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Did Jesus say he was God???


Veteran Member
Satan is simply a Hebrew Transferred word and simply means ANY Adversary/Opposer/Enemy Good or Bad, Male or Female or Neuter Gender and is NEVER a proper name for any thing.
The term “Satan” is not a proper name,

Satan means also resister, and Devil means slanderer.

Satan and his fallen angels, so to speak, are mortal.
They are not immortal or death proof.
Their end will come by destruction. Everlasting destruction. 2 Thess 1:9.
Jesus proves to be God's 'seed' of Gen 3:15 that will deal with the serpent the one called devil at Rev 12:9,12. Jesus will deal him a fatal death bruise to his head in fulfillment of Gen 3:15; Hebrews 2:14 b; Romans 16:20.

After Jesus resurrection by God then God granted or gifted immortality to Jesus to have life within himself. John 5:26; Hebrews 9:24,25.

All angels and humans start out with: everlasting life with a warranty attached.
Immortals are indestructible or can not die.
Like the gift of a new car if you do not take care of it according to manufacturers instructions the car can loose its warranty. If we do not follow God's instruction for our care of self and earth then our warranty could expire just as mortal Adam expired when he died. Starting from dust; ending in dust.


You and I can neither prove our points for neither one of us have any proof other than where we place our faith in.

The one sure thing for me is that all my life my faith in God has been a blessing, as proof of His favor.

I can only testify to that as proof, for I am truly blessed, if you only knew.

Now, did Jesus say He was God? Not in those exact words, but as God, there could be no other way for the salvation of mankind.

The bible gives us the whole story, as God wants us to know of it, but only in faith in His word, can life be forth coming.

Blessings AJ
Your ongoing empty speculation based upon 1. A story book 2. Your vivid imagination. 3. Your vanity to think you are a ' chosen one '.


Satan means also resister, and Devil means slanderer.

Satan and his fallen angels, so to speak, are mortal.
Oh then your god is mortal?

"And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah". (2 Samuel 24: 1) KJV story book

Comparing this parallel account of the same incident we read: -

And Satan stood up against Israel, , , , (1 Chron. 21: 1) KJV story book
Later in 1 Chron. 21 we read: -

And God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel. {And...: Heb. And it was evil in the eyes of the LORD concerning this thing} 8 And David said unto God, I have sinned greatly, because I have done this thing: but now, I beseech thee, do away the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done very foolishly. (1 Chron. 21: 7 - 8) KJV story book

So the ADVERSARY = Satan (i.e. Satan is a Hebrew Word - Metaphor) that was against Israel / smote Israel - was definitely God!


Veteran Member
Oh then your god is mortal?
The god of this world of badness '2nd Corinthians 4:4' is mortal.
Satan, not God the Creator, is the god of this world.
Adam by disobedience to God set up Satan in that position of being the god of this world. Adam set up people rule over God rule by obeying Satan instead of his Creator.

Satan is mortal because Jesus will destroy him according to Hebrews 2:14 b.

God is from everlasting to everlasting according to Psalm 90:2.
God is immortal, not Satan.


Veteran Member
2 Sam 24:1; 1 Chron 21:1

God allowed David to use his free will.

Both 2 Sam 24:4, 17 and 1 Chron 21:6 shows David willfully went against Joab whom God sent to dissuade David. David's mistake was willful . David insisted against Joab warning in having his own way.


Active Member
Oh then your god is mortal?

"And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah". (2 Samuel 24: 1) KJV story book

Comparing this parallel account of the same incident we read: -

And Satan stood up against Israel, , , , (1 Chron. 21: 1) KJV story book
Later in 1 Chron. 21 we read: -

And God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel. {And...: Heb. And it was evil in the eyes of the LORD concerning this thing} 8 And David said unto God, I have sinned greatly, because I have done this thing: but now, I beseech thee, do away the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done very foolishly. (1 Chron. 21: 7 - 8) KJV story book

So the ADVERSARY = Satan (i.e. Satan is a Hebrew Word - Metaphor) that was against Israel / smote Israel - was definitely God!

Composer, you use bible passages to "prove" your point but when another member does that, their proofs are invalid because the bible is a story book. So, the bible is only good enough if it supports your opinion?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Your ongoing empty speculation based upon 1. A story book 2. Your vivid imagination. 3. Your vanity to think you are a ' chosen one '.

