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Disproving god with the laws of logic

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Strange post, I am pretty sure that you do not know the God that I know, that is what has been made clear, or that was the case till some one tried to improve it by eliminating one of God’s demands on us as rational beings that we are (not tries before marriage), that of having self-control and live by higher moral standard than irrational animals. All the dramatic posturing do not impress me, I am not going to get into a discussion on rejects who, as this proves that you don’t know my God nor can you ever know Him.

Sounds like someone is in dire need of a hug.
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Well-Known Member
That is humorous. Why can't you disprove Creationists, for all your super powers? Come and share my dream: My model, on a pedestal, in the Smithsonian...
the box of lights
the end of nonsense
god is


Well-Known Member
That is humorous. Why can't you disprove Creationists, for all your super powers? Come and share my dream: My model, on a pedestal, in the Smithsonian...
the box of lights
the end of nonsense
god is

Creationists do a pretty good job of disproving themselves. Atheists just need to listen to their argument and then point out the fallacies, contradictions, and often times outright lies they present as proof. We don't even need to back it up with anything, even though most can and do, because the creationist arguments are clearly wrong. I admit, sometimes they are cleverly worded, but in the end they are just using the same old intellectually dishonest crap that they have been using since the middle ages.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
That is humorous. Why can't you disprove Creationists, for all your super powers? Come and share my dream: My model, on a pedestal, in the Smithsonian...
the box of lights
the end of nonsense
god is

It's actually fairly easy to. Disproving the concept of God, however, is much more difficult only by virtue of a million people having a million different versions of god and how they keep moving their goalposts.

Creationists however, do any of the following, and more:

- Misrepresent evolution
- Have little no knowledge of evolution
- Think sullying Darwin's name has anything to do with the validity of the Theory of Evolution
- Think comparing Darwin to Hitler has anything to do with the validity of the Theory of Evolution
- Conflate their weird view of evolution and their weird view of abiogenesis
- Believe that if an idea is detestable to them personally (like the idea that we evolved from primates), the idea is obviously false
- Offer recycled and repeatedly debunked arguments
- Offer no scientifically testable alternatives
- Outright lie
- Hoaxes
- Offer no proof for the existence of God
- Often contradict themselves
- Bananas (I'm serious. Look up Ray Comfort, aka. Bananaman)

Don't confuse unwillingness to admit you're wrong with actually having a point to argue.


Well-Known Member
I'm just daydreaming about finding a local nest. But every time I want to get lippy, I realize that I am not fair. I'm afraid that after being mostly ignored, or ridiculed, or laughed at... the moment I step up, someone's going to get hurt.

But there's a definite line between my truth and your reality over here in my cave. I do not know. I really truly do not know...

Didn't like the model? :p


Just me
Premium Member
I'm just daydreaming about finding a local nest. But every time I want to get lippy, I realize that I am not fair. I'm afraid that after being mostly ignored, or ridiculed, or laughed at... the moment I step up, someone's going to get hurt.

But there's a definite line between my truth and your reality over here in my cave. I do not know. I really truly do not know...

Didn't like the model? :p
there are a lot of so-called "atheists" on these forums.


Well-Known Member
I'm less than an insignificant nobody - k?- but god jumped out of the Big Bang, into my head to stir my **** like **** has never been stirred, and disappeared into that box of lights. That's the little creep gave me the title of prophet. I mean, I don't want to sound like some know it all *******; or some delusional freak, but there is no disproving that little ****.

I cannot be certain of a damn thing. Between myself and these words I type exists something like the multiverse. I feel ashamed every time I get lippy, and I very well could just be on the way to hell. But I have a "sword," a "shield," a single true word; And Gospel states I am the Living Word of God - that little **** is beyond Yahweh's understanding - and I still do not know a single damn thing. :p

Did you ever think it could be like that? I used to be happy agnostic. I used to know stuff. I used to have no need nor desire for faith... and now I have absolutely no guarantee from being "all Biblical" tomorrow. Yikes. Never told me about this job in school, that's for sure. Sorry for all the preaching. ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey, emiliano,
Everyone is a child of God. And he loves them all. Those of us who believe in him should not think we're better than anyone else. What will count in the end is not how much knowledge we had, but how well we implemented the truth that we did have. I believe that many of us self proclaimed Christians are in for a reality check when we enter the next life. Most people don't have trouble with the possibility of a truly just God when they understand him better. The problem most people have is with the crazy things we ascribe to God that are certainly not just, or logical. Don't worry, everyone will like him when they get a chance to meet him and find out what a truly remarkable, loving parent he is. Of course, they don't have to wait that long if they don't want to.


Well-Known Member
I'm less than an insignificant nobody - k?- but god jumped out of the Big Bang, into my head to stir my **** like **** has never been stirred, and disappeared into that box of lights. That's the little creep gave me the title of prophet. I mean, I don't want to sound like some know it all *******; or some delusional freak, but there is no disproving that little ****.

I cannot be certain of a damn thing. Between myself and these words I type exists something like the multiverse. I feel ashamed every time I get lippy, and I very well could just be on the way to hell. But I have a "sword," a "shield," a single true word; And Gospel states I am the Living Word of God - that little **** is beyond Yahweh's understanding - and I still do not know a single damn thing. :p

Did you ever think it could be like that? I used to be happy agnostic. I used to know stuff. I used to have no need nor desire for faith... and now I have absolutely no guarantee from being "all Biblical" tomorrow. Yikes. Never told me about this job in school, that's for sure. Sorry for all the preaching. ;)
What are you saying exactly?


