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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
The evidence seems to overwhelmingly suggest as much. That, and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.
But still no proof or witness that it's true, so it remains an unproven theory that the earth is millions of years old, because no written record has been handed down through the generations that far back (millions of years) to prove the earth existed that far back. No witness to it's existance whatsoever, therefore it will always remain a theory.

A tree lying upon its side would be adequate proof that it did.
But let's assume no one ever saw the tree lying on the ground, it rotted away long before anyone ever found evidence that it ever fell over and there was absolutely no way to prove it happened, therefore it's just a theory. The same thing applies with the earth's creation, no one ever saw it being created and wrote a book about it, no one ever existed on this earth millions of years ago and wrote about it, so it remains a theory, unprovable.

Men have seen God, that's verifiable. God appeared to Jesus Christ while he was on this earth, and Peter, James and John also saw God at that same time and there is a written record of that event.

I don't see any written records going back millions of years ago, just thousands not millions.

Blind faith is believing in something that has no verifiable truth. I have verified truth about my faith.

Did I not just gave you a link explaining what scientific theory actually means?
Sigh, nice trick, try it on some other idiot.

You're being deliberately dishonest and purposely misrepresenting the meaning of the term. Isn't lying and dishonestly supposed to be a "sin" in your religion? You best drop to your knees right now and beg for forgiveness, son.
One of Satan's best tricks, take a word and build a false meaning, belief or way of life around it. Subtle deception, yet so clearly seen.

They have psychiatric treatment and medications for that.
My experiences happened 10 years apart, three of them.

1) I saw a fallen human spirit, at night, while fully awake, who was obviously in torment and full of lust, I felt an extremely strong jolt of fear and despair shoot through my being very quickly, it lasted for a fraction of a second about 20 years ago.

2) I heard a massive amount of voices singing a particular LDS hymn while in an LDS sacrament meeting, which I later verified with my wife, who had also heard it, which was suprising to me, but served as verification to me that I haeard something beyond my normal senses.

3) Just a few years back, while posting on RF, in the middle of the day, I saw an exalted human spirit who was experiencing great joy, I knew that because of the jolt of joy that shot through me for a fraction of a second and I knew in an instant what she was experiencing and I saw her extremely perfect face and very beautiful clothes, just for a fraction of a second, just from the shoulders up. It happened so fast I nearly did not see it.

All three of these experiences came and went so quickly it was about the speed of a camera flash. Two of the three I had hoped would have lasted longer.

I have verifiable proof for myself alone, because I witnessed it, unlike the falling of the tree in the forest, which no one ever witnessed, yet it still happened, but there was no human witness to it.


Veteran Member
What if I told you Jesus appeared to me and told me all religions on this planet are false and lead to hell? Would you believe me? An atheist?
I don't expect you to believe me. All I want to do is share what I believe to be true. We've heard evolution taught all our lives in the public and private school systems, now I'ld like to give my take on it.

You are questioning peer reviewed and rigorously examined scientific conclusions on the basis of an assumption. That assumption is that god exists and appears to us and you accept the BoM as truth.
Again, men have seen God and written about it, on the other hand, no man has witnessed the creation of the earth millions of years ago, then recorded the event.

There are written records of men who have seen God, where is the written record of the creation of the earth millions of years ago, or where is ANY written record of man's existance going back more than a few thousand years.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
My experiences happened 10 years apart, three of them.

1) I saw a fallen human spirit, at night, while fully awake, who was obviously in torment and full of lust, I felt an extremely strong jolt of fear and despair shoot through my being very quickly, it lasted for a fraction of a second about 20 years ago.

2) I heard a massive amount of voices singing a particular LDS hymn while in an LDS sacrament meeting, which I later verified with my wife, who had also heard it, which was suprising to me, but served as verification to me that I haeard something beyond my normal senses.

3) Just a few years back, while posting on RF, in the middle of the day, I saw an exalted human spirit who was experiencing great joy, I knew that because of the jolt of joy that shot through me for a fraction of a second and I knew in an instant what she was experiencing and I saw her extremely perfect face and very beautiful clothes, just for a fraction of a second, just from the shoulders up. It happened so fast I nearly did not see it.