Chosen one as in many chosen......yes.

Rom 8:29For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

I am one of the many, as God has predetined us/me to be conformed to His Son in His death, burial and reserrection, unto new life.

Call it what you want "vivid imagination", alls I can tell you is that God in Jesus is real to me, and on that foundation, I sand firm without a doubt.

Blessins, AJ


Oh then your god is mortal?

The god of this world of badness '2nd Corinthians 4:4' is mortal.
Another alleged mortal god, really?

The trinitarian alleged story book godman Jesus and now this alleged Satan god?

Satan, not God the Creator, is the god of this world.
I have copies of the YLT and the EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT NT Interlinear and they make NO mention of a Satan in their story book text!

Adam by disobedience to God set up Satan in that position of being the god of this world. Adam set up people rule over God rule by obeying Satan instead of his Creator.
Man was already subject to death before it is claimed he brought death upon himself. The claim that a Satan spirit being was responsible for causing man to die because of sins is garbage!

Satan is mortal because Jesus will destroy him according to Hebrews 2:14 b.
The story book Jesus was mortal and died.

Since then the children have been sharers of flesh and blood, also he in like manner partook of the of them, so that by means of the death he might make powerless him the strength having of the death, that is the accuser, (Heb. 2:14) EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT/ED NT Interlinear.

No mention of a Satan, just an accuser!

God is from everlasting to everlasting according to Psalm 90:2.
God is immortal, not Satan.
The Hebrew Term Satan is just a metaphor for ANY Adversary/ Opposer/Enemy, Male or Female or Neuter Gender, Good or bad.

for neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; . . . . (Luke 20:36) YLT story book

ALL story book spirit angels can never die!

I am afraid your past brainwashing has left you misguided!


Composer, you use bible passages to "prove" your point but when another member does that, their proofs are invalid because the bible is a story book. So, the bible is only good enough if it supports your opinion?
Not at all!

The story book others quote from to attempt to support their ideology doesn't work for them. I just use the same story book benchmark as them to point out why it doesn't.

At the end of the day it is still a story book, but I point out what it really says and not what others ' wished it says for their cause ' but doesn't support them after all!


2 Sam 24:1; 1 Chron 21:1

God allowed David to use his free will.

Both 2 Sam 24:4, 17 and 1 Chron 21:6 shows David willfully went against Joab whom God sent to dissuade David. David's mistake was willful . David insisted against Joab warning in having his own way.

Read again -

"And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah". (2 Samuel 24: 1) KJV story book

The story book God was the cause that moved David to act.

Nothing about David using his Free Will!

Quite the opposite, he was forced/moved to act by his God, not his Free Will which was overridden by his God ' moving him ' against Israel.

Comparing this parallel account of the same incident we read: -

So the ADVERSARY = Satan (i.e. Satan is a Hebrew Word - Metaphor) that was against Israel / smote Israel - was definitely God!

You must stop reading what you want it to say but doesn't and pay attention to what it does say and why what it does say isn't what you say it does but doesn't in reality.

Judas was also ' a devil ', so that's two devils so far you believe in? (cf. John 6:70-71) KJV story book

Then again, there is no mention of a ' devil ' in the ED -

Answered them the Jesus: Not I you the twelve choose? and of you one an accuser is. John 6:71 He spoke now the Judas of Simon Iscariot; this for was about him to deliver up, one being of the twelve. (John 6:70-71) EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT story book

See how easily your Satan & devil disappear and the correct meanings used instead! (Adversary & Accuser)


Jesus in me
]Right and there lies your problem. [/COLOR]You and people like you have reduced your god to a man. From what is said about your god it seems illogical he would subject himself to his creation. In the OT "God" forgave so it would not be fitting for him to become that which he created in order to forgive.

What is a problem for you is not a problem for God. It is definitely not a problem for me.

I like that, lol. If I were a megalomaniac I would be flattered. Somehow God didn't get your memo that He was "reduced."

I would like to see your evidence ofr this; it should be amusing.