Temporally Challenged
TAG is a very elegant "proof" of an absolute portion of nature which is currently beyond our empirical verification. Just because Christians are want to try and use this to "prove" that their God exists does not mean that it actually does anything of the sort. It "proves" that Perfection exists, but the Abrahamic God is far from perfect. The Abrahamic God changes "His" mind... A truly perfect being would never EVER do this.

All TAG does is "prove" that something like the Perfect Perfection concept I introduced on a previous thread "exists." Some pan-universal "semi" conscious "construct" is the ultimate cause of "existence" (as in the framework of reality)... Alright and so what? As far as cosmological arguments go I find it compelling, but in actuality it doesn't actually serve to elaborate anything. Yes, tautologies are absolutely true and contradictions are absolutely false. They are the "exception" to the "rule of exceptions" (everything which is imperfect has an exception). But using exclusively self-evidencing propositions as the basis for your argument explains nothing about reality at large. Nothing about our conception of reality changes knowing that the "ultimate reason for reality" is infinite infinities because all of the proof is bound up in self-referential identity (A=A, and therefore A=A)...



Well-Known Member
Where'd that come from? Yahweh's a sock puppet. I'd like to think there's the mind of a man still in this body; but there's also something - else. Proof is what comes in a bottle. :)


Well-Known Member
Well it figures. How could you know, since you believe that that he doesn’t exist?
It intrigues me how you people spend so much energies fighting a non existent God.
On top of every thing you are so delusional:
I can have sex with my wife all day long in whatever sexual position we can think of and it doesn't hurt us or anyone around us. Even before we were married, does that mean our marriage is built on sin? We made two children together, and never had any "evils" in our life directly or even indirectly caused by having sex.
Wow! How impressive, so you are a real sex machine, a boundless source of pleasure, a blessing to your wife? I’ll tell what if that is true (no that believe it) there will came a time when all that will be diminish and it will happen at different rate and aged, to females menopause to males prostate enlargement, if one of them has not acquired self-control over their urges, you may see yourselves replaced for a battery operated toy or an inflatable doll.


Admiral Obvious
Well it figures. How could you know, since you believe that that he doesn’t exist?
It intrigues me how you people spend so much energies fighting a non existent God.
On top of every thing you are so delusional:

Wow! How impressive, so you are a real sex machine, a boundless source of pleasure, a blessing to your wife? I’ll tell what if that is true (no that believe it) there will came a time when all that will be diminish and it will happen at different rate and aged, to females menopause to males prostate enlargement, if one of them has not acquired self-control over their urges, you may see yourselves replaced for a battery operated toy or an inflatable doll.
ah yes, proof positive that there is no ignorance like proud ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Thanks DaveyCrocket.
I like to work on this statement although I think that it will take the thread away from the intent of the OP.
It is obvious that we are completely different kind of Christians, I am more of an evangelical type although and because my first religious instructions were on RCC and remind an admirer of their teachings resources; by this I mean that I base my assessments on what the Bible (gospels and epistles teaches) says.
Everyone is a child of God. And he loves them all. Those of us who believe in him should not think we're better than anyone else. What will count in the end is not how much knowledge we had, but how well we implemented the truth that we did have.
This contradicts the gospel of John doesn’t it?
Jhn 1:12
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:
It could be me, but I don’t see “Everyone is a child of God” What are the bases of your statement?

I believe that many of us self proclaimed Christians are in for a reality check when we enter the next life

You mean to tell me that God does not care that live like lower animals, that we are here without a purpose and that we waste our time and energies in living a life that is in accordance to His commandments? The problem is not that we all will like God if we ever meet Him, the problem is will we all do that? And we are talking to be in His kingdom in His family, again I believe in what the gospel of John says:

Jhn 1:13
who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God


Well-Known Member
But it is a biological fact, it is call male traits and female traits and is governed by chemicals called hormones, if this is uncheck we are no better than irrational brutes acting solely on instants, I see no reason to change our Christian tenets designed to control sexual lust just to accommodate the uncontrollable horny individual, do you? So I am sorry but in all honesty and although it may hurt some of you, I must say that the reason that you don’t know God is because you are not one of His children, and my God is not your God and He does not want you at this stage. Don’t blame your parents or others for it. And it OK I have no further interest in your opinions, thank for your response.

So, you know the fundamental truths of the universe because God has chosen you as one of his children. We do not understand these "truths" because God does not want us to know them the way that he has chosen you to know them.



Well-Known Member
But it is a biological fact, it is call male traits and female traits and is governed by chemicals called hormones, if this is uncheck we are no better than irrational brutes acting solely on instants, I see no reason to change our Christian tenets designed to control sexual lust just to accommodate the uncontrollable horny individual, do you?
Man!...whoever created this whole hormone/lust think is one sick mother ------!


Well-Known Member
Hey, emiliano,
Everyone is a child of God. And he loves them all. Those of us who believe in him should not think we're better than anyone else. What will count in the end is not how much knowledge we had, but how well we implemented the truth that we did have. I believe that many of us self proclaimed Christians are in for a reality check when we enter the next life. Most people don't have trouble with the possibility of a truly just God when they understand him better. The problem most people have is with the crazy things we ascribe to God that are certainly not just, or logical. Don't worry, everyone will like him when they get a chance to meet him and find out what a truly remarkable, loving parent he is. Of course, they don't have to wait that long if they don't want to.

I don't think adam and eve did after he screwed them in the garden. hmm, the latter half of that sentence was just sooo dirty wasn't it?