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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
all you need is fotoshop skills to create goodlooking woman
Yes, but there are stunningly beautiful faces I see every day where I work and live.

Granted the opening post photo has been edited, but the basic facial structure is there and exists in every day life if you look for it.

I've worked with teenagers that have done modeling and they are every bit as beautiful in real life, if not more so, than on film, both male and female models I've worked with in the restaurant biz over the years and I've done one short modeling session myself in high school and as a result they stuck my face on the graduation program cover. it was funny because most were not sure it was me or not, they had to ask.

Do you think God created it all or was it just a product of random chance ???

Here are some natural shots of Meisi Kuroki, I've worked, dated and associated with people just as beautiful as this. They do exist in every day life for sure, especially where I live.

Meisa Kuroki

She has a stunningly beautiful face.

God (Jesus Christ) did a good job on her face, he created it all remember.

"I formed thee in the womb" ~Jesus Christ~

Jesus Christ is the author of the Old and New testament so he said that himself. Christ has formed us all and has died for us all. He's created this world and everything in it, then was born into this world and died for it. Let's show some appreciation and give him credit for it all.

Meisa Kuroki Interview about "Vexille"

Just in case you still think she's not really that beautiful, here's another interview.

Meisa Kuroki Interview about "CROWS episode ZERO"

And another

Meisa Kuroki in BVLGARI Brilliant Dreams Award 2008 (ver.B)

Or watch her play a nun in a TV series/movie, on u-tube, with English subtitles. This TV series/movie has a Christian theme, very rare in Japan, she's a Christian.

"One Pound Gospel" Ep1 Part1 [English]


Well-Known Member
if god created that from just a rib can you think what she would look like if he used more


Veteran Member
if god created that from just a rib can you think what she would look like if he used more
Assuming God is an infinite God, is there then such a thing as infinite beauty ???

Are there an in finite amount of combinations of facial bone structure and skin color created by God that can be called beautiful ???

Heaven will be a place of beauty, humans included.
Yeah, true but there are naturally beautiful women who need no touching up, that's why I posted those last videos to show her natural beauty.

That is not what i said... God doesent create each and ever one of us. Our looks our inhereted genetically.


Veteran Member
That is not what i said... God doesent create each and ever one of us. Our looks our inhereted genetically.
According to scripture, Christ (God) tells us he "formed" us in the womb, actually he tells the prophet Jeremiah that, but the scripture applies to us as well.

We are "fearfully and wonderfully made," according to scripture, which Christ (God) is the divine author of.

Psalms 139: 14
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


Active Member
According to scripture, Christ (God) tells us he "formed" us in the womb, actually he tells the prophet Jeremiah that, but the scripture applies to us as well.

We are "fearfully and wonderfully made," according to scripture, which Christ (God) is the divine author of.

Psalms 139: 14
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Maybe it's worth pointing out that when we are born we all look very much the same, except for skin colour and such. What we end up looking like is down to our genetics. Chimps look like chimps, elephants like elephants and fish like fish not because they are being messed with by God, but because of the specific proteins coded for in their DNA. We do not see women as they really are: blobs of water and carbon. We see them how we are programmed to see them: as sexy humans we want to procreate with. Makes sense that we should find a human women attractive but not a bonobo. A bonobo could equally say "humans are not hairy enough, I could never find one attractive". Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. We all have different configurations of photoreceptive cells so one person will not be attractive in everyone's eyes. Beauty does not exist except inside our minds. I personally think the women you posted in the early pages of this site are not that nice. I like my women plump, with round faces!

- David
According to scripture, Christ (God) tells us he "formed" us in the womb, actually he tells the prophet Jeremiah that, but the scripture applies to us as well.

We are "fearfully and wonderfully made," according to scripture, which Christ (God) is the divine author of.

Psalms 139: 14
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Big deal. I side with science.


Veteran Member
Big deal. I side with science.
So bananas, organges and apples all evolved from one source of food also I assume.

How can so many intelligent people on this forum honestly convince themselves that we evolved into what we are today ???

What purpose did it serve a banana tree to evolve into what it is today ???

What survival mechanism is built into an orange tree to help it survive better in such harsh climates as sunny florida ???

How and why did pineapples develope into what they are today ???

There IS a divine creator. He's created all things for us.

