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Did God Create This ???

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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
No, I'm not done! I haven't been on in awhile...

I do have a legitimate question, FFH. You know how you say we can't prove earth is however many billion years old because there are no witnesses? Well, no one was around even 13,000 years ago to witness it. You say there is "written record" but that was recorded after the fact. By men. Who also wrote a bunch of other stuff (that isn't to be taken completely literally in a lot of cases). So I'm just wondering why you accept the age of 13,000 years when there wasn't actual witnessing, just written "record"?

Anyhoo, you have definitely thrown me for a loop, FFH. You're definitely nutty...but then again, so am I! Just nutty in a different way, I think....:D

This is me on the cover of my High School graduation program in 1984, at 18 years of age.


:sad4: It's always the hot ones.


Veteran Member
No, I'm not done! I haven't been on in awhile...

I do have a legitimate question, FFH. You know how you say we can't prove earth is however many billion years old because there are no witnesses? Well, no one was around even 13,000 years ago to witness it. You say there is "written record" but that was recorded after the fact. By men. Who also wrote a bunch of other stuff (that isn't to be taken completely literally in a lot of cases). So I'm just wondering why you accept the age of 13,000 years when there wasn't actual witnessing, just written "record"?
Right, so we are at a dead end. I should hold myself to my own standard.

Faith in the unseen is a condition of our existance, that God has purposely designed.

Hebrews 11: 6
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Anyhoo, you have definitely thrown me for a loop, FFH. You're definitely nutty...but then again, so am I! Just nutty in a different way, I think....:D
It keeps life interesting.

:sad4: It's always the hot ones.
I can be reformed, and can become more refined, give me time. ;)

I'm still a kid. :eek:
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Veteran Member
Well do they have video record of them falling from the sky? Or just people saying they saw it?
No, but the gemstones have been analyzed by jewelers. One of the diamonds is an 11.5 carat, or somethng like that, which doesn't exist in this world. The jewelers could not put a price on them because the cuts on these diamonds were not made by human hands, no flaws in them and the quality of the gemstones are beyond what they've ever seen.

There is also oil (which smells of roses) flowing from his Bible with no apparent source.
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Veteran Member
Obvious hoax to deceive and fleece the desperate and gullible. Instead of some cheap parlor tricks, how about your god do some real miracles such as cure a hospital full of terminally ill children or make food marvelously appear to feed starving children in Africa? Or rescue children from abusive environments? Or bring world peace? Why not something deeply profound and beneficial instead of some lame trick? Your god's supposed powers are rather weak and underwhelming (i.e.the cheap tricks of a conman preacher). I could hire a birthday party magician to perform more convincing stunts.
Okay, sorry I missed this, yeah I realize you need further proof. I'll keep my eyes out on the net, stuff like this keeps popping up with more frequency. There's bound to be something that will surface eventually that will be harder to refute.
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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
No, but the gemstones have been analyzed by jewelers. One of the diamonds is an 11.5 carrot, or somethng like that, which doesn't exist in this world. The jewelers could not put a price on them because the cuts on these diamonds were not made by human hands, no flaws in them and the quality of the gemstones are beyond what they've ever seen.

There is also oil (which smells of roses) flowing from his Bible with no apparent source.

Ehh, I mean, do you not take that right there with a grain of salt? It is so easy and quick for you to dismiss what hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists (who love their profession) have worked their lives to try to DISPROVE (in order to find what it is TRUE), yet this...this you just accept so easily? Why?


Wonder Woman
No, I'm not done! I haven't been on in awhile...

I do have a legitimate question, FFH. You know how you say we can't prove earth is however many billion years old because there are no witnesses? Well, no one was around even 13,000 years ago to witness it. You say there is "written record" but that was recorded after the fact. By men. Who also wrote a bunch of other stuff (that isn't to be taken completely literally in a lot of cases). So I'm just wondering why you accept the age of 13,000 years when there wasn't actual witnessing, just written "record"?

Not exactly true as humans have been around a lot longer than 13,000 years. There just weren't major civilizations yet. But man has been recorded to have been around for over about 100,000 years. They weren't exactly writing any books back then though :p We're talking primitives here.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Not exactly true as humans have been around a lot longer than 13,000 years. There just weren't major civilizations yet. But man has been recorded to have been around for over about 100,000 years. They weren't exactly writing any books back then though :p We're talking primitives here.

