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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
All I know is the girl is good looking..I would like to have her nose.


Yeah, but where's the diversity of beauty in that type of thinking ???



Depends Upon My Mood..
Yeah, but where's the diversity of beauty in that type of thinking ???


How am I not "diverse"? And what "type" thinking are you refering to ?

I said ..the "girl was good looking and I would like to have her nose"..

Now Im not diverse? And I have a "type' of thinking?





Veteran Member
But you haven't shown how such diversity requires a designer.
...because it requires a complex DNA genetic code (computer program if you will) to created such diversity.

Someone had to program the code, it didn't just program itself.

I'm able to speak (chat) here because someone took raw materials and intelligence and organized it in such a manner to create a means of communication unheard of before, also it took many different people, with many different skills to create what I am using right now.

This particular computer, with all of it's hardware and software, didn't exist even less than a year ago. It's less than a year old and has some of the latest technology in it.

This particular computer didn't JUST EVOLVE, it was designed and created by intelligent beings.
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Veteran Member
How am I not "diverse"? And what "type" thinking are you refering to ?

I said ..the "girl was good looking and I would like to have her nose"..

Now Im not diverse? And I have a "type' of thinking?



If you want what someone else has, where's the diversity in that, we would all look alike then, sort of boring don't you think ???

Rather say, I would like to have a face unique and all my own.

Create your own face.

Psalms 37: 4
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

God has no limitations.

It may sound weird, but I actually look pretty much the way I want to look, I see myself the way I want to look and think of it in my mind, I'm satisfied with my looks.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
...because it requires a complex DNA genetic code (computer program if you will) to created such diversity.

Someone had to program the code, it didn't just program itself.

I'm able to speak (chat) here because someone took raw materials and intelligence and organized it in such a manner to create a means of communication unheard of before, also it took many different people, with many different skills to create what I am using right now.

This particular computer, with all of it's hardware and software, didn't exist even less than a year ago. It's less than a year old and has some of the latest technology in it.

This particular computer didn't JUST EVOLVE, it was designed and created by intelligent beings.

It requires a single cell..Set in certain enviroments..And BILLIOINS of years..And yes..it programmed itself..(over time)

Where did the single cell come from?..

Where did your computer come from?..Many cells..

So are the people that "created' your computer God?




Veteran Member
Are deformities and defects a deliberate part of the design/creation?
There must be an "opposition in all things". God has created the current conditions of this world in order to fulfill his divine purpose, which is to "bring to pass the imortality and eternal life of man," which is an LDS scripture found in the Pearl of Great Price.

I've posted these scriptures found in the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price many times in this thread.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
If you want what someone else has, where's the diversity in that, we would all look alike then, sort of boring don't you think ???

Rather say, I would like to have a face unique and all my own.

Create your own face.

Psalms 37: 4
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

God has no limitations.

It may sound weird, but I actually look pretty much the way I want to look, I see myself the way I want to look and think of it in my mind, I'm satisfied with my looks.

I didnt want her whole face..I would not look like her if I had her nose..

And Im happy you are "satisfied" with your looks..I'de like to be able to breath in and out of my nose.

But anyway..Good for YOU!!




Veteran Member
It requires a single cell..Set in certain enviroments..And BILLIOINS of years..And yes..it programmed itself..(over time).
Time never created my computer, given any various set of circumstances. :(

Such thinking is mind boggling. So many intelligent people here, it never seizes to amaze me that people still believe things can created or design or evolve by themselves.

Law of Atrophy

Where did the single cell come from?..
God created DNA, genetic code, hellllloooo, you're a Christian, read what God said.

Where did your computer come from?..Many cells..
The elements of the earth, organized by men on earth, through intelligence given to them by God.

So are the people that "created' your computer God?
Gods in the fact that they have tapped into the intelligence of God.

Bill Gates has definitely tapped into the intelligence of God.

We are gods in that we have certain characteristics or traits of a god or God, simply because we have obtained a certain degree of intelligence and righteousness.

Ps. 82: 6
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.


Veteran Member
I didnt want her whole face..I would not look like her if I had her nose..
But I guarantee you her nose on anyone else's face would look strange, it's all about the whole face and how it "fits" together, better to say I would like her face, rather than just the nose, or better yet, create your own unique face, with a body to go with it, that's what God does.

And Im happy you are "satisfied" with your looks..I'de like to be able to breath in and out of my nose.
Then pray for it to be so, why not.

"All things are possible with God"

Is God limited in what he can do ???

But anyway..Good for YOU!!
... and I hope the best for you, as I do all people. I want people to have what they want, and apparently so does God, all we have to do is ask in faith, believing that it will happen.

