He has also caused you a lot of inconvenience. How long will that car take to get fixed? How do you get to work, take care of family and go out with friends without your car? This person has damaged your life in a way that money cannot just cover. He is responsible for all of the damage caused, not just the cost of repair for the car.
Of course it was an inconvience, but only in the sense that I think that Jesus would have rather NOT had to lower his Godly position in heaven, and come on earth as a mere man, get betrayed, beat, and put to death by man that he created. But thats all water under the bridge. Jesus said (John 20:29), that we are blessed if we believe that he raised from the death. So the damage has been done, and now it is water under the bridge. The next step is the acceptance part, which is the problem.
You have asserted this many times but if our actions have direct consequences which result in our death, how can someone remove the consequences for those actions? Or are we not responsible for our actions due to Jesus' sacrifice? Does Jesus remove our responsibility or just the consequence?
Jesus' death removed the hell sentence, which is the eternal separation from God.
So now sin cannot happen? The moment someone does what used to be called sinning, God is no longer offended and damage(as per the analogy) is non-existent?
Yes sin can still happen. Lets use the "broken windows" analogy. Now this may not happen in real life with the way that people are nowadays, but I am just trying to drive home the point. Lets say you have a friend, who is upset that his girlfriend left him. He gets drunk one day, and bust out the windows of your car. You understand that this is a mistake, so you offer to pay for the damages to your own car. Now lets say that your friend is jobless and broke, so he could never be able to repay for the damages. So you say to your friend "I know that you cant repay for the damages, but you are still my friend, so I will cover the damages." Now with that being said, lets say your friend developed a habit of getting drunk and vandalizing property (relative to humans having a habit of committing sin), and yet he still has no money to pay for the damages. So instead of having your friend pay for the damages, you have him do work around your house as restitution for the debt owed from the damages. So every time he vandalizes your property, you have him work for you, sometimes small and petty work, and sometimes hard and tough work. Get it?
So Jesus did not cover all of the damages?
No. It only covered the consequences of us going to hell. John 3:16 ".......whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life"....so in contrast if you dont believe in him, you will perish, and not have everlasting life. Jesus gave his life so that you wont perish in hell.
This was not the issue I took with your argument. If someone is still liable for punishment but merely has someone else pay the fines, it is clear that they are still responsible for their actions(as per the analogy). If they are responsible for their actions and the consequences for those actions do exist, then how can someone else take away that responsibility? For your argument to work, Jesus must have removed the consequences. So are the consequences still in place or not?
Jesus DID remove the consequences, as I said before, we dont go to hell because of this. This doesnt remove the consequences of God disciplining us for sin in general. As I said before, If i rob someone one day and God disciplines me by allowing me to sprain my ankle badly, then I am suffering the consequences of my actions.
As per your analogy, a prison sentence(or community service or whatever) is a second part of the consequences that exist for certain actions. You are presenting an analogy and asking me to ignore the part of that analogy that does not work with your argument. Sorry, that's not how it works.
We deserve hell. Anything less than hell is just a slap on the wrist based on any human standards of punishment
That is not how we should look at the analogy though. The analogy has three consequences involved for the crime, the cost for damages, the fine for drink driving and last but not least, the loss of license and/or potential prison sentence. You brought the analogy up, you have to look at it honestly.
I gave an analogy that is similiar to someone that is sacrificing something of their own to cover for someone elses actions. If someone is driving drunk and totals my parked car. I have a choice one whether I can call the police, or we can work out some other sort of settlement. The damage was done to me, and it is my choice on how I want to have resitution for my damages. In the analogy, whichever one that is used, a person is sacrificing from their own personal resources, whether it is invested time or money, to help someone else out. Regardless of the consequences that the person "in the wrong" faced, his friend offered to help him in his time of need. Thats the only point that I was trying to drive home.
Where did you get this definition?
Microsoft Works dictionary. Look up the word in any other dictionary and Im sure you will find the same definition.
Is punishing sin a part of his nature?
Yes. Would you not agree that a good parent disciplines their children when they do something wrong?
If so, how does the human sacrifice of Jesus affect this? So basically God has to punish sin, he is obligated to, it is a part of his nature. The punishment for sin is death, so everybody that sins must die. Now explain how Jesus can change that?
Either sinning is no longer punishable by death or sinning is no longer possible. The last possibility is that Jesus absolves the responsibility of the people that commit sin, he someone makes them nor responsible for the things that they did and therefore undeserving of the consequences. What other possibility is there?
As I said before, under the old system, man had to sacrifice animals as a atonement for their sins, because God, in his holiness, requires justice. But under the new convenant, instead of sacrificing animals every time we sin, one man sacrificed himself, and his death covered everyone. So one man paid the penalty for everyone. Even Jesus said in John 11:50 "You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than the whole nation perish." That is how he changed it.
I am very cautious of people that I have no grounds to trust.
And I am uncautious of people that have given me no grounds to not trust.
I see quite the opposite, sorry.
Show me a scripture where God lied.
A little immature don't you think? No point derailing the thread over a little hissy fit though.
If it wasnt true, then I wouldnt have said it
Why don't you deserve to live? What makes someone "deserve to live" and what makes someone "deserve to die"? What standard determines who deserves life? Why should we trust that standard?
If Jesus was who he said he was, then his words are true. So based on that we would have good grounds for believing in the Christian God, and the Christian God (Jesus) is the standard and basis on how we should live our lives.
I understand what you've said, I don't understand how the death of an animal can atone for the actions of the man though.
Instead of taking your life, God accepts the animal sacrifice. This is being lenient. Kind of similiar to a plea bargain.
"Remember"? What is their to remember, this is patently false.
So when a lion takes the life a hyena, does it kill it, or does he murder it??
Why do we have to believe? Wouldn't Jesus death apply with or without belief? I am well aware of Christian theology so this is nothing new to me, you still didn't explain the concept of vicarious redemption though, you just repeated the assertion. I am arguing that vicarious redemption is not logically consistent. You are arguing that it is, can you support your argument. How does vicarious redemption work?
Why do you have to believe? Why should his death apply to people who dont believe in him??? Why should his death apply to anyone that doesn't accept the fact that he even existed, let alone died for our sins. So you are telling me that you should be able to reject him AND get the free gift of eternal life??? How absurd.