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Disproving god with the laws of logic


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with?

Well let's start with the sheer arrogance that your invisible friend is more right than other peoples invisible friend. And the sheer arrogance that anyone who doesn't believe the same way as you is at best crazy at worst destined for eternal punishment. All because your god doesnt want to give us the 'GIFT'.

Then let's discuss that no one for 2000 years has seen this invisible friend, and the only record of this invisible friend is a religious text, written by religious people, with religious agendas.

If a child has an invisible friend the parents will think he/she will grow out of it. Then if they don't they send him/her to a psychiatrist. But if a religious person says they have an invisible friend it's all of a sudden believed.

Reprobates? PFFF if your god wanted us to believe in him then he would come down and introduce himself. He is after all ALL POWERFUL shouldnt be a problem.

I think i speak for all the people who dont believe the same as you (and im talking about other christians as well) when i say 'take your pathetic little religion somewhere where its wanted'


Hate speech is not necessary!!!! This is a religious forum.

When you look at the countries that follow Christian principals you will see that they are generally better and safer than non-religious places. Thank whoever (I thank God) that you even have the right to criticize, if you were elsewhere you would probably be in hiding.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Hate speech is not necessary!!!! This is a religious forum.

When you look at the countries that follow Christian principals you will see that they are generally better and safer than non-religious places. Thank whoever (I thank God) that you even have the right to criticize, if you were elsewhere you would probably be in hiding.

Not hate speech. I don't hate him i just hate how he is trying to force his religion on me.

God gave us free will. According to him god hasnt revealed himself to me for a reason. Who the hell does he think he is trying to go against gods will in this. Who the hell does he think he to think he knows better than god.


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The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member

OOPS! When did I say anything about eternal punishment?

Are well you see its in your book, so you have to believe it.

Do you know how arrogant this looks:”
Reprobates? PFFF if your god wanted us to believe in him then he would come down and introduce himself” Do you think that God’s kingdom would lack any goodness without you in it?

Dont put words in my mouth.

If God does not draws you to the savior, the door to his Kingdom is because He does not want you in it (not now anyway) you are not one of his children,
Now everything i've been told about god is that he's all loving. Not very loving to wihthold his love from me is it.

what make you think that I would like to have you in my congregation?
Putting words in my mouth again.

Are you on the look for one?

No, the belief in a god without any proof is ridiculous.

Do you know how to search for one?

No, could you please explain to me how to.

Are you waiting for Him to come down and introduce Himself to you?

No not really, im quite happy with my current beliefs.

Do you know any parents that send their children to the psychiatrist because they have an imaginary friend?

Yes a cousin of mine was. And as a student of the human mind i have ready lots of case studies on such behaviour. I'm sure for the purposes of your argument you would not like this to be true but it is, you are just going to have to ignore it like the rest of the logic you see on this forum.


Well-Known Member
The prime example is the US. Italy, Britain, my friends down under, some places in Africa (when not fighting), many of the Muslim countries. If we did not have some of the freedoms granted by our constitution, which is based on religious principal, then there is the possibility that this forum may not exist.


The prime example is the US. Italy, Britain, my friends down under, some places in Africa (when not fighting), many of the Muslim countries. If we did not have some of the freedoms granted by our constitution, which is based on religious principal, then there is the possibility that this forum may not exist.
Umm...OK. I was more interested in you comment you made:
When you look at the countries that follow Christian principals you will see that they are generally better and safer than non-religious places.
Is this comment based on a particular study or just on your own observations? Please provie the source. Because what I find the most intersting is the fact that you used the word "safer". What exactly are we being kept "safe" from.
Thank whoever (I thank God) that you even have the right to criticize, if you were elsewhere you would probably be in hiding.
Maybe you should be thanking a soldier who fought in any war. Or maybe you should thank a family who lost a loved one in a war. God really had nothing to do with the "rights" we have.


Admiral Obvious
When you look at the countries that follow Christian principals you will see that they are generally better and safer than non-religious places. Thank whoever (I thank God) that you even have the right to criticize, if you were elsewhere you would probably be in hiding.

The prime example is the US. Italy, Britain, my friends down under, some places in Africa (when not fighting), many of the Muslim countries. If we did not have some of the freedoms granted by our constitution, which is based on religious principal, then there is the possibility that this forum may not exist.


