Liebe ist für alle da
What's more likely, linking her to an ape, or giving God the credit for creating and forming something of beauty, using his divine unlimited powers.

Given the evidence available, I'd say linking her to an ape through common ancestor is more likely.

Hell I'm a theist and I believe in Evolution. Put is evolution never says we came from Ape, but a common Ancestor. There a difference.
(joking I don't really believe we came from pigs, just go with it)Plus I think we came from pigs, are DNA is close(don't remember the %) to the to FFH, plus they couldn't use a monkey heart for the heart transplant but could use a pigs(lol). But now I think we're getting of topic.
Anyway, everyone is going to have something different they find good looking. If everyone was the same or liked the same thing that would be no fun.^_^


Well-Known Member
The first thing, where a species changes over many generations, and becomes something else.

For a being with divine unlimited powers, he sure did a pretty crappy Job with this place.

It often happens pretty much in a flash--evolution.

In Siberia the consortium which bought and sold fox fur decided to bring science into the process. Trapping and hunting foxes was not terribly productive, so with the assistance of the researchers they trapped live foxes and chose from among the subjects those which showed the best possibility for domestication.

They succeeded beyond their best expectations, but the success did not give them more fox fur. Within ten years the domesticated foxes grew longer legs, shorter snouts, much less fluffy tails. The tails curled, changed color and the foxes were much more dog-like than fox-like.

The dog is the most malleable life-form on the planet (at least speaking in terms of mammals). New breeds can be created and lost entirely within a handful of generations.

Now, I believe in Creation and in Evolution. Both are logical decisions to me, and I find no problem embracing both. The living cell is amazing in its mutability. To quote Dr. Crichton: "Life will find a way."



Veteran Member
The first thing, where a species changes over many generations, and becomes something else.

For a being with divine unlimited powers, he sure did a pretty crappy Job with this place.
We're in a fallen world because of "the fall" of Adam and Eve. We will inherit better worlds than this one if we have proven ourselves worthy. This is just a testing period, we can't expect to live in paradise yet, until we have proven ourselves worthy.


Veteran Member
Given the evidence available, I'd say linking her to an ape through common ancestor is more likely.
It never ceases to amaze me that people actually believe this.

For one thing, apes have no sweat glands or genes to produce them, we do. So just that alone proves we have no common ancestry with apes.


Veteran Member
Hell I'm a theist and I believe in Evolution. Put is evolution never says we came from Ape, but a common Ancestor. There a difference.
(joking I don't really believe we came from pigs, just go with it)Plus I think we came from pigs, are DNA is close(don't remember the %) to the to FFH, plus they couldn't use a monkey heart for the heart transplant but could use a pigs(lol). But now I think we're getting of topic.
Anyway, everyone is going to have something different they find good looking. If everyone was the same or liked the same thing that would be no fun.^_^
Okay, great so we have common ancestry with pigs, that makes perfect sense. :eek:

Seriously how can anyone actually fall for this stuff, verses the fact that we were divinely created by God (Christ) and "formed" "in the womb," according to divinely inspired scripture. It all comes down to a matter of faith on both sides. We have no proof of either opinion, just faith, although I've seen into the spirit world with my spirit eyes and have seen two human spirits, one male the other female, and they had perfect human spirit bodies. I know God exists and has created us, it has never been a matter of faith with me.


Well-Known Member
For one thing, apes have no sweat glands or genes to produce them, we do. So just that alone proves we have no common ancestry with apes.

Don't be silly. Apes sweat anywhere they have bare skin, such as their palms or feet.


This is one of the reasons why evolution is a religion. Science cannot provide the answers to questions of beauty, but evolutionists blindly accept one idea as the answer to everything. Sure, natural selection explains a lot about the way that species develop within their respective gene sets, but it doesn't follow that EVERYTHING IN NATURE can be explained by it. It's the same thing as believing that the Bible has the answers to everything.

