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Disproving god with the laws of logic


Well-Known Member
I don't think lust is inherently bad. And I don't think it necessarily causes evil. I think if anything is abused it can be hurtfull, to single out lust or sex as especially hurtfull is ridiculous. I can have sex with my wife all day long in whatever sexual position we can think of and it doesn't hurt us or anyone around us. Even before we were married, does that mean our marriage is built on sin? We made two children together, and never had any "evils" in our life directly or even indirectly caused by having sex.

It seems to me, the so called problems with lust are deeper than that and are only expressed as lust. If sex causes evil in your life then by controlling it, you are probably only temporarilly controlling a sysmptom of something else that is manifesting itself as lust for someone or something.


Well-Known Member
I don't think lust is inherently bad. And I don't think it necessarily causes evil. I think if anything is abused it can be hurtfull, to single out lust or sex as especially hurtfull is ridiculous. I can have sex with my wife all day long in whatever sexual position we can think of and it doesn't hurt us or anyone around us. Even before we were married, does that mean our marriage is built on sin? We made two children together, and never had any "evils" in our life directly or even indirectly caused by having sex.

It seems to me, the so called problems with lust are deeper than that and are only expressed as lust. If sex causes evil in your life then by controlling it, you are probably only temporarilly controlling a sysmptom of something else that is manifesting itself as lust for someone or something.

Lust is not only sexual. Lack of self control is the problem sex is the most obvious.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
But it is a biological fact, it is call male traits and female traits and is governed by chemicals called hormones, if this is uncheck we are no better than irrational brutes acting solely on instants, I see no reason to change our Christian tenets designed to control sexual lust just to accommodate the uncontrollable horny individual, do you? So I am sorry but in all honesty and although it may hurt some of you, I must say that the reason that you don’t know God is because you are not one of His children, and my God is not your God and He does not want you at this stage. Don’t blame your parents or others for it. And it OK I have no further interest in your opinions, thank for your response.

This argument would work if male and female sexuality were treated the same.


wow, i just lost all respect that i could muster beforehand for emiliano with that comment. i'll admit, it wasn't much, but it was at least the respect i give to people when i first meet them. i assume they are reasonably intelligent and civil, and treat them accordingly. emiliano doesn't get that from me anymore. i will now assume that everything he says is stupid, and that he couldn't be civil if he tried. thus, i will probably ignore him.


Admiral Obvious
So I am sorry but in all honesty and although it may hurt some of you, I must say that the reason that you don’t know God is because you are not one of His children, and my God is not your God and He does not want you at this stage. Don’t blame your parents or others for it. And it OK I have no further interest in your opinions, thank for your response.
rather arrogant of you to assume that I do not know god.
Rather arrogant of you to assume that god "rejected" me.

Just goes to show that you do not know as much as you would like to think.
I rejected god.

I wonder how you will rationalize that in your silly world.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
wow, i just lost all respect that i could muster beforehand for emiliano with that comment. i'll admit, it wasn't much, but it was at least the respect i give to people when i first meet them. i assume they are reasonably intelligent and civil, and treat them accordingly. emiliano doesn't get that from me anymore. i will now assume that everything he says is stupid, and that he couldn't be civil if he tried. thus, i will probably ignore him.

Don't be too harsh on him. He is part of a belief system that preaches this stuff. He is part of a belief system that discourages questioning of the party line. Free thinking is given a back seat to the bible.

And lets face it he doesnt care what you think of him you are just an ignorant heathen to him. If anything he deserves pity, dont be angry just mourn the death of his intellect. It works for him, it makes him happy we should celebrate that.



Well-Known Member
I don't think lust is inherently bad. And I don't think it necessarily causes evil. I think if anything is abused it can be hurtfull, to single out lust or sex as especially hurtfull is ridiculous. I can have sex with my wife all day long in whatever sexual position we can think of and it doesn't hurt us or anyone around us. Even before we were married, does that mean our marriage is built on sin? We made two children together, and never had any "evils" in our life directly or even indirectly caused by having sex.

It seems to me, the so called problems with lust are deeper than that and are only expressed as lust. If sex causes evil in your life then by controlling it, you are probably only temporarilly controlling a sysmptom of something else that is manifesting itself as lust for someone or something.

Ah, I see you got confused again, lust by definition is harmful:


intense sexual desire or appetite.

uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.

a passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually fol. by for): a lust for power.

ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: an enviable lust for life

Lack of self-control is always harmful

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
... we might as well celebrate the little things.
Particularly those little things worth celebrating ...



Well-Known Member
This argument would work if male and female sexuality were treated the same.
I don’t know why is it that you can’t see that your suggestion hold no interest to Christianity, as I made it clear I am not trying to convert you or proselytize, in my youth I experimented with the Astral travels thingy, those outer body experiences where you travel and have closed encounters with desirable females that I lusted for, if you are into that sort of thing Christianity cannot compete with that, so it would be waste of time.

I shall now say this, which I have often said before in other places of my works. There are two causes that lead to sin: either we do not yet know our duty, or we do not perform the duty that we know. The former is the sin of ignorance, the latter of weakness. Now against these it is our duty to struggle; but we shall certainly be beaten in the fight, unless we are helped by God, not only to see our duty, but also, when we clearly see it, to make the love of righteousness stronger in us than the love of earthly things, the eager longing after which, or the fear of losing which, leads us with our eyes open into known sin. In the latter case we are not only sinners, for we are so even when we err through ignorance, but we are also transgressors of the law; for we leave undone what we know we ought to do, and we do what we know we ought not to do. Wherefore not only ought we to pray for pardon when we have sinned, saying, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;" but we ought to pray for guidance, that we may be kept from sinning, saying, "and lead us not into temptation." And we are to pray to Him of whom the Psalmist says, "The Lord is my light and my salvation:"(3) my light, for He removes my ignorance; my salvation, for He takes away my infirmity.


Well-Known Member
rather arrogant of you to assume that I do not know god.
Rather arrogant of you to assume that god "rejected" me.

Just goes to show that you do not know as much as you would like to think.
I rejected god.

I wonder how you will rationalize that in your silly world.

Strange post, I am pretty sure that you do not know the God that I know, that is what has been made clear, or that was the case till some one tried to improve it by eliminating one of God’s demands on us as rational beings that we are (not tries before marriage), that of having self-control and live by higher moral standard than irrational animals. All the dramatic posturing do not impress me, I am not going to get into a discussion on rejects who, as this proves that you don’t know my God nor can you ever know Him.


Well-Known Member
Strange post, I am pretty sure that you do not know the God that I know, that is what has been made clear, or that was the case till some one tried to improve it by eliminating one of God’s demands on us as rational beings that we are (not tries before marriage), that of having self-control and live by higher moral standard than irrational animals. All the dramatic posturing do not impress me, I am not going to get into a discussion on rejects who, as this proves that you don’t know my God nor can you ever know Him.

I am not even convinced you know your god.


Admiral Obvious
Strange post, I am pretty sure that you do not know the God that I know, that is what has been made clear, or that was the case till some one tried to improve it by eliminating one of God’s demands on us as rational beings that we are (not tries before marriage), that of having self-control and live by higher moral standard than irrational animals. All the dramatic posturing do not impress me, I am not going to get into a discussion on rejects who, as this proves that you don’t know my God nor can you ever know Him.
I got to admit you are right.
I know not what god you worship
It sure as hell ain't the one from the Bible.