I see that you lack mercy. If they didn't believe God the first time He forgave then "off with their heads!" So the greatest love in your estimation is to simply deny forgiveness becasue people don't deserve it and are certainly not worth dying for. By the same thinking there is no need for fulfillment of the law or salvation from sin because people were already given the law and too bad for them if they don't keep it!


Jesus in me
Indeed a God doesn't need a sacrifice in order to forgive.

A God could apparently dance the bolero standing on its head and say that is the condition - means for forgiveness. OR it could simply ' I forgive '.

In fact any sacrifice isn't straight forward forgiveness. It is conditional forgiveness requiring first a substitute be made. Thus nullifying supposed ' Grace ' also.

There is no operation of Divine wisdom that has been so completely misapprehended and misrepresented as the shedding of the blood of Christ.

Popular preaching brings it down to a level with the sacrifices of idolatrous superstition, by which wrathful deities are supposed to be placated by the blood of a substitutionary victim. Christ is represented as having paid our debts—as having died instead of us—as having stood in our room like a substitute in military service, or like a man rushing to the scaffold where a criminal is about to be executed, and offering to die instead of him (a favourite illustration in the evangelical pulpit).

Such views are contradicted by even the most superficial facts of the case; for if Christ died instead of us, then we ought not to die (which we do); and if he paid the penalty naturally due from us—death—he ought not to have risen (which he did). And if his death was of the character alleged, the redeeming power lay in itself and not in the resurrection that followed; whereas Paul declares to the Corinthians that, notwithstanding the death of Christ, “if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain: ye are yet in your sins” (1- Corinthians 15:17).
Further, if Christ has paid our debts, our debts are not “forgiven,” for it would be out of place for a creditor to talk of having forgiven a debt which someone else has paid for the debtor; and thus is blotted out the very first feature of the gospel of the grace of God—the forgiveness of our sins “through the forbearance of God” (Romans 3:25 ). (Blood of Christ by R. Roberts)

A word to the wise is sufficient, for the rest its showtime.

Lu 7:32 They are like unto children that sit in the marketplace, and call one to another; who say, We piped unto you, and ye did not dance; we wailed, and ye did not weep.


Jesus in me
All who sin die. If one could stop sinning one would not die. That is why we need Jesus to resurrect the dead. But what about the righteous ones that are alive on earth at the time Jesus comes in glory to take action against the wicked will they die?

Don't the sheep-like ones alive and living on earth at the time of Matthew 25:31,32;46 remain alive and keep on living right into Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth with the prospect of everlasting life just as Adam originally had in front of him?

Chances are good that the wicked will die and not be resurrected.

There aren't any. The Rapture removes them first.

Yes and they receive everlating life at the time of the Rapture.

As with Adam and Eve there will be no knowlege of evil and no death but it is only a prospect for us, it will be an immediate reality for those raptured.


. . . . As with Adam and Eve there will be no knowlege of evil and no death but it is only a prospect for us, it will be an immediate reality for those raptured.
According to the story book they had NO knowledge of good or evil until such time the story says they partook of what was witheld and denied them.

What a fool of a God to punish mankind for partaking of something they didn't have a clue about? (They were created unknowing as to what Good OR Evil was? cf. Gen. 2:17 KJV story book)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
According to the story book they had NO knowledge of good or evil until such time the story says they partook of what was witheld and denied them.

What a fool of a God to punish mankind for partaking of something they didn't have a clue about? (They were created unknowing as to what Good OR Evil was? cf. Gen. 2:17 KJV story book)

What you call God, fool, is a misunderstanding on your part, for it was a designed flaw.

Suppose you created a robot, programed it and left it on its own.

Do you suppose that robot would think, reasonably, compassionately and render a judgment outside the realms of your programing?

Now lets say you gave this robot of yours a heart and a spirit that would think like as you, meaning like its creator..... you. (In your image)

Suppose this free willed robot would carry out every thought, actions just like you?

What if that free willed robot rebelled against you? What then would you do?

Well, two things, one, destroy it an cease its existence forever, (Banishment)and or two, suffer yourself to meet your own requirements as a free willed robot yourself,(Savior) and let the created robot deal with its own consequences, but yet, continue to live after past its useful life, into the spirit world.

