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Did God Create This ???

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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Nice trick anyone can take bones and fragments of bones and create something that never existed.

Are you honestly calling the entire field of paleontology a fraud and a hoax? Then again you are foolish and gullible enough to believe that Native Americans are actually the "lost tribe of Israel", so it comes as no surprise. Seriously, you should save yourself the embarrassment and just stop posting.


Wonder Woman
FFH, you honestly believe that educated biologists, geologists, archeologists, and paleontologists worldwide all are in one big conspiracy together? That all of them, no matter what country or school they were educated in, are all part of some huge cover-up to keep people from accepting creationism??? Do you have any idea how absolutely insane and disturbed that sounds? Mind if I start calling you Dale Gribble?...though I truly think you have him beat out in the conspiracy theorist department.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Ben, we have contributed many productive things. Loads and loads of information, facts, sources, and so on. Unfortunately we keep getting the same responses over and over again. I wasn't being sarcastic. I was being honest. I knew what FFH was going to respond with because he has already answered in such a way many times before. He only proved I was being honest when he answered exactly like I said he was going to. What becomes annoying is not really the fact that he bases his beliefs in scripture, but that he apparently cannot answer for himself with his own thoughts and rationalizations. He used quotes to do all the talking for him. When those quotes are proven to be impossible to be actual fact he just repeats them over again or posts another quote. All it does is present to us a face of a person who cannot think for themselves or is too scared to.

And so we then attack and belittle just because we disagree with that ones way of understanding? I say we move on and allow the one to live as they will. If we disagree then we just disagree and what is it to us if others do not agree with us? There is nothing. They just disagree. Woopty Dooo. Move on.

I really didn't point my finger at you but what you said did make me take a self analyses and that urged me into my post. I mean no offence to you or anyone and find it in very bad taste to attack ones understanding in such a way that would be demeaning and belittling. IMHO. :) I disagree with FFH myself but I understand why and where he is coming from. I've been there and am glad to say that it is behind me but he is still there and he seems to think it works for him. Who am I to say one way or another. My understanding is of a different understanding though close and along the same direction just a different path. I have no doubt he wants eternal life and I have no doubt that he believes that I want the same thing but my understanding as to the way to get to that goal varys from that of his. So be it. I'm not any longer going to say one understanding is either this or that. It is their understanding and is as they want it to be. Again, so be it. We post what our understanding is as we see it and someone else has a different understanding and chooses to let scripture do the talking. Why does this bother so many? Why can't those that do not believe just let it go and move on? Why is it such a hot burning coal burning their emotions to such a point that they must reply with same said hot burning coals. Why can't they just let be? Why is it annoying to you? Let him believe what he will. How does it effect you at all? Let it go. :)


Veteran Member

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Then again you are foolish and gullible enough to believe that Native Americans are actually the "lost tribe of Israel"

Though this isn't so far fetched. I say this only because there are those that believe that Hebrew Yisraelites came with Phonecians (The purple people) to the americas long before even the Vikings and even further before Columbus. If so then it is conceivible to believe that a Hebrew Yisralite male copulated with a Native American female and produced a male child that would in turn continue the seed line of on of the tribes of Yisrael.

Just an opinion. ;)


Veteran Member
How about yellow, that's a good camouflage color.

Throw in some horizontal black stripes and spots...

... or how about black with yellow stripes, that'll blend in well.

...or better yet, yellow with white stripes/spots/ or whatever, or is it the other way around.

...or better yet, a blend of yellow, light green and light blue, yeah that's the ticket, and throw in a pixelated pattern.

No, no, no, a deep reddish/organge, with yellow and white stripes, hmmmm....

No !!, a deep reddish brown or brownish red, with black and yellow strips...

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Well-Known Member
There is absolutly no evolutionary survival advantage for this snake to have a deep blue and white/grey striped skin. Show me anything on earth that this snake would blend into (camouflage) itself by.
Why do you assume that survival is only about camouflage? Bright colors can also be warnings to potential predators or used to attract mates.


Veteran Member
Why do you assume that survival is only about camouflage? Bright colors can also be warnings to potential predators or used to attract mates.
The point is to show that such diversitey is not a product of, or not necessarily a purpose for, adaptation/evolution/survival/mating/warning/whatever, but rather, the product of a divine designer.

So many diverse colors, patterns/designs.

Shall I post more ???
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Well-Known Member
The point is to show that such diversitey is not a product of or a purpose for adaptation/evolution/survival/mating/warning/whatever, but rather, the product of a divine designer.

So many diverse colors, patterns/designs.

Shall I post more ???
But you haven't shown how such diversity requires a designer. As someone pointed out earlier, if these colors and patterns were such a detriment to the organisms survival, wouldn't they have all died out even if they were originally designed? Since they haven't then you must admit that they are not a problem for natural selection.


Depends Upon My Mood..
The point is to show that such diversitey is not a product of or a purpose for adaptation/evolution/survival/mating/warning/whatever, but rather, the product of a divine designer.

So many diverse colors, patterns/designs.

Shall I post more ???

But I think you are wrong..

Ducks dont have webbed feet cuz they are cute..They have webbed feet so they can swim in the water efficiently..

And what of the divine master that makes viruses mutate? and bacterias?You need a microscope to see those..How many patterns and designs and colors are in cancer?




Veteran Member
But I think you are wrong..

Ducks dont have webbed feet cuz they are cute..They have webbed feet so they can swim in the water efficiently..

And what of the divine master that makes viruses mutate? and bacterias?You need a microscope to see those..How many patterns and designs and colors are in cancer?


... but a duck has always been a duck/bird, it has never been a fish.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Why do you assume that survival is only about camouflage? Bright colors can also be warnings to potential predators or used to attract mates.

Exactly. Some pattern and colors are also used to confuse and distract. A little research could've been done before going through the trouble of posting all of those pictures.

Shadow Addiction

I Know What Death Hides
I do believe there is a Supreme Creator, but said Creator did not necissarily Do much in the world we live in today. Not to say he isn't still watching us but after he made this world and tried to keep us upon the path of righteousness, what did we do? We nailed his only begotten Son to a big wooden T and bled him out for 3 days. I truly don't blame him for becoming fed up with us. We were the ones who turned away from him. And look at the way the world is now. Even people of the same religion can't agree to any one thing about this life we live. God doesn't do much because we truly messed up...This is what we get for killing Jesus.


Depends Upon My Mood..
... but a duck has always been a duck/bird, it has never been a fish.

How do you know? And besides that..thats not the point..The point is the only reason to have "webbed feet" is because you are going to live your life in water..And it helps you "survive"..Not because its an artful creation of God for people to admire.A duck without webbed feet dies..




Depends Upon My Mood..
I do believe there is a Supreme Creator, but said Creator did not necissarily Do much in the world we live in today. Not to say he isn't still watching us but after he made this world and tried to keep us upon the path of righteousness, what did we do? We nailed his only begotten Son to a big wooden T and bled him out for 3 days. I truly don't blame him for becoming fed up with us. We were the ones who turned away from him. And look at the way the world is now. Even people of the same religion can't agree to any one thing about this life we live. God doesn't do much because we truly messed up...This is what we get for killing Jesus.

I didnt kill Jesus..I was born in 1968..


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