What is God's objective in all this?
1. Create a free will individual as like unto Himself.= creation
2.Subject that individual into an environment for testing.= fall
3. Judge the fall = judgment
4. Punishment equating the judgment= death.
That is the picture and the steps each one of us takes as individuals entities, as told in the bible.
There is a difference between God (Upper case G) and gods (Lowe case g).
The upper case G, God, is the creator with all power and might, "the Almighty God" and one who is responsible for our creation, our placement into this world.
The lower case g, us, are powerless to effect any change in our dead state status.
Therefore, God, upper case G, can save mankind only if, with His own righteousness, become like as a man, born of a women, go through the same four steps above and resolve for mankind onces and for all, the question of the fall.
If your Jewish, you were used mightily as an instrument in the hands of God in rectifying the state of the fallen condition of mankind.
The nation of Israel is as like the virgin Mary, a virgin, free from sin to the effect of honoring the desires of the God of Abraham, in condemning anyone who would bring about a new gospel.
The Gentile nations were without a God in knowledge and therefore outside he courts, as in like the Tabernacle.
They were without hope as the Jewish God was only made known to the descendent's of Abraham.
But you see, every soul that breaketh the womb has to go trough those four steps regardless of what race of people we are born in, making all equal as lost in the eyes of God.
God then had to do one of two things: 1st, He could have come to the Jews only and saved them, or 2nd. come to the Jews, have them reject Jesus and then reach out to the rest of the world an save both Jew and Gentile alike with one sacrifice.
The sacrifice offering was not an animal sacrifice, but one offered by God in behalf of all mankind, and that was God's Son Jesus.
Jesus, therefore, had to be Devine in human nature if He as God were to reconcile the fall and grant life to all humanity, in stead of death....as it was.
Whether Jew or Christian, if neither can see the picture of Gods works, will not be able to come to an understanding of His works, but rather in how mankind perceives it to be.
Yes, Jesus said, "I and the Father are one" giving the understanding that God and Jesus are one in power, and might to perform what only God alone can perform, and that is the salvation of all His creation.
I we take Jesus out of the equation, than rightly so, our righteousness is all what we have, and to what end?
Think ye that your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes:
Mat 5:20For I say unto you, That
except your righteousness shall
exceed [the righteousness] of the scribes and Pharisees,
ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
The ones doing the will of God were the scribes and Pharisees, therefore their righteousness was reckoned as Gods rightness.
May of you will probably not understand that.
Blessings, AJ