God is no fool, if there are any fools it is us in believing that we are all there is.
Pro 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

Blessings, AJ

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I like that, lol. If I were a megalomaniac I would be flattered. Somehow God didn't get your memo that He was "reduced."

The evidence is your very interpretation. Your god has never interacted with his creation in the flesh. In the OT the people disobeyed their god and had gone astray way more then they did when reading the NT. The Jews were never taught nor teach their messiah was/is to come in the flesh.

I would like to see your evidence ofr this; it should be amusing.

Your own bible says in no less than three different scrolls that your god is not a man nor the son of a man nor one who repents.

Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent.......

1 Samuel 15:29
And also the Glory of Israel will not lie nor repent; for He is not a man, that He should repent.

Hosea 11:9
.........for I am God, and not man,..........

I see that you lack mercy. If they didn't believe God the first time He forgave then "off with their heads!" So the greatest love in your estimation is to simply deny forgiveness becasue people don't deserve it and are certainly not worth dying for. By the same thinking there is no need for fulfillment of the law or salvation from sin because people were already given the law and too bad for them if they don't keep it!

I'm not sure what you're getting at but it is what it is. The people in the OT were more defiant than they ever were when reading the NT. There dozens of cases of individual and group "sin".....God never made an appearance in the flesh but on plenty of occasions forgave those whom he wanted to forgive. So the supposed requirement for your god to come in the flesh to die for the sins of its creation is lacking in logic.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
According to the story book they had NO knowledge of good or evil until such time the story says they partook of what was witheld and denied them.

What a fool of a God to punish mankind for partaking of something they didn't have a clue about? (They were created unknowing as to what Good OR Evil was? cf. Gen. 2:17 KJV story book)

What was withheld from them was knowledge of life.

That knowledge came at a later time in human history, say about 2,000 + years ago.

Because it was at a later date in time, all souls prior to that date were not excluded from that knowledge, but were visited and rescued as it is today, tomorrow and forever.

What have we to loose if we believe in God via the story book bible if there really is no salvation after this life?

But if there is life after this, and is attainable yet while we are alive in the flesh, life would be the more meaningful, more productive and an asset to our offspring.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Chances are good that the wicked will die and not be resurrected.

There aren't any. The Rapture removes them first.

Yes and they receive everlating life at the time of the Rapture.

As with Adam and Eve there will be no knowlege of evil and no death but it is only a prospect for us, it will be an immediate reality for those raptured.

Awwh, another unscriptural doctrine of christianity, the rapture. :facepalm:


What you call God, fool, is a misunderstanding on your part, for it was a designed flaw.
IF that were true then any act caused by that alleged intentional flaw, they are not responsible for in the slightest.

Suppose you created a robot, programed it and left it on its own.

Do you suppose that robot would think, reasonably, compassionately and render a judgment outside the realms of your programing?

Now lets say you gave this robot of yours a heart and a spirit that would think like as you, meaning like its creator..... you. (In your image)

Suppose this free willed robot would carry out every thought, actions just like you?
Obviously that heart they were given is a major ' flaw ' -

The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer. 17:9) KJV story book


The human mind is more deceitful than anything else. It is incurably bad.17 Who can understand it? (Jer. 17:9) NET story book

So according to the story book man was given a ' flawed mind ' and then expected to make rational choices?

What if that free willed robot rebelled against you? What then would you do?
A Free Will is useless unless it is capable of ' freely understanding what its choices are '. Adam & Eve were not privy to understanding their ' choices ' because they were created without the knowledge of Good & Evil (So the tale goes)

Well, two things, one, destroy it an cease its existence forever, (Banishment)and or two, suffer yourself to meet your own requirements as a free willed robot yourself,(Savior) and let the created robot deal with its own consequences, but yet, continue to live after past its useful life, into the spirit world.
Not at all. Remove any flaws and allow true and educated choices.

God is no fool, if there are any fools it is us in believing that we are all there is.
Pro 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

God is a fool to think it can expect others to make rational choices when they are flawed, ill educated and deprived of the knowledge of Good & Evil as was Adam & Eve (cf. Gen. 2:17) KJV story book. They DID NOT comprehend Good or Evil, yet expected them to do ' Good ' and obey, but this God threatened them NOT to even try to partake of that knowledge, hence their choices were uneducated choices.

Thanks for your comments