Could Yeshua have been the son of a Roman?
That is what the Jews claimed.
The Quran tells us his mother was a temple woman. Apocryphal books tell us she was a "Temple Virgin" under the Highpriest Zacharius.
Holy Virgin was the title of the temple priestesses of Asherah,. We know from the Bible that Solomon brought back her worship in the temple! “Almah” was mistakenly translated as virgin, it meant a young unmarried woman. It is derived from the Persian Al-Mah, the unmated Moon-Goddess.
The Gospel of the Birth of Mary, written 300's AD, supposedly written by Matthew, and the Protevangelion, written by James, Yeshua's brother, one of Mary's other sons, tell us It was custom after their service to the Temple, to give the Temple "Virgins" in marriage to prominent men of the community, usually nobles. That is probably how she ends up betrothed to old Joseph. But she is already pregnant!
The Talmud (Sanhedrin 67a) tells us the father of Jesus was a Roman archer from Tyre named Panthera. The blue eyed, golden headed idea of Jesus isn’t modern. Somewhere I’ve saved a quote supposedly from a Roman who saw Jesus. I’ll try to find it.
Origen writes that his opponent, Celsus, in circa A.D. 178, said that he heard from a Jew that 'Miriam' had become pregnant by 'Pantheras,' a Roman soldier; was divorced by her husband, and bore Jesus in secret.
"It happened with R. Elazar ben Damah, whom a serpent bit, that Jacob, a man of Kefar Soma, came to heal him in the name of Yeshua ben Pantera; but R. Ishmael did not let him. He said, "You are not permitted, Ben Damah." He answered, "I will bring you proof that he may heal me." But he had no opportunity to bring proof, for he died. (Whereupon) R. Ishmael said, "Happy art thou, Ben Damah, for you have gone in peace and you have not broken down the fence of the Sages; since everyone who breaks down the fence of the Sages, to him punishment will ultimately come, as it is in Scripture: 'Whoso breaketh through a fence, a serpent shall bite him.'" (Tosefta Hullin 2.22; Jerusalem Talmud, Shabbath 14d and Abodah Zarah 40d, 41a; Babylonian Talmud, Abodah Zarah 27b)
According to the Jews he was the son of 'Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, a Roman archer, who in 9 c.e. was transferred to service in Germany where he died.