Oh ahah I know, silly! I was just going with his way of thinking....13,000 years ago it was just God creating whatever...it wasn't until a "few thousand year later" God made man...so, no witnesses for that first little part.

It confuzzles me, too.....:(


Veteran Member
Ehh, I mean, do you not take that right there with a grain of salt? It is so easy and quick for you to dismiss what hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists (who love their profession) have worked their lives to try to DISPROVE (in order to find what it is TRUE), yet this...this you just accept so easily? Why?
My faith is not based upon stuff like this, it's just an after thought.

I can take it or leave it. I just happen to believe this story is true, that's all.

There are certain signs I look for, such as how they discuss the name of Jesus Christ, how they are worshipping, etc.

In that video he talks about the 12 gemstones that represent the twelve tribes of Israel, which were also given to him as a sign that they are from God and not some other source.

Exodus 28

17 And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones: the first row shall be a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall be the first row.

18 And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.

19 And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst.

20 And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and a jasper: they shall be set in gold in their inclosings.

21 And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet; every one with his name shall they be according to the twelve tribes.

Twelve Sons, Twelve Stones
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Wonder Woman
Oh ahah I know, silly! I was just going with his way of thinking....13,000 years ago it was just God creating whatever...it wasn't until a "few thousand year later" God made man...so, no witnesses for that first little part.

It confuzzles me, too.....:(

Ok, sorry. It's late and this thread already has my head spinning. Yeah, looking at it that way you are right. If the earth was supposedly created as FFH describes then there were no witnesses to it either so he can't really use the witness thing as a criticism of an old earth. No one would have been around to witness any of the "creation" in order to write about it so the writings had to be "created". More reason to just see them as allegorical stories to explain that which could not be known.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
My faith is not based upon stuff like this, it's just an after thought.

I can take it or leave it. I just happen to believe this story is true, that's all.

I didn't say you based your faith on it. You still accept it as true, though...something that happened in another country on another continent, with no proof, and something about 12 gemstones and the 12 tribes of Israel.....why are those things acceptable to you as evidence? Do you even take it with a grain of salt?

And yet, like I said, scientists (all of them...those thousands of years ago up until now) who work their whole lives trying to figure out the world around them...are just tossed to the side. In favor of that which you just showed me.....why?

edit: I realize Puerto Rico isn't its own continent...or its own country. I thought this went on in Brazil. Whoopsies! :D I am disappointed in my geography skills!
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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Ok, sorry. It's late and this thread already has my head spinning. Yeah, looking at it that way you are right. If the earth was supposedly created as FFH describes then there were no witnesses to it either so he can't really use the witness thing as a criticism of an old earth. No one would have been around to witness any of the "creation" in order to write about it so the writings had to be "created". More reason to just see them as allegorical stories to explain that which could not be known.

:yes: Exactly!

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
This thing again. I don't know if you brought this up before, but I've heard it before.

I've have used entropy to describe an interesting idea relating God to evolution in many threads.

My,albeit, crude analogy starts with cleaning a kids room and then come back to the kids room after a few days. The idea that everything, as far as I know it, starts off organized and eventually resorts to chaos. Even scientists have stated the our universe is not going to contract and will eventually continue to expand and ultimately grow cold. The thermodynamic conclusion, inevitability in time, establishes entropies reality.

God, simply guides the process, no matter how bizarre the process may seem to our minds.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Oh and as long as this is a God make hot women thread......SHE, to me, will always be the most gorgeous person who has ever or will ever walk this planet.




...this is really just for my enjoyment, don't mind me! :D



:thud: I realize not everyone will think she's amazingly, crazy gorgeous like I do, or even pretty, but if there were a god.....in my opinion, this would be his masterpiece. :D


Veteran Member
Ok, sorry. It's late and this thread already has my head spinning. Yeah, looking at it that way you are right. If the earth was supposedly created as FFH describes then there were no witnesses to it either so he can't really use the witness thing as a criticism of an old earth. No one would have been around to witness any of the "creation" in order to write about it so the writings had to be "created". More reason to just see them as allegorical stories to explain that which could not be known.
Genesis was written by inspiration given to Moses, so yeah, no one was there to witness it, of course. Moses may have witnessed the event "in the spirit" (had a vision of the creation process).
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