All three of these experiences came and went so quickly it was about the speed of a camera flash. Two of the three I had hoped would have lasted longer.

I have verifiable proof for myself alone, because I witnessed it, unlike the falling of the tree in the forest, which no one ever witnessed, yet it still happened, but there was no human witness to it.

Err, what? :areyoucra Those are your 3 reasons for having blind faith? Those 3 things cemented it for you? I didn't even understand what they meant? You saw them? Like in front of you or in your head?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
But still no proof or witness that it's true, so it remains an unproven theory that the earth is millions of years old, because no written record has been handed down through the generations that far back (millions of years) to prove the earth existed that far back. No witness to it's existance whatsoever, therefore it will always remain a theory.
The overwhelming evidence is proof enough. All science is "theory", even the very science that made the computer your sitting at possible is "just theory". And fossils, rock samples,carbon dating, etc. all serve well enough as a "written record".

But let's assume no one ever saw the tree lying on the ground, it rotted away long before anyone ever found evidence that it ever fell over and there was absolutely no way to prove it happened, therefore it's just a theory.The same thing applies with the earth's creation, no one ever saw it being created and wrote a book about it, no one ever existed on this earth millions of years ago and wrote about it, so it remains a theory, unprovable.
But then it wouldn't even be a Scientific Theory without evidence, which evolution has plenty of, so your silly "tree in a forest" analogy falls flat on its face.

Men have seen God, that's verifiable. God appeared to Jesus Christ while he was on this earth, and Peter, James and John also saw God at that same time and there is a written record of that event.
How is it verifiable? If I made the claim that God came to me and told me that Mormonism was a satanic heresy and then I wrote a book recording God's word, would that serve as proof and verification? If not, then neither would any other claims made by religious beliefs or holy books.

I don't see any written records going back millions of years ago, just thousands not millions.
Physical evidence is worth more than written records, which can potentially be inaccurate or downright lies.

Blind faith is believing in something that has no verifiable truth. I have verified truth about my faith.
Where is your verified truth? And please don't cough up some lame circular logic or similar fallacy (but we know you will).

Sigh, nice trick, try it on some other idiot. One of Satan's best tricks, take a word and build a false meaning, belief or way of life around it. Subtle deception, yet so clearly seen.
Do you consider Webster a trickster, then? You're the one trying to chance the meaning of various terminology, either deliberately or simply out of ignorance because you don't bother to do any actual research.

My experiences happened 10 years apart, three of them.

1) I saw a fallen human spirit, at night, while fully awake, who was obviously in torment and full of lust, I felt an extremely strong jolt of fear and despair shoot through my being very quickly, it lasted for a fraction of a second about 20 years ago.

2) I heard a massive amount of voices singing a particular LDS hymn while in an LDS sacrament meeting, which I later verified with my wife, who had also heard it, which was suprising to me, but served as verification to me that I haeard something beyond my normal senses.

3) Just a few years back, while posting on RF, in the middle of the day, I saw an exalted human spirit who was experiencing great joy, I knew that because of the jolt of joy that shot through me for a fraction of a second and I knew in an instant what she was experiencing and I saw her extremely perfect face and very beautiful clothes, just for a fraction of a second, just from the shoulders up. It happened so fast I nearly did not see it.

All three of these experiences came and went so quickly it was about the speed of a camera flash. Two of the three I had hoped would have lasted longer.
Schizophrenia. See a doctor.

I have verifiable proof for myself alone, because I witnessed it, unlike the falling of the tree in the forest, which no one ever witnessed, yet it still happened, but there was no human witness to it.
So what are fossils? More tricks?
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Veteran Member
Im not a philosopher i have better things to do with my time, i'm a scientist and i make money playing with soil.
Many people have seen UFO's in history, that doesn't make them any more real. People have and always will see what they want to see.
If there was a God he'd destroy the world and start again, he can't repair this mess. Hence there is no God and if there is he's once sadistic SoB.
Topsoil is easily blown away in the wind, deforestation also causes salinisation as vital chemicals are either not absorbed by vegetation or not left by vegetation. Excess sun exposure also plays its part. Soil can become Iron deficient or enriched based on surroundings. A considerable amount of fertile topsoil is made up of dead organisms like animals and trees. Thats why FFH. The further down you go the less fertile the soil is because the less dead organisms there are to provide oxidation/reduction reactions within the soil horizon. Its all very simple FFH is there anything you would like to debate here?

