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Do Christians really overly persecute homosexuals?


Agnostic Theist
Why does it matter to you what two people get up to? Why make a deal over whether someone is having sex with a member of the same or opposite sex?

When I see people, even my friends and family, their sex life never crosses my mind, so why on earth it should cross your I don't know.
It was hypothetical, and I tried to make it very clear that those were not my beliefs. I was using the idea as an example, not to showcase my beliefs.


Agnostic Theist
To be fair, from this thread - I don't believe it is all hypothetical.
How? Haven't I been clear enough on my beliefs?

I don't see why me criticizing a small portion of homosexuals makes me dislike homosexuals in general, or discriminate against them. Maybe that is why people are afraid to stand up either way.


Veteran Member
I know the definition of persecution. I simply believe that we're using the term too harshly. If homesexuals WERE NOT making strides at all to perserve and/or gain civil rights - then I'd think differently. We have the right to opposition.

Respectfully, people are pushing for legal rights that they do not presently have. How is this something that shouldn't be voted on. If marriage is to be legally redefined - why wouldn't this be something to vote on? Are you insinuating that ONLY homosexuals have the right to define marriage?

what a ridiculous notion...EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL

one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL
not the majority but for ALL
because all men are what? EQUAL!!!!
are you suggesting it was right to have segregation laws?
are you suggesting it was right to have slaves?
are you suggesting it was right that women did not have equal rights

ignorance is one thing but choosing to be is something entirely differrent


Mother Heathen
what a ridiculous notion...EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL

one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL
not the majority but for ALL
because all men are what? EQUAL!!!!
are you suggesting it was right to have segregation laws?
are you suggesting it was right to have slaves?
are you suggesting it was right that women did not have equal rights

ignorance is one thing but choosing to be is something entirely differrent

I have not in any way, shape or form, denied that the gbltq community is discriminated against but when you're pushing to CHANGE law, citizens have the right to vote. Otherwise, we foresake democracy.

I believe people should push for equality and liberty for all. But this doesn't happen overnight - and people have the right to oppose.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Many civil rights issues are decided by the judiciary system rather than thru a voting process - and that is how it should be. "Majority rules" is not usually the way to a superior society. The majority is often just an angry mob.


Well-Known Member
I have not in any way, shape or form, denied that the gbltq community is discriminated against but when you're pushing to CHANGE law, citizens have the right to vote. Otherwise, we foresake democracy.

I believe people should push for equality and liberty for all. But this doesn't happen overnight - and people have the right to oppose.

"citizens have the right to vote."

We live in a constitutional democracy. You do not to get to vote on the rights of others, that is what inalienable means!!!!!!!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Well-Known Member
Thus it is pointless to even continue with you. If you don't care about the arguments I've posted, then it is no wonder you aren't understanding what I'm saying, as you simply don't care. From the looks of it, you clearly aren't even looking at the majority of which I've said. So there is no need t continue with you. If you decide to actually have a discussion on this, I'm open to it. But if you are just going to ignore what I say, then that's your problem.

"no wonder you aren't understanding what I'm saying."

Don't flatter yourself.


Agnostic Theist
"no wonder you aren't understanding what I'm saying."

Don't flatter yourself.
Don't worry, I'm not. I'm just concluding that you don't understand my point of view because you don't care. Interestingly though, you act as if I should care about what you're saying.


Well-Known Member
Then why continue?

I will talk with you, but I am not here to make up your mind for you. You go ahead and believe whatever it is you want, about whatever you want. I said what I wanted to say, and I don't see any reason to waste my time pointlessly arguing with you over every little stupid thing.


Veteran Member
I have not in any way, shape or form, denied that the gbltq community is discriminated against but when you're pushing to CHANGE law, citizens have the right to vote. Otherwise, we foresake democracy.

I believe people should push for equality and liberty for all. But this doesn't happen overnight - and people have the right to oppose.

for someone who claims to be a follower of christ, it seems as though you are more caught up with the idea that not all of gods children are born in to freedom and are more interested in the idea of controlling circumstances of those that you do not understand or are afraid of. doesn’t your bible say judge not lest you be judged?

Matthew 7
Judging Others

1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

This bigotry of yours is quite dangerous indeed because you use your supposed "relationship" with your fairy tale god as justification for your biases disguised as your gods judgment on those you consider WRONG just for being who they are.
shame on you


Premium Member
for someone who claims to be a follower of christ, it seems as though you are more caught up with the idea that not all of gods children are born in to freedom and are more interested in the idea of controlling circumstances of those that you do not understand or are afraid of. doesn’t your bible say judge not lest you be judged?

Matthew 7
Judging Others

1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

This bigotry of yours is quite dangerous indeed because you use your supposed "relationship" with your fairy tale god as justification for your biases disguised as your gods judgment on those you consider WRONG just for being who they are.
shame on you

I didn't see any bigotry in her post.


Veteran Member
I didn't see any bigotry in her post.

I think, Americans specifically, use the word "persecution" in too extreme a sense, when describing Christian opposition to bgltq civil rights. I don't equate discrimination and persecution to be one and the same.

that's like saying i don't like you because of the color of your skin and i have the right to vote on your rights...

it is bigotry disguised as neutrality..it's hogwash!!!
you're either for equal rights or not

this is a cowardly stance if you ask me


Premium Member
that's like saying i don't like you because of the color of your skin and i have the right to vote on your rights...

it is bigotry disguised as neutrality..it's hogwash!!!
you're either for equal rights or not

this is a cowardly stance if you ask me

I don't think she actually said any such thing. I can't interpret what she said, she would have to. But in the past Dawny has never been anything but kind.
I didn't hear her say anything that said that she thought that gays didn't deserve any rights.


Agnostic Theist
I don't think she actually said any such thing. I can't interpret what she said, she would have to. But in the past Dawny has never been anything but kind.
I didn't hear her say anything that said that she thought that gays didn't deserve any rights.

Basically, I think it's coming down to either you are for us, and believe everything we say. Or you're against us because you're a hateful bigot. Deny one of us, you're a bigot.


Veteran Member
I don't think she actually said any such thing. I can't interpret what she said, she would have to. But in the past Dawny has never been anything but kind.
I didn't hear her say anything that said that she thought that gays didn't deserve any rights.

she thought persecution was too strong of a word
how about intimidation, bullying, mistreated, wronged, victimization, oppression, ill treatment, vilified


Premium Member
Basically, I think it's coming down to either you are for us, and believe everything we say. Or you're against us because you're a hateful bigot. Deny one of us, you're a bigot.

I think that is getting a little extreme. A person can totally love another person and still think that something they are doing may be wrong. I don't dwell on that since I do things that are pretty wrong myself sometimes. (and no, I am not stating that being gay is right or wrong, I am speaking generally).


Premium Member
she thought persecution was too strong of a word
how about intimidation, bullying, mistreated, wronged, victimization, oppression, ill treatment, vilified

I think you misread her statement. She was saying that it, in her opinion, was discrimination, but she didn't believe that it was extreme persecution. But as I said, I can't interpret someone else statements.
Whether I agree with her or not, I can't say. I am not gay and I have never experienced any discrimination outside of the time when I was a woman in the Navy (more than 20 years ago, the Navy has changed since for the better, I heard). I was called a racial expletive once by a little girl (the s word for latinos) (I am 1/2 native American not latino, but let's not get into details). That girl's family was always giving me dirty looks and stuff, but I just ignored them.