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Did God Create This ???

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Well-Known Member
That's my youngest sister I think you're talking about. She's in this second picture, with my oldest sisters husband.

That's Brigham Young in the background. :)

Who is that a painting of? Looks like darwin:


Well-Known Member
Were you there in the beginning ???

Why would I have to be? Clearly we know the biological process that leads to pretty girls you are so fond of posting. It definitively wasn't god. Your pretty snakes came from snake eggs mate. No gods. You can make them too. You can futz around with their Dna and change them till you understand the basis for life.

We artificially implant babies today. We change their DNA so they will never get cancer. (Check the news)

God is not an answer. Its the opposite of an answer. Its nothing. The word god is self defeating and meaningless. Its overused. It means so many things to so many people it means nothing. Ptah did it. Remember the gods lived in the mountains and we went there... well sheesh... no gods here... AHH gods live in the sky now... now we went there.... no gods. We have a book of fairy tales is all mate. There might be some history there... But when you ask if god did it.... I answer no. Espcially no in the way you define god. I have more stories and histories of vampires and leprechauns that seem more valid then a literal interpretation of the bible and bom.

AND you claim to have seen angels AND demons. I dont believe that either. I believe that it is a lie you have told yourself so long that now even you believe it.

Didn't you ever watch the X-files? Question everything.


Veteran Member
Why would I have to be?
To verify that it happened, othewise it's just a theory.

Clearly we know the biological process that leads to pretty girls you are so fond of posting.

It definitively wasn't god. Your pretty snakes came from snake eggs mate. No gods. You can make them too. You can futz around with their Dna and change them till you understand the basis for life.
So the genetic code just programmed itself ???

We artificially implant babies today. We change their DNA so they will never get cancer. (Check the news)
We can change their DNA but not created it from scratch in a lab.

God is not an answer. Its the opposite of an answer. Its nothing. The word god is self defeating and meaningless. Its overused. It means so many things to so many people it means nothing. Ptah did it. Remember the gods lived in the mountains and we went there... well sheesh... no gods here... AHH gods live in the sky now... now we went there.... no gods. We have a book of fairy tales is all mate. There might be some history there... But when you ask if god did it.... I answer no. Espcially no in the way you define god. I have more stories and histories of vampires and leprechauns that seem more valid then a literal interpretation of the bible and bom.
It's something worth looking into, especially because our eternal welfare is based on whether we believe in it or not.

AND you claim to have seen angels AND demons. I dont believe that either. I believe that it is a lie you have told yourself so long that now even you believe it.
Fair enough.

Here is some physical evidence that God exists. Many have witnessed precious gemstones appearing in their churches; in their hands, on the floor, on the chairs and benches, podium, and in mid air (dropping to the floor as they appear).


Jewels Falling From Heaven In The Church In Puerto Rico

There are many witnesses to these events, thus proving them to be true.

Didn't you ever watch the X-files? Question everything.
No, not my thing. I like to watch skiing, religious programming, documentaries, biographies, etc.
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Well-Known Member
To verify that it happened, othewise it's just a theory.

So I have to watch a couple have sex, follow the semen, see it fertilize the egg and watch the baby develop? Dude thats PBS its on all the time.

Uh no... you have to know about the birds and the bees. A woman has the eggs and men have the sperm... if the two meet there is a very good chance you will get a baby. We dont really need to get into this. Do we?

So the genetic code just programmed itself ???

Certainly looks that way. We have loads of crap or junk dna. Essentially we have been products of our DNA for a very long, long time. We just mapped it and are learning more and more everyday. Its public (which could be very, very bad for humans if you are at all concerned about biological attacks).

Actually the more I think about it... Have you even studied DNA ever? How long does DNA last? Why can we not find DNA in fossils? You claim the earth is like 13k years old but if it was almost every fossil we found would be swimming with DNA and youd have jurrasic park by now. Have you ever studied it?

We can change their DNA but not created it from scratch in a lab.

Yeah... create what? We JUST mapped it. Now you want to create random DNA to what end? We are still deciphering. Once we understand we will likely move on to perfecting DNA for the purposes of prolonged life, disease immunity, less sleep, better health so on and so forth. I guess once we completely understand it we could probably move on to crafting new life forms from scratch.

It's something worth looking into, especially because our eternal welfare is based on whether we believe in it or not.

