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Did God Create This ???

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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
The same goes for dating anything on this earth, unless you were there millions of years ago to witness that the earth existed, don't tell me it is millions of years old, that is the first rule of Philosophy 101, which I forced myself to complete, along with Psych 101, a few writing classes, a few Japanese reading and writing classes, a marriage and family course and for some reason I took algebra again, which I already knew, instead of moving on to calculus, I enjoyed math. but I got very bored at that point.

That really sucks, in my opinion, FFH. You should go back to school...if just for the fun of it. As much as I complain about homework, I love school and I love learning. You are fortunate enough to live in a great country where education is so readily available and you throw it away because of something so incredibly silly like it doesn't line up with your beliefs?? That's what a school is for...free thoughts, free thinking, expanding your mind, broadening your knowledge. You don't HAVE to accept what they teach you, you could at least know what other kind of thinking is out there.

Just a suggestion...I think it'd benefit you though. I'd go to school forever if I could. :)


Veteran Member
I need to throw in some solid black snakes.


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Veteran Member
That really sucks, in my opinion, FFH. You should go back to school...if just for the fun of it. As much as I complain about homework, I love school and I love learning. You are fortunate enough to live in a great country where education is so readily available and you throw it away because of something so incredibly silly like it doesn't line up with your beliefs?? That's what a school is for...free thoughts, free thinking, expanding your mind, broadening your knowledge. You don't HAVE to accept what they teach you, you could at least know what other kind of thinking is out there.

Just a suggestion...I think it'd benefit you though. I'd go to school forever if I could. :)
Why would I pay for someone to tell me what I can readily find on the net for free and read myself ???

Lets see...

Books ~ a gazillion dollars
Tuition ~ a bazillion dollars
Interest ~ continues on until your dead
Horrible Housing ~ a quadrillion dollars
Transportation ~ a push scooter (no motorized scooter for you, you owe us a quintillion dollars).
Psychotherapist ~ because of all the confusing theories taught as fact swimming around in my head like a swarm of locusts and wasps.

No thanks
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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Why would I pay for someone to tell me what I can readily find on the net for free and read myself ???

Lets see...

Books ~ a gazillion dollars
Tuition ~ a bazillion dollars
Interest ~ continues on until your dead
Horrible Housing ~ a quadrillion dollars
Transportation ~ a scooter, paid for but it's a push type, no motorized scooter for you, you owe us a quintillion dollars.
Psychotherapist ~ because of all the confusing theories taught as fact swimming around in my head like a swarm of locusts and wasps.

No thanks

Um because the internet, wonderful as it is, can't talk back to you and answer your questions. You can keep Googling, trying to find an answer, but most pages aren't legit.

Books? Buy them USED on amazon. That's what I do. It literally saves me hundreds of dollars.

Tuition? I was referring to a community college, where in-state tuition is affordable. If me, a 21-year old who has a RETAIL job can afford it...you can, too. There won't be interest because you'll be able to pay it as you go. What you can't afford, don't take.

Housing? Eh, what? Why would you move into a dorm when you already have a house. And again, community college.

Transportation? You don't have a car? Take a bus.

Psychotherapist? For WHAT? Geez!!! Simply listening and learning about different theories, ideas or even events doesn't mean you have to ACCEPT them. It just means you know they're out there. Wouldn't you love a lively debate with your professor?

Believe it or not, schools and teachers aren't out to get you. It's learning not indoctrinating. It's opening your eyes to what IS out there. I learn about ancient this and ancient that and weird theories all the time. Do I believe any of it? No! But I know they exist and where they fit into history.


Veteran Member
Hey! You're even more paranoid than *I* am!

It's just flip-flopped: I :hearts: science, and I am very wary of priests and people like that. :D
I don't attend church either and I'm not anti-science, I'm anti-fraudulent science, for lack of a better word.

My eternal welfare is more important to me than my material welfare. I have what I need. This life is not my permanent residence.

FFH (an acronym for Far From Home)
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I don't attend church either and I'm not anti-science, I'm anti-fraudulent science, for lack of a better word.

But it's the exact same science. The ONLY reason you consider it "fraudulent" is because it conflicts with your silly, primitive, superstitious and unsubstantiated holy books. Have you considered that perhaps it is in fact it is your irrational religion that is fraudulent?