Well-Known Member
Umm...OK. I was more interested in you comment you made:

Perhaps I should have said countries that use religious principals as an outline.

Is this comment based on a particular study or just on your own observations? Please provie the source. Because what I find the most intersting is the fact that you used the word "safer". What exactly are we being kept "safe" from.

They are safer as if you look at the radical countries you will see that they have no freedom to speak of (female rights in radical countries are a joke). Perhaps N. Korea would be a good place to use as an example? China is coming along but they still commit many human rights atrocities.

Maybe you should be thanking a soldier who fought in any war. Or maybe you should thank a family who lost a loved one in a war. God really had nothing to do with the "rights" we have.

All of the guys I know over there (Afghanistan, Iraq and the Gulf), as well as a close friend (woman) who was in the pentagon when it was hit, thank God. You must realize that without the foundations in our laws and our basic freedoms that those same soldiers could be used to silence any person the government wanted.


Well-Known Member
Well this is just to reaffirms in us believers that God offer us His Grace which is an unmerited favor and that includes the gift of Faith that is what allows us to believe, to know spiritual things.

Wow! We must be very different people because that's not even on my top 100 list of things I would think of upon hearing I had an anal blood clot....
...we know that God exist because we have received Grace from God, salvation Grace that is.

And I suppose you know that the grace is genuine because it is from God. And that God is genuine because he offered you his grace. And that grace is genuine because it comes from God. And that God is genuine because he offered you his grace. And that grace is genuine because it comes from God. And that God is genuine because he offered you his grace. And that grace is genuine because it comes from God. And that God is genuine because he offered you his grace. And that grace is genuine because it comes from God. And that God is genuine because he offered you his grace. And that grace is genuine because it comes from God. (stop me when you get my point.)
We cannot and should not expect that the reprobate would understand as He lacks the gift.

Wait...am I the "reprobate"? I'm going to go look that up and if it turns out to be unflattering, we're going to have words.
Now the massage also addresses the chosen people that by virtue of the covenant that they made were at time severely corrected "In the Old Covenant, I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people.” You don’t get any of this. Right? What God gave Archer was the gift of faith, and showed mercy and stood by his side in his trail. Archer received the offer and now he knows that God is his helper.
So, you believe that adversity, given as a supposed punishment for posting on this forum, is really a gift of faith? Is all adversity a gift of faith to Christians?


Well-Known Member
A nudge if you will!!! Faith is something that can not be understood. I got a flat years ago that saved me from being tied up in a traffic accident. I am thankful for all good and bad. I do not blame God as we have free will, but I do believe in devine intervention.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
A nudge if you will!!! Faith is something that can not be understood. I got a flat years ago that saved me from being tied up in a traffic accident. I am thankful for all good and bad. I do not blame God as we have free will, but I do believe in devine intervention.

So instead of being held up at the traffic accident, you got held up by a flat. I don't really see the miracle here.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
It was on I95 My spare was such that I took a different route home. Saved me a lot of time.

So why don't you normally take that route? This seems more of a coincidence to me. What do you suspect the cause is when you have a negative-impacting incident?


Well-Known Member
What about the people who got caught up in the accident? No offense to you or anything (usually that means I am about to say something offensive), but it's pretty arrogant when christians say its a miracle when horrible things happen to other people but hey look, you're ok, it must be god. God loves you and hates everyone else because you are his special little guy right?

Come on.



Well-Known Member
So why don't you normally take that route? This seems more of a coincidence to me. What do you suspect the cause is when you have a negative-impacting incident?

I normally took 95 but with the spare I did not feel the need to push the speed. 95 is faster except when a truck is turned over.

What about the people who got caught up in the accident? No offense to you or anything (usually that means I am about to say something offensive), but it's pretty arrogant when christians say its a miracle when horrible things happen to other people but hey look, you're ok, it must be god. God loves you and hates everyone else because you are his special little guy right?

Come on.


I did not say miracle!! just a push in the right direction. God acts in all of our lives whether we choose to believe it or not.

I was paralyzed in an auto accident (brain trauma) yet I walked out of the hospital the next day, though I was told I could not. I had no bill either 10,000+ was picked up by a charity. I never received a bill just a paid in full statement.