If an apple falls from a tree and is allowed to gestate, pray tell what will it become? Jesus is God in the same manner in which you are your fathers son, thus among one of His titles we find that He is referred to as the "prince of peace", not social or political peace but "spiritual". Jesus being in the form of human indeed was much like the apple, he was limited by what he was, "human", the scriptures declare as much, he was not a divine being "playing" at being human, but indeed was human --l John 1:1-4. But, Jesus was the Word made flesh -- John 1:1-4, 10-14. But he was human, he experienced a normal human birth -- Matthew 1:18-25. At 8 days of age he was circumcised in the Jewish tradition -- Luke 2:21. And he grew as a human child -- Luke 2:40. He increased in wisdom and stature -- Luke 2:52. Jesus the man was not unlike other men in appearance -- Isaiah 53:1-3. He experienced normal human needs and desires, hunger -- Matthew 4:2, thirst -- John 19:28, exhaustion -- John 4:6, pain l Peter 3:18, John 18:1-34. He was made a little lower than the angels -- Hebrew 2:7. Jesus was tempted in all points, just as is every man -- Hebrew 4:15. The apostle wrote about the humanity of Jesus -- l Tim. 2:5, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus."
But, because Jesus was made human by design, this did not take away from his position of being considered and worshiped as God, his right by being the Son of God, the only begotten of the Father -- John chapter one. He was born of a virgin and conceived of the Holy Spirit -- Matthew 1:20. Writing of the Christ while in the flesh, the apostle Paul declared, "For in Him dwelleth the fullness of the "GODHEAD" bodily." -- Col. 2:9. When Jesus was born, He had the special title "SON" -- Hebrews 1:3-14. Hence He was worshiped by the angels -- Hebrews 1:6. And the scriptures clearly state that angels "are not" to worship mere mortal men -- Acts 10:25-26. Jesus acknowledged His "Sonship" -- John 10:29,36. The Jews' understood that Jesus was claiming to be "deity" because they considered it blasphemy, "because, that thou, being a man, makest thyself God -- John 10:33.
There is no other conclusion to be drawn form the scriptures than to conclude that Jesus was concurrently....both man and God. And in fact, history actual speaks for the physical evidence of such, for indeed if this were a false religion and not found to be real and favorable in the sight of God, pray tell how could this faith have grown from slightly over a dozen people to include the Messiah Himself to engulf 1/3 of the worlds total population? It would have come to nothing and made non-effect if it did not hold the blessings and promises of God Almighty, who indeed promised not to have His words corrupted -- Ps. 12:6-7.