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Disproving god with the laws of logic

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
I normally took 95 but with the spare I did not feel the need to push the speed. 95 is faster except when a truck is turned over.

Alright, I understand that now. But what about the bad things that (often) occur in life? Is that God pushing us in the wrong direction? What's the cause of the bad things that happen?


Well-Known Member
I do not attribute all to God, only that which can not be rationally explained.

Why did I loose two children? I can only guess. I am now stronger and my marriage has been galvanized.

How could I keep my job when I jumped the CEO on more than one occasion?

When my father was hospitalized and I needed time, the place I worked at ran out of work and I got a long paid vacation (unemployment).

When my third son was born (prematurely) I had just left a job and had the month I needed to be with my wife at ECU hospitals. I got paid hush money.

His children are looked after (all of us) in one way or another.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
I do not attribute all to God, only that which can not be rationally explained.

Why did I loose two children? I can only guess. I am now stronger and my marriage has been galvanized.

How could I keep my job when I jumped the CEO on more than one occasion?

When my father was hospitalized and I needed time, the place I worked at ran out of work and I got a long paid vacation (unemployment).

When my third son was born (prematurely) I had just left a job and had the month I needed to be with my wife at ECU hospitals. I got paid hush money.

His children are looked after (all of us) in one way or another.

And how do you know those unfortunate events were not caused by God?


Well-Known Member
And how do you know those unfortunate events were not caused by God?


I consider this fortune and these are examples of God intervening. To many things are directly credited to God, as well God being blamed for allowing things to happen.

Life takes turns, when, at times we veer off the road God may help us back on.


Admiral Obvious

I consider this fortune and these are examples of God intervening. To many things are directly credited to God, as well God being blamed for allowing things to happen.

Life takes turns, when, at times we veer off the road God may help us back on.
So basically you use it merely as a way to ratify your beliefs?

This is evidenced by your count the hits and ignore the misses approach to what you attribute to "Gods Doing".

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious

I consider this fortune and these are examples of God intervening. To many things are directly credited to God, as well God being blamed for allowing things to happen.

Life takes turns, when, at times we veer off the road God may help us back on.

Mestemia - damn his soul :p - beat me to it.

It seems pretty wishy-washy to attribute phenomena that impact your life negatively as "misfortune", and positive ones as "God helping us".

I think you're a good, decent person, Archer, and your intent is to see the good in bad situations. That is most certainly an enviable trait. But what you're saying seems inconsistent.


it's pointless to argue with theists about the significance of a situation. they believe in god, they've been told that all good things come from god, and all bad things come from the devil. Logical? no. But that is what they believe, cause that's what most of them were spoon fed from a young age. Actually looking at their religion and seeing it for the fallacy it is would be work.


Well-Known Member
Are well you see its in your book, so you have to believe it.

Ah! You read the book? Now, how is it that you come with this?
“Now everything i've been told about god is that he's all loving. Not very loving to wihthold his love from me is it.”
Where did you find the idea that God is a permissive little feeble old man that have to come down to reveal Himself to you from? That is grandiosity/arrogance to a high level don’t you think? And I just wrote what you said, I didn’t put word in you mouth, they are your very own.

I think i speak for all the people who dont believe the same as you (and im talking about other christians as well) when i say 'take your pathetic little religion somewhere where its wanted”
Craiky I am confronted by the spokesman of the Godless and Christian, the holder of the universal truth. I don’t think that it is possible to put anything else in your mouth because it is too full of yourself for that to happen.
A student of the human mind; and you base this study on your cousin’s experience? So how does this logic argument goes? My cousin’s parents did that, therefore all Christians parents do it, I assume that your cousin’s parents are Christians and that was what compelled them to do such an act and that you have proved that all Christians parent are presently ( in this century) doing it. :areyoucra
I too have and interest in the human mind, a very amateur one but an interest none the less, can you tell me, do you think that logic is a method of finding truth? In my little experience a logical argument is one the is organized in a way that make sense, thus if person tells you of his experience on the encounter that he had/felt with his God, a spirit and because he has this (faith) he know, he has done a good job of it, the problem here is that the OP is challenging a super natural belief with natural laws and that is impossible and cannot proof of disprove anything as you provably already work out.


Well-Known Member
I do not attribute all to God, only that which can not be rationally explained.

Why did I loose two children? I can only guess. I am now stronger and my marriage has been galvanized.

How could I keep my job when I jumped the CEO on more than one occasion?

When my father was hospitalized and I needed time, the place I worked at ran out of work and I got a long paid vacation (unemployment).