Veteran Member
But it's the exact same science. The ONLY reason you consider it "fraudulent" is because it conflicts with your silly, primitive, superstitious and unsubstantiated holy books. Have you considered that perhaps it is in fact it is your irrational religion that is fraudulent?
I've thoroughly studied the LDS faith and it's scriptures and I can find nothing fraudulent about it, it's pure unadulterated scripture and eternally binding truth.

The King James, on the other hand, has many errors, which Joseph Smith has corrected by direct inspiration, which errors cause so much confusion among Christians.

I know something is true, when I obtain a peace of mind about any given thing.

That was my main goal in life was to obtain a peace of mind, and I aquired that after leaving college, when at that time I began searching the scriptures of my own faith, which answered so many questions, and gave me a great peace of mind, more than anything this world could ever offer me.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
FFH, I don't know if you're married or not, but if not I think you and Heneni would make a cute couple. No, I'm being 100% completely serious. You two would be a perfect match - a hate for science, a love for conspiracy theories, a blind, stubborn automaton-like devotion and promotion of your religious beliefs. You two could obsess over each other. It would be so cute. :)
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Veteran Member
Do you even know what Scientific Theory even means? What business do you have trying to discuss things that you've have clearly done absolutely no research on?
Can anyone prove the earth is a million years old, without being a witness to it's existance millions of years ago ???

First rule of Philosophy 101.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one was around to see or hear it, did it really happen ???

Yes, it happened, but there is no proof.

God has actually appeared to men on earth, throughout the centuries, including Joseph Smith, so his existence has been verified, since not only Joseph Smith, but many men and women, throughout the centuries, have seen Jesus Christ, even in this century.

Has anyone personally witnessed the existance of the earth millions of years ago, NO, so it's just that then, a theory, NOT fact.

I have heard and seen into the spirit realm, so I know, without a doubt, it exists.
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Guardian of Asgaard
I've thoroughly studied the LDS faith and it's scriptures and I can find nothing fraudulent about it, it's pure unadulterated scripture and eternally binding truth.

Perhaps you should open your eyes then and see some reality? Either that or stop trying to engage in a debate you know nothing about. Science keeps millions of people from disaster. Why do you think 75% of university dropouts in my country are private religious school students? Because university doesn't tolerate malicious lies and obvious dribble called the bible, all versions written by the worlds biggest hypocrites.


Guardian of Asgaard
Can anyone prove the earth is a million years old, without being a witness to it's existance millions of years ago ???

First rule of Philosophy 101.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one was around to see or hear it, did it really happen ??? Yes, it happened, but there is no proof.

God has actually appeared to men on earth, throughout the centuries, including Joseph Smith, so his existence has been verified, since not only Joseph Smith, but many men and women have seen Jesus Christ, even in this century.

Has anyone personally witnessed the existance of the earth millions of years ago, NO, so it's just that, a theory, NOT fact.

You cannot prove Joseph Smith existed, he died a long time before you. God did not appear to these lunatics you call Prophets. God is the easiest way to gain power and has been since the cancer that is christianity began to dominate this poor planet.

FFH, if i dig into the ground and then stand parallel to the layers of sediment, i can see 100 million years of soil deposition and compaction. How do i know this? Practical experiments. We can simulate nature, its not perfect but iot gives a pretty good comparison. It takes years, decades even centuries for a layer of sediment to form a natural layer in the ground.
How on earth can you persist with your young earth theory with 0 ground to stand on except "you weren't alive you cant prove it." Wake up man, for your own sake.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Can anyone prove the earth is a million years old, without being a witness to it's existance millions of years ago ???

First rule of Philosophy 101.
Wonderful, but you realize that with this kind of thinking you eliminate all science, not just evolution.


Veteran Member
FFH, I don't know if you're married or not, but if not I think you and Heneni would make a cute couple. No, I'm being 100% completely serious. You two would be a perfect match - a hate for science, a love for considerably theories, a blind, stubborn automaton-like devotion and promotion of your religious beliefs. You two could obsess over each other. It would be so cute. :)
Yeah, i like her, she's great, and such an encouragement to me.

I've been sealed (married) in an LDS temple.


Veteran Member
Perhaps you should open your eyes then and see some reality? Either that or stop trying to engage in a debate you know nothing about. Science keeps millions of people from disaster. Why do you think 75% of university dropouts in my country are private religious school students? Because university doesn't tolerate malicious lies and obvious dribble called the bible, all versions written by the worlds biggest hypocrites.
I wonder what the statistic is in the U.S. ???

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Can anyone prove the earth is a million years old, without being a witness to it's existance millions of years ago ???