It's hilarious when I'm watching nature shows and they say something like "this animal probably got this ability by evolving from blah blah blah" and I'm like, "You totally just made that up!". This kind of fake science is happening everywhere because evolution is the EASY button for all the things that science doesn't understand yet. Like those stupid 3D dinosaur shows that pretend to understand not just the appearances of dinosaurs but their behavior patterns as well! They're making these shows to entertain people, not in the name of science. It's just pathetic.

(and going back to beauty, you can argue that we're attracted to our own species, but that doesn't explain how I see beauty in flora and fauna as well. Why do I see balance and perfection in places other than the human body? Shouldn't I just automatically think that everything else is ugly?)


Wonder Woman
I agree Draka, everyone can look good, just pointing out the best, as evidence that God should be seen in that which is good, not just in that which is bad. God should be credited for the good things of this life, not just pain and suffering. wars and bloodshed, disease and sickness.

He created it all though for his divine purposes, which we are yet to fully understand. I'm still learning as we all are.

Beauty and ugliness Are both part of God's divine plan.

Ugh. Did I say anything about "everyone can look good"??? My pictures were to illustrate real beauty. Not the airbrushed, made-up, shallow forms you show. But the real goods. Mothers with babies, a couple in love, father and child. You know...love. The truest form of beauty there is.

How dare you say you are pointing out "the best" there Shallow Hal.

And why is it so hard for you to accept scientific fact? You are amazed that people believe hard evidence???? While you vainly try to base your denial of science in a book of stories? And WE are the ones deluded?

You claim to see "perfect" beings of spirit and yadda yadda yadda. You deny cold hard facts presented to you because it doesn't fall into your pre-made ideals, you have codes for everything under the sun, and WE are the ones who are nuts for believing in evolution??????????:sarcastic

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Yeah, was just looking at Boboli's whole wheat pizza online, didn't know Pizza Hut offered whole wheat, most don't because no one wants it.

Whole wheat just plain tastes a whole lot better and is 100 percent better for you and gives you the energy your body badly needs.

I don't think Pizza Hut did the whole wheat but they had a barbecue chicken pizza (in my area)


Through the Looking Glass
Science cannot provide the answers to questions of beauty, but evolutionists blindly accept one idea as the answer to everything. Sure, natural selection explains a lot about the way that species develop within their respective gene sets, but it doesn't follow that EVERYTHING IN NATURE can be explained by it.
This paragraph shows a lack of understanding of science, the scientific method or the nature of the products of scientific inquiry. I don't completely fault you because a lot of people sticking "science" in the face of religious faith don't understand it either.

But nonetheless, your criticisms don't actually apply to the science of evolutionary biology or the theory itself.

The problem comes in when religious faith asserts itself on others through ontological argumentation. It has no tools for such a contest, which is about evidence and probabilities. However, religious people incessantly want to play the ontological game despite the lack of proper equipment. Once they are on that field, religious faith cannot compete because it doesn't deal in evidence and probabilities, i.e. uncertainty. Religious faith deals in certainty.


Veteran Member
Here's another primate for your consideration.
God has sculpted us all and made us each into something beautiful.

Glad to finally see what you look like in your avatar.

If i'm making a correct observation, the other pic is of yourelf also, am I right, or perhaps your friend, or just one you found on the net perhaps.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Edited: That's why I chose a Brazilian woman for the opening post, because I believe them to be descendents of the Lamanites, to show that God is not just into cursing people.

Later I found out she's really half Italian and half Polish, but was born in Brazil.

Now do you see that looks can be "deceiving"?????

[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=+1]"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." [/SIZE][/FONT]

....Martin Luther king Jr.

Don't judge by outward appearances but rather what is on the inside.


Through the Looking Glass
God has sculpted us all and made us each into something beautiful.
So religion and culture don't matter, it's just a matter of whether it appears beautiful to you? So even someone from a different culture that doesn't have your "God" is made by your "God"?

Did "God" also create this?

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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony

I have yet to see you you post some men that God has created that you find beautiful.....or is that borderline on the gay side? So far they have been all woman who look like models or in the acting business.
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