I have consciously designed my life, I feel that very very strongly. Things are as I want them to be, but there is always room for improvement and a better life.

If the physical aspects of our life and our bodies are important to us they are also important to God.

"He gives us the desires of our hearts" if we "delight in the Lord".

In other words, if we are not angry at him, 'he will make weak things become strengths".

He can make a less than perfect nose into a perfect one.


Wonder Woman
I notice FFH, that you never even addressed these questions of mine. Am I right? Are you to science what Dale Gribble is to government?

FFH, you honestly believe that educated biologists, geologists, archeologists, and paleontologists worldwide all are in one big conspiracy together?

That all of them, no matter what country or school they were educated in, are all part of some huge cover-up to keep people from accepting creationism???

Do you have any idea how absolutely insane and disturbed that sounds?


Veteran Member
I believe in evolution, changing of the heart, renewing of the mind, taking upon ourselves the image of Christ.

Evolution within species is evident, but not from one species into another.

This is the same person. We can evolve into what we want to be.

Bar Rafaeli (Isreali model)

Bar Rafeli

Bar Rafaeli


Depends Upon My Mood..
Time never created my computer, given any various set of circumstances. :(

Such thinking is mind boggling. So many intelligent people here, it never seizes to amaze me that people still believe things can created or design or evolve by themselves.

Law of Atrophy

God created DNA, genetic code, hellllloooo, you're a Christian, read what God said.

The elements of the earth, organized by men on earth, through intelligence given to them by God.

Gods in the fact that they have tapped into the intelligence of God.

Bill Gates has definitely tapped into the intelligence of God.

We are gods in that we have certain characteristics or traits of a god or God, simply because we have obtained a certain degree of intelligence and righteousness.

Ps. 82: 6
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.


Rest easy..and enjoy Bill Gates..

And when an infant is born with his spine on the outside of his body..and dies 3 weeks later..

Or when a 3 year old is diagnosed with brain cancer and doesnt make it to 5 years old...

Talk to "Bill Gates"..

P.S I bought Microsoft at 18 years old in 1987 and made a LOT of money..By 1999 I had 250,00 dollars..

What does that have to do with God??




Wonder Woman
You're infatuated with this girl aren't you? See? This is truly a case of beauty being subjective and "in the eye of the beholder", because I just see a very average looking girl. Your infatuation with her obviously makes her appear better looking to you. I wonder though, if she turned out to be a real beotch in real life if you would still find her as beautiful as you do now?


Depends Upon My Mood..
I believe in evolution, changing of the heart, renewing of the mind, taking upon ourselves the image of Christ.

Evolution within species is evident, but not from one species into another.

This is the same person. We can evolve into what we want to be.

Bar Rafaeli (Isreali model)

Bar Rafeli

Bar Rafaeli

She went from a young person to an adult..Like all of us do..LOL!! How is that so amazing?She did not "evolve" ..she aged..





Wonder Woman
I don't spend my time watching cartoons.

I really don't care for King of the Hill myself, but the character of Dale Gribble is a complete conspiracy theorist and thinks the government is constantly spying on us and has thousands of secrets and conspiracies going at every turn and they are all out to get him because he knows the "truth" about them. He's paranoid and you well sound like him.

You still haven't answered the questions though.


Depends Upon My Mood..
You're infatuated with this girl aren't you? See? This is truly a case of beauty being subjective and "in the eye of the beholder", because I just see a very average looking girl. Your infatuation with her obviously makes her appear better looking to you. I wonder though, if she turned out to be a real beotch in real life if you would still find her as beautiful as you do now?


This girl (woman) is apparently evidence of God..:rolleyes:(and Bill Gates..who made the computer ..that he can download her picture on because of it)



Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Such thinking is mind boggling. So many intelligent people here, it never seizes to amaze me that people still believe things can created or design or evolve by themselves.

Because only dishonest and/or unintelligent people reject the insurmountable mountain of evidence that supports evolution, not to mention that it's actually an observable occurrence. The international scientific community is in unanimous acceptance of it. The exact same method that was used to discover and understand the evolutionary process was also used to develop all the medicine and technology you use in your life, including the computer your sitting at. So if you hate science, you need to get up and step away from your computer, lift it up and toss it out the window.

What I find mind bogging and that never ceases to amaze me is people who still believe in ridiculous nonsense like the bible and the book of mormon.

Time never created my computer, given any various set of circumstances

It's rather cretinous and imbecilic to try and compare organic life to something artificial and mechanical.
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