How is it that oranges just happen to break apart into bit size pieces, or bananas just happen to come in a nifty little organic pealable portable package, ready for consumption, or how about an apple, with an edible protective skin, or a potato, or an onion, which is perfect for slicing, being already layered/sliced one way, just need to cut it another and your done.

God could have made an onion one solid mass, but he didn't, he layered it so it would be easier and quicker to cut.

I work in the restaurant industry and after dicing a gazillion onions, green peppers, tomatos, you start to notice and apprectiate the small things God has done for us to make this world not such a bad place after all.


Veteran Member
Okay, back to the show.

Meisa Kuroki plays the nun in this, it's been pretty good so far. I spent nearly two years in Japan so it's fun to listen to the Japanese and have the translation in English.

One Pound Gospel Episode 4 Part 4 [English]

A Japanese show with a Christian theme, very rare for sure.

"When you're in pain, think about the future, not the past"

Quote from the show


Veteran Member
Josie Zilli (Brazillian Model) Christ (God) created this. Heaven is a place of perfect beauty shared by all, not just the minority.
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RF Addict
As I have stated before, FFH, I find this an extremely demeaning attitude for the vast majority of people who do not look perfect, male or female. For those that do not look perfect, did God create them?

The fixation on beauty in this thread is a bad angle to work with - of all the attributes that we might receive from a creationist God, beauty is the one that fades first, that is the most easily removed suddenly due to an accident, due to disease, due to poor diet.

Lastly, as has been mentioned in many previous posts, you neglect the fact that models are covered in quite a few different makeups, have perfect lighting, and their photos are edited in order to create that image that you enjoy so much.

And, I am not sure that this has been mentioned previously, why the fixation on female people? According to Christian theology, didn't god make all of the animals too?


Well-Known Member
There IS a divine creator. He's created all things for us.

All things? Or just the things that YOU happen to approve of? You certainly would say that he doesn't approve of pre-marital sex with one of those beautiful ladies that you have posted. Or smoking a bowl of weed. You should have stated it thus: "There may be a divine creator but I have ascribed to him the things which are to be acceptable for you. Some things were created for us to enjoy, but a lot has been denied. In fact, most has been denied."
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
How is it that oranges just happen to break apart into bit size pieces, or bananas just happen to come in a nifty little organic pealable portable package, ready for consumption, or how about an apple, with an edible protective skin, or a potato, or an onion, which is perfect for slicing, being already layered/sliced one way, just need to cut it another and your done.
We picked the best crops to cultivate. Plants have a range of utility to us, ranging from "this is really handy" to "this will kill me". Of course we're going to pick the ones we like best and find most useful for agriculture.

God could have made an onion one solid mass, but he didn't, he layered it so it would be easier and quicker to cut.
And did the exact opposite with walnuts, by making it as difficult as possible to get to the part we want? :confused:


How is it that oranges just happen to break apart into bit size pieces, or bananas just happen to come in a nifty little organic pealable portable package, ready for consumption, or how about an apple, with an edible protective skin, or a potato, or an onion, which is perfect for slicing, being already layered/sliced one way, just need to cut it another and your done.

Hold the phone. How about a pomegranate? It has health/nutritional value, and yet it is an absolute BEAR to consume outright. It "evolved" into what it is because it suited it's needs for nourishing and protecting it's seed. Why do coconuts grow out of reach? It is to defend the plant's reproductive fruits from "predators" like us. Why do raspberries have thorns? Why are the leaves of rhubarb highly poisonous? What the hell is ugly fruit?

Fruit is not here specifically for humans to consume. No matter how much you might want to believe that. It is created by the plant as food (and transportation) for it's seeds. When (for instance) a banana falls, it quickly decays, and the bacteria that feast on it create a wealth of nutritious gases and minerals that give the seeds what they need to spark growth in order to create new trees. And if the banana is eaten, it can still be seen as part of the TREE's sustenance on the planet. Because it means that the seed will be transported and ultimately "released" by the animal that ate it... far from it's parent, giving it a much better chance to survive.

I can certainly see all of those attributes, those PLANS, as possible parts of evolution. That those characteristics changed ever so slightly, thousands upon thousands of times, over the course of millions of years. And in the end, the most optimal plant for a given resource-availability/climate/wild-life environment/etc. was the product.
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