Eternal Welfare is a dream. You want proof for anything that contradicts your belief in something for which there is absolutely no proof. Classic indoctrination mindset. I could never convince you otherwise. You probably couldnt either. It would probably take something profound and by that I mean I havent any idea. You dont have any proof of a god or eternal life but you strive to please the former to get the latter. Thats the master with the carrot. Then you have the hell which is the whip. You believe in your master and his carrot and are scared of his whip but millions upon millions say their master is the real master and your going to feel their masters whip.

Then you say... nonononono... My god is true.... and they say no mine is.... And my god is better or your god is worse and all dat just keeps escalating til all out war happens. The gods wont step up so you will on their behalf. Then we get saints and avatars and blah blah blah.

Ok... its not that bad hehe... I just felt like rambling. But seriously... why are you after so much proof when for your beliefs you have nothing but rationalizations?

Honestly, if your happy and that does it for you. Good for you. I want you to be happy. That makes me happy. I want you to have a freedom for your beliefs and to goto church whenever you want and believe whatever you wish.

But when you come in here stating radiometric dating is flawwed and start using lame, beaten to death arguments like halos in granite and post pictures of chicks you say are just too beutiful to be anything but gods work I am going to call you on it. Thats asinine, blathering, blatent nonsense and dishonest. Its lying. You have absolutely no proof for this quackery and are blindly quoting kindergarten creationist argument blogs that anyone with 45 seconds and access to google could disprove.

Fair enough.

Seriously... The majority of humans start haullicinating with simple sensory depreivation and static. You dont need drugs or really anything else. There is the ping pong ball study with white noise... Ever hear of it? Ever try it?

Here is some physical evidence that God exists. Many have witnessed precious gemstones appearing in their churches; in their hands, on the floor, on the chairs and benches, podium, and in mid air (dropping to the floor as they appear).


Jewels Falling From Heaven In The Church In Puerto Rico

There are many witnesses to these events, thus proving them to be true.

No, not my thing. I like to watch skiing, religious programming, documentaries, biographies, etc.

Come now. The almighty is dropping cut gemstones on Pastor Rojas's Church? Thats a good use of this dudes time... And you consider this proof? If you believe this to be gods work I might consider it proof of something hehe.... Seriously though... You honestly believe the oil or the gemstones are gods work?
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Here is some physical evidence that God exists. Many have witnessed precious gemstones appearing in their churches; in their hands, on the floor, on the chairs and benches, podium, and in mid air (dropping to the floor as they appear).

Obvious hoax to deceive and fleece the desperate and gullible. Instead of some cheap parlor tricks, how about your god do some real miracles such as cure a hospital full of terminally ill children or make food marvelously appear to feed starving children in Africa? Or rescue children from abusive environments? Or bring world peace? Why not something deeply profound and beneficial instead of some lame trick? Your god's supposed powers are rather weak and underwhelming (i.e.the cheap tricks of a conman preacher). I could hire a birthday party magician to perform more convincing stunts.
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Veteran Member
FFH, are you by any chance a member of the Flat Earth Society? If not you should check them out, as they seem like they would be right up your alley.

How about Hollow Earth?
Nice, I'll check it out.

Just kidding.

I do realize there are other things in our universe besides dead planets and that all stars are not dead planets.

My point didn't come across very well.

I guess I just spent too much time outdoors in Utah, when I should have been hitting the books.

I'm more into this...

Mikael Kingsbury 14y.o. freestyle moguls ski

I'm also into studying fraudulant scientific claims...

The evolution of man is an unproven theory, with a history of fraudulant evolutionary claims.

Human Evolution? or Darwin was a used car salesman

The Fake Ape Men - Michael J Penfold


The Fake Ape-Men - The Evolution Conspiracy clip 2
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
This thing again. I don't know if you brought this up before, but I've heard it before.

Evolution doesn't violate any laws of thermodynamics, for a few reasons:

- entropy is not the same thing as disorder. Sometimes it is, but not universally. For instance, snowflakes and ice crystals take the "ordered" shape they do because it's higher in entropy than any seemingly "disordered" shape.

- the "law of entropy" is concerned with net, average effects on closed systems. Even if entropy decreases locally at a point within a closed system, as long as the average entropy of the system increases, the law isn't violated. It's hard to quantify, but I wouldn't be surprised if the net effect of life is to increase entropy in the systems in which it exists, even though living things themselves appear ordered.

- the "law of entropy" only applies to closed systems, i.e. ones where energy isn't entering or leaving. The Earth gets a huge amount of energy constantly, mainly from the Sun. The Earth is not a closed system, and therefore the law of entropy doesn't apply to it as a system.
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