The holocaust is an example of how religion can be evil. Not the religion of Jews, but the religion of Hitler (who had his own rather distorted view of Christianity) and that action was supported by a "Christian" nation. To make it clear, not all religion is evil but some definitely is.
Hitler had no real religion. He refers to his god invariably as the almighty. His god is not a deity at all, but power itself.
The last 100 years have been a lesson in the pitfalls of secularism.
First, we had colonialism followed by the forging of worldly alliances. This in turn led to a deadlock situation where an assassination created an international war (World War I).
Next, we had the state Shinto with its belief that the Emperor was a deity. While Shintoism is highly spiritual, this making of a physical person into a deity is nonsense. A king can be killed just as anyone else. This was a sort of materialism that valued the form over the spirit. Likewise, the Nazi cult was a fake religion, taking much of what Germans cared about and tugging on their heartstrings. But when examined closely, we find that far from being a perverted Christianity, it has nothing to do with the other. It is simply a mess of symbols (some of which from eastern religion) superimposed over a secular control system.
Then we have communism and the Cold War. Meanwhile, Lenin and Stalin together kill at least as many people as Hitler. Maoist China isn't hot either. Neither is Vietnam. All of these are secular states.
Then we have Islam. Islam is, on the surface, very religious, and often gets a free pass because it's just a different culture and "all cultures are equal." (No they aren't. If one religion produces fine art and science, and the other, like say the Vikings or Romans, kills and oppresses and steals, this is apples and oranges) But actually, Islam bears much in common with Mormon cult. But are leader-based sects, both have polygamy, and both have weird or restrictive garments.
Here's the thing. Islam's problem is once again secularism. It is concerned about stuff that is only physical, like what sort of clothing a woman wears, or ewww I got pig blood on me, I'll never be forgiven. It wants to spread its faith throughout the world. But this world doesn't matter. And like the others before them, until they learn this, even if they succeed, they still lose.
The Holocaust happened because of the teachings of Nietzsche and Darwin. Not because of religion.