The evidence seems to overwhelmingly suggest as much. That, and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one was around to see or hear it, did it really happen ??? Yes, it happened, but there is no proof.
A tree lying upon its side would be adequate proof that it did.

God has actually appeared to men on earth, throughout the centuries, including Joseph Smith, so his existence has been verified, since not only Joseph Smith, but many men and women, throughout the centuries, have seen Jesus Christ, even in this century.
The ghost of Joseph Smith just came to me and told me that you were full of **** and that he was just pulling a prank on everyone (gotcha!). How's that for proof?

Has anyone personally witnessed the existance of the earth millions of years ago, NO, so it's just that then, a theory, NOT fact.
Did I not just gave you a link explaining what scientific theory actually means? You're being deliberately dishonest and purposely misrepresenting the meaning of the term. Isn't lying and dishonestly supposed to be a "sin" in your religion? You best drop to your knees right now and beg for forgiveness, son.

I have heard and seen into the spirit realm, so I know, without a doubt, it exists.
They have psychiatric treatment and medications for that.
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Veteran Member
You cannot prove Joseph Smith existed, he died a long time before you.
You just broke the first rule of Philosophy 101. His existance and actions were witnessed by all who came in contact with him.

God did not appear to these lunatics you call Prophets.
Again, you broke the first rule of Philosophy 101. Many people throughout the centuries have witnessed that God exists, in the form of a man, even in this century.

God is the easiest way to gain power and has been since the cancer that is christianity began to dominate this poor planet.
People who use religion to dominate another will be dealt justly by God.

FFH, if i dig into the ground and then stand parallel to the layers of sediment, i can see 100 million years of soil deposition and compaction. How do i know this? Practical experiments. We can simulate nature, its not perfect but iot gives a pretty good comparison. It takes years, decades even centuries for a layer of sediment to form a natural layer in the ground.
Why is it then that farmers have very little topsoil to work with, and have to rotate their crops every so many years, because they have depleted what little soil they have to work with.

How on earth can you persist with your young earth theory with 0 ground to stand on except "you weren't alive you cant prove it." Wake up man, for your own sake.
Back at ya.
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Well-Known Member
Can anyone prove the earth is a million years old, without being a witness to it's existance millions of years ago ???

First rule of Philosophy 101.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one was around to see or hear it, did it really happen ???

Yes, it happened, but there is no proof.

God has actually appeared to men on earth, throughout the centuries, including Joseph Smith, so his existence has been verified, since not only Joseph Smith, but many men and women, throughout the centuries, have seen Jesus Christ, even in this century.

Has anyone personally witnessed the existance of the earth millions of years ago, NO, so it's just that then, a theory, NOT fact.

I have heard and seen into the spirit realm, so I know, without a doubt, it exists.

What if I told you Jesus appeared to me and told me all religions on this planet are false and lead to hell? Would you believe me? An atheist?

You are questioning peer reviewed and rigorously examined scientific conclusions on the basis of an assumption. That assumption is that god exists and appears to us and you accept the BoM as truth.


Guardian of Asgaard
You just broke the first rule of Philosophy 101.

Again, you broke the first rule of Philosophy 101. Many people throughout the centuries have witnessed that God exists, in the form of a man, even in this century.

People who use religion to dominate another will be dealt justly by God.

Why is it then that farmers have very little topsoil to work with, and have to rotate their crops every som many years, because they have depleted what little soil they have to work with.

Back at ya.

Im not a philosopher i have better things to do with my time, i'm a scientist and i make money playing with soil.
Many people have seen UFO's in history, that doesn't make them any more real. People have and always will see what they want to see.
If there was a God he'd destroy the world and start again, he can't repair this mess. Hence there is no God and if there is he's once sadistic SoB.
Topsoil is easily blown away in the wind, deforestation also causes salinisation as vital chemicals are either not absorbed by vegetation or not left by vegetation. Excess sun exposure also plays its part. Soil can become Iron deficient or enriched based on surroundings. A considerable amount of fertile topsoil is made up of dead organisms like animals and trees. Thats why FFH. The further down you go the less fertile the soil is because the less dead organisms there are to provide oxidation/reduction reactions within the soil horizon. Its all very simple FFH is there anything you would like to debate here?

I have solid concrete to stand on. Once again the world depends on what me, and thousands of others like me know and employ for your benefit. If you disagree with science, i suggest you leave your house or your 6000 year old soil will cause shear fractures and you may be injured.
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