I have solid concrete to stand on. Once again the world depends on what me, and thousands of others like me know and employ for your benefit. If you disagree with science, i suggest you leave your house or your 6000 year old soil will cause shear fractures and you may be injured.
There is no deep footing in the house I'm living in, with no basement (thank God, I hate smelly basements)/

There is just a shallow concrete footing, if that. The house is fine, it's 80 years old.

When I was a kid I witnessed my father dig 10 simple column type footings about 6 feet deep. I often wondered through the years if those columns/footings were deep enough to keep the cabin level as time passed. It seemed as if they weren't.

The cabin has not shifted in the slightest in 35 years and is still perfectly level, and sits on a very steep mountain.

He just sold it this year for about 200,000 dollars and he only put about 30,000 into it. He built the thing himself, with a little help here and there from his father and brother and myself and my younger brothers and sisters.

I agree we need science and scientific theories (which need to be recognized as such), but we can do without fraudulant science, which does exist, just as with any profession.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I don't expect you to believe me. All I want to do is share what I believe to be true. We've heard evolution taught all our lives in the public and private school systems, now I'ld like to give my take on it.

Not well enough, apparently, since you've clearly demonstrated that you've absolutely no understanding of the evolutionary process. What makes you think those who do understand it want to hear the absurd ramblings of someone who clearly has no clue about what they're talking about?

Again, men have seen God and written about it, on the other hand, no man has witnessed the creation of the earth millions of years ago, then recorded the event.
People have also written about elves, dwarves, aliens, unicorns, etc. Are they real? People have written about Zeus and Thor, are they real gods? People have written about Elvis still being alive. Is he really still alive? People have written about Mormonism being a satanic cult. Is it really a satanic cult?

There are written records of men who have seen God, where is the written record of the creation of the earth millions of years ago, or where is ANY written record of man's existance going back more than a few thousand years.
Fossils, rock samples, carbon dating, and other various sorts of evidence serve as the written record. Joseph Smith's ghost has appointed me the new Pope of the Mormon Church. That last sentence serves as a written record. Does that make it true? No. Physical evidence is more solid and substantial than written records.

Logic, son. Logic.
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Well-Known Member
There is no deep footing in the house I'm living in, with no basement (thank God, I hate smelly basements)/

There is just a shallow concrete footing, if that. The house is fine, it's 80 years old.

When I was a kid I witnessed my father dig 8 simple column type footings about 6 feet deep. I often wondered through the years if those columns/footings were deep enough to keep the cabin level as time passed. It seemed as if they weren't.

The cabin has not shifted in the slightest in 35 years and is still perfectly level, and sits on a very steep mountain.

He just sold it this year for about 200,000 dollars and he only put about 30, 000 into it. He built the thing himself, with a little help here and there from his father and brother.

I agree we need science and scientific theories (which need to be recognized as such), but we can do without fraudulant science, which does exist, just as with any profession.

How is determining the age of the earth considered fraudulant science?


Veteran Member
Err, what? :areyoucra Those are your 3 reasons for having blind faith? Those 3 things cemented it for you? I didn't even understand what they meant? You saw them? Like in front of you or in your head?
Yes, clearly in front of me, maybe a foot or two away, very close images, like a flash of a camera, yet I clearly saw them.

The first experienced happened (when I saw the fallen human spitir) to warn me of a wrong path I was on.

The second happened because I love music and I Lord knew that and I guess he thought it would be nice to give me a taste of what real music is like in the spirit realm. It was very awesome, puts all earthly music to shame.

The third experience happened while debating a particular subject on RF. I actually saw the character in the Bible I was debating. She was extremely beautiful and had a beautiful robe on, yet I only saw it for a fraction of a second, barely or not enough time to pick out the details. It has served as an encouragement to me, something to look forward to in heaven, which is the sights, sounds and perfect joy that can only be felt by an exalted human spirit, having aquired an immortal body.

Heaven isn't about being bored and doing nothing, heaven is about experiencing all the things we experience on earth, only the amperage is boosted up a 1000 times. I literally felt like If I had experience even 10 seconds of what I did It would have been too much for me to handle, being in my physical body, so it came and went quickly. I had 4 seperate experiences later on which confirmed what I had seen. I wanted to know whether it was my imagination or not. God gave me 4 different experiences to let me know that I indeed saw what I saw, even if it was just for a second or less than a second.

We cannot experience a "fullness of joy" in our current mortal bodies, we will have to wait for that.


Veteran Member
How is determining the age of the earth considered fraudulant science?
Fraudulant science is when scientists claim they have a device that can measure the age of the earth, not in terms of thousands of years, but in millions of years, which cannot be verified.


Veteran Member
Stacey, I already know God exists, I don't need any proof of that, I never have, I was born with that knowledge and I don't use that term lightly, I already knew he existed from the very day that I could even comprehend such a thing.

I know he exists just like I know I exist.

Seeing him would not increase my knowledge of his existance. I have never seen God, so I could reasonably have doubts that he exists, but I don't and have never had any doubts concerning the existance of God the Father and God the Son.

I know they exist, I need no further witness or proof of that.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Stacey, I already know God exists, I don't need any proof of that, I never have, I was born with that knowledge and I don't use that term lightly, I already knew he existed from the very day that I could even comprehend such a thing.

I know he exists just like I know I exist.

Seeing him would not increase my knowledge of his existance.

But the fact that you can communicate and interact with Stacy is evidence that there is someone on the other end, which is more than you can say for God. I haven't got any PMs or frubals from Jesus lately. Why not?


Wonder Woman
Stacey, I already know God exists, I don't need any proof of that, I never have, I was born with that knowledge and I don't use that term lightly, I already knew he existed from the very day that I could even comprehend such a thing.

I know he exists just like I know I exist.

Seeing him would not increase my knowledge of his existance. I have never seen God, so I could reasonably have doubts that he exists, but I don't and have never had any doubts concerning the existance of God the Father and God the Son.

I know they exist, I need no further witness or proof of that.

So you've never seen god huh? I've just been inspired to flip a question some Christians tend to ask non-christians.

So would you be very surprised to have a being totally unlike anything you'd ever imagine present itself to you as god, could prove it was god, and told you that the things you believed you saw were not what you thought them to be and that you were entirely wrong about your faith? That another religion, such as Hinduism or Wicca or Druidism was the religion closest to how things really are. Would you change your faith? Your views? In light of this revelation would you admit you were wrong and denounce all that which you so cling to now?


Veteran Member
So you've never seen god huh? I've just been inspired to flip a question some Christians tend to ask non-christians.

So would you be very surprised to have a being totally unlike anything you'd ever imagine present itself to you as god, could prove it was god, and told you that the things you believed you saw were not what you thought them to be and that you were entirely wrong about your faith? That another religion, such as Hinduism or Wicca or Druidism was the religion closest to how things really are. Would you change your faith? Your views? In light of this revelation would you admit you were wrong and denounce all that which you so cling to now?
I don't get a peace of mind about any other religion other than LDS.

There are good people in other faiths, and there is a divine purpose for all existing faiths promoting belief and worship of God, however the LDS faith has the most truth necessary for exaltation with God the Father.

Having some being appear to me and tell me I should believe othewise would not sway me in the least.

I actually do sleep at night knowing I've made the right decision to stick with the faith I was born into. I've never had any doubts about that whatsoever and nothing can erase the knowledge I have of what awaits in the next life and what I need to do to obtain exaltation (life with God the Father).

Nothing could or would change my knowledge of what faith I should be in and what God I should follow and worship, nothing.


Veteran Member
Claudia Bassols (Spain)


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