When my third son was born (prematurely) I had just left a job and had the month I needed to be with my wife at ECU hospitals. I got paid hush money.

His children are looked after (all of us) in one way or another.


I consider this fortune and these are examples of God intervening. To many things are directly credited to God, as well God being blamed for allowing things to happen.

Life takes turns, when, at times we veer off the road God may help us back on.

So basically you use it merely as a way to ratify your beliefs?

This is evidenced by your count the hits and ignore the misses approach to what you attribute to "Gods Doing".

Mestemia - damn his soul :p - beat me to it.

It seems pretty wishy-washy to attribute phenomena that impact your life negatively as "misfortune", and positive ones as "God helping us".

I think you're a good, decent person, Archer, and your intent is to see the good in bad situations. That is most certainly an enviable trait. But what you're saying seems inconsistent.

it's pointless to argue with theists about the significance of a situation. they believe in god, they've been told that all good things come from god, and all bad things come from the devil. Logical? no. But that is what they believe, cause that's what most of them were spoon fed from a young age. Actually looking at their religion and seeing it for the fallacy it is would be work.

I see no inconsistencies in my statement!!! I thank God for all good and bad! The adversary (devil) has no power other than that granted him (JOB).

Don't put words into my mouth as not one time did I mention Evil or the Devil or Satan! I did not say it was misfortune either, there is a reason for everything. God is not the direct cause for all things as I said.
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Well-Known Member
Wait...am Ithe "reprobate"? I'm going to go look that up and if it turns out to be unflattering, we're going to have words.

Well I hope that you do that research, I direct you to the fact that we are all reprobates till God has Mercy and gives as the gift of understanding spiritual thing and as you know we believe that God is a spirit, I like to argue with people like you, you’re are a funny one. You want to apply natural physical law to a super natural Spirit, you want to match your little intellect with an infinitely wise God, I can tell now. You can’t do it without His help, and nor can you do it with the theories that the godless feed, they wont cut it either.
So, you believe that adversity, given as a supposed punishment for posting on this forum, is really a gift of faith? Is all adversity a gift of faith to Christians

No, but the ability to discernit is the gift that he received and you have not.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
it's pointless to argue with theists about the significance of a situation. they believe in god, they've been told that all good things come from god, and all bad things come from the devil. Logical? no. But that is what they believe, cause that's what most of them were spoon fed from a young age. Actually looking at their religion and seeing it for the fallacy it is would be work.

And so what do you propose we do instead? Insult them?

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
We are. In discriminating "bad" from "good" or neutral things, we (each!) end up with "bad things" happening.

Seems rather arbitrary to attribute all "bad things" to humans and all "good things" to God. Humans are capable of "good things" just as they are capable of "bad things". So when a human sets another on "the right track", is that still attributed to God?

If so, then why would God create an inherently evil species of primate?
If not, then why rely on God to wave his hands for something good to happen when we are capable of doing it ourselves?


Just me
Premium Member
Seems rather arbitrary to attribute all "bad things" to humans and all "good things" to God.
I didn't say that. I said that there are things, and we are ones who discriminate the "bad things" and "good things" from the neutral "things". If we acknowledge that "bad" and "good" are not inherent of "things", then we take the blame for there being "bad things" and "good things".

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
I didn't say that. I said that there are things, and we are ones who discriminate the "bad things" and "good things" from the neutral "things". If we acknowledge that "bad" and "good" are not inherent of "things", then we take the blame for there being "bad things" and "good things".

My apologies if I wasn't clear on that. I was in speaking in reference to what Archer was saying.

I agree with you, though.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I didn't say that. I said that there are things, and we are ones who discriminate the "bad things" and "good things" from the neutral "things". If we acknowledge that "bad" and "good" are not inherent of "things", then we take the blame for there being "bad things" and "good things".

Absolutely. If people would accept the blame for making the observation that genocide is a bad thing and not a good thing, then we can stop mistakenly blaming the perpetrators of genocide. After all, genocide isn't inherently bad.


Admiral Obvious
Don't put words into my mouth as not one time did I mention Evil or the Devil or Satan! I did not say it was misfortune either, there is a reason for everything. God is not the direct cause for all things as I said.
I did not put any words in your mouth.

If you look...I ASKED A QUESTION.


Just me
Premium Member
Absolutely. If people would accept the blame for making the observation that genocide is a bad thing and not a good thing, then we can stop mistakenly blaming the perpetrators of genocide. After all, genocide isn't inherently bad.
Tell it to lemmings.