It still doesn't make sense but I know what you are driving at. First of all Hell was created for Satan and his angels not for man, man just happen to want to exist apart from God so by default hells the place.
God does not have any Duty whatsoever to you or anyone above what his revelation promises. He has suffecient reasons to allow this period of time where sin exists, and you have no say in the matter whatsoever.
Yes, I am aware we have no say in it, but that does not make it right in any moral sense. I understand you are fine with the idea of 'might makes right', but that isn't moral. It simply makes God a bully.
Morality is the actual issue. While he's waiting around for when he's good and ready, humans are suffering in Hell; if he's going to remove it at some point, those people suffer for nothing. And it matters to
them. For a God who's supposed to be so loving, he doesn't really give much of a **** about people, does he?
He's immoral.
I remembered another story of a man who thought he had the right and capacity to judge God. God told Job he did not have that right/capacity because of exactly the reasons I said you don't. God asked Job to tell him many things and if he could then he would answer him, Job soon wisely realised he didn't have the capacity and gave up. To posit a particular God and then attempt to judge him when that specific God said you do not have the ability is futile and illogical.
Yeah, I really don't care what the story says.
I have a book by Ravi Zacharias on my desk, an internationaly respected philosopher with 3 PhDs and several honarary ones and is infinately more qualified than both of us put together. This book exhaustivly lays out the philisophicaly consistent argument that defines freewill of love and your position is destroyed. I would have layed it out here but it is very long and since it is based on logic I don't know that it would help.
And I don't care what he says either. He's not part of his discussion and his statements don't explain away the immorality of the situation. I mean, he's a professional apologist, so he's going to stretch reason and rationality to make ANY excuse for his God, no matter how heinous his actions are, so it's no wonder you worship this guy's book. As I said I can also find quotes from other people who will agree; that isn't of any concern here, it's just quote-slinging baby wars. In addition you provide small bits of what he says, then assert more of his writing will 'destroy my argument', but asserting that something which you haven't provided satisfies the argument somehow, is ridiculous. I mean,
what is his argument, even?
I have in front of me 87 books written by 5 authors who have 999 PhDs in everything between them, and their arguments in their books, destroy completely everything you have said. It's just too long to put down here.
By your pathetic logic, I win.
Then why do more people believe in the Christian God than all yours put together.
Because most people are extremely stupid; because that religion was forced onto the entire Western civilization as a cultural requirement for many centuries; because, perhapsd like you, they are desperate for some explanation fo something and they don't care where it comes from or whether it's even rational; there are a thousand possibles here, but look! APPEAL TO POPULARITY, another fallacy! The number of people who believe it does not change whether something is true or not.
Out of curiosity what set of Gods do you believe in and why them? Do they include the 350 million from india alone and if not why?
I am a Norse Heathen. You can look it up. As to the Indian Gods, I believe they might exist; I don't know enough about them to make a decision. However, since we, as Caucasians, are descended from the people of India, it would not surprise me if some of these Gods are other representations of my own. As for 'why them', they are the Gods of my people. We are related.
I looked them up or tried to in one case. The spiderman one makes since if used correctly, the other one is defined by you so I didn't bother further.
They both were defined